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已有 3035 次阅读 2011-4-5 11:45 |系统分类:科研笔记| 地球化学, 元素, 金水河



Following results are achieved through investigations on mineral elements exchange patterns in biogeochemical cycles in Jinshuihe River Basin. Firstly, variability of river water quality is determined by different spatial patterns of mineral elements. Contribution of river water mainly comes from silicate weathering components. Contribution ratio function of river water quality can be expressed by regression model as, YRiverwater0.242+0.203XRain+0172XLitter+0.471XSoilwater (R20.55). Secondly, ion exchange process of solid-liquid interface (soil-soil solution) can be regressed by fitting curve models of quadratic and cubic. Thirdly, carbonate silicate contains small portion of Na+ and K+, and is affected by acid rain. However, Na+ aggravates trends of soil salinization in exchange process of solid-liquid interface. Values of HCO3- and TDS in soil and litter are in stable ranges. Finally, soil quality improves in physical properties, but depletes in nutrient components, and deteriorates within biogeochemical properties. Acid rain and drought accelerate changing components of river water. The pollution of human activities significantly affected input of pollutants.

Key words: mineral elements exchange patterns, contribution rate, model fitting, biogeochemical.


下一篇:Evaluating Status Changes of Soil Potassium from Path Model
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