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已有 5510 次阅读 2012-3-22 06:03 |个人分类:科研工作|系统分类:论文交流| 科学家, 排序

Quantifying the influence of scientists and their publications: distinguishing between prestige and popularity

Author: Yan-Bo Zhou, Linyuan Lü* and Menghui Li

Journal:New J.Phys. 14 (2012) 033033

Download: http://iopscience.iop.org/1367-2630/14/3/033033


The number of citations is a widely used metric for evaluating the scientific credit of papers, scientists and journals. However, it so happens that papers with fewer citations from prestigious scientists have a higher influence than papers with more citations. In this paper, we argue that by whom the paper is being cited is of greater significance than merely the number of citations. Accordingly, we propose an interactive model of author–paper bipartite networks as well as an iterative algorithm to obtain better rankings for scientists and their publications. The main advantage of this method is twofold: (i) it is a parameter-free algorithm; (ii) it considers the relationship between the prestige of scientists and the quality of their publications. We conducted real experiments on publications in econophysics, and used this method to evaluate the influence of related scientific journals. The comparison between the rankings by our method and simple citation counts suggests that our method is effective in distinguishing prestige from popularity.

Introduction and background. The question of how to measure the scientific influence of scientists and their publications is a long-term debate. Citation counts have been widely used to evaluate scientific impact. However, a paper with fewer citations, but those from prestigious scientists, is of greater influence than those papers with more citations, but from less prestigious sources. The value of each citation should depend on its source. We therefore propose an iterative algorithm to quantify the scientists' prestige and the quality of their publications via their interrelationship on an author–paper bipartite network; we call this the AP rank.

Main results. We apply AP rank to classify scientists and papers in the field of econophysics. Although some overlap exists between AP rank and citation counts, the outliers reveal the remarkable and meaningful differences. The figure shows the co-authorship network. With AP rank, we also identify the top-five mainstream journals in econophysics, Physica A, Physical Review E, European Physical Journal B, Quantitative Finance and Physical Review Letters.

Wider implications. The main advantages of AP rank are obvious: (1) it is parameter-free; (2) it considers the interaction between the prestige of scientists and the quality of their publications; and (3) it is effective in distinguishing prestige from popularity. Our algorithm can be generalized to applications in a wide range of systems. For example, on Twitter we can build an online reputation system to identify the influential users and evaluate the quality of their tweets by constructing a bipartite network where the retweets can be considered as a kind of citation.


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