水之魂 (The Soul of Water)分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/ecqsun 《价键弛豫》《计量谱学》《氢键规则》《水合反应》


石墨烯之魂11: 石墨表层和点缺陷选区XPS (ZPS)

已有 8293 次阅读 2012-1-19 23:27 |个人分类:计量能谱|系统分类:论文交流| 石墨烯, C-C, ZPS


1. 扫描隧道显微术(STM/S)只能获取固体表层原子的外层电子谱(费米能级附近);
2. XPS获取固体表面几层和体内原子混合的内层电子谱 (体信息);
3. ZPS提取表层原子和缺陷周围两个原子范围内的价电子和芯能级谱(表面单原子层和点分辨信息, 如图示);
4. ZPS不仅克服XPS解谱的困难而且提供关于局域键长、键能、结合能、电荷极化和钉扎等以及它们的动力学过程的定量信息;
5. ZPS(2010美国专利)有望成为材料科学、表面科学、和界面科学领域最为快捷有效的关键技术。

Zone-selective photoelectronic measurements of the local bonding and electronic dynamics associated with the monolayer skin and point defects of graphite
RSC Adv DOI: 10.1039/c2ra00512c
STM/S Profiles of point defects at graphite surface[PRL 104, 096804, 2010] evidenced the BOLS expected high protrusion and the Ef resonant peaks as arising from th epolarization of the dangling bond electrons by the localy and densely entrapped core electrons of he lesscoordinated edge carbon atoms. 

1) surface bonds are shorter and stronger (Ts) than those in the bulk (B);
2) defect bonds are even shorter and stronger (TD);
3) defect dangling bond electrons are polarized (P).


上一篇:局域键平均3: Dielectrics & optoelectrinics of nanosolid Si
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5 刘全慧 余世锋 杨学弦 李蕾 crossludo

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