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已有 8778 次阅读 2010-10-6 23:34 |个人分类:QTL精细定位|系统分类:论文交流| QTL精细定位


 1 Fine mapping of Sta1, a quantitative trait locus determining stele transversal area, on rice chromosome 9(得到全文再上传,有空再把一些旧资料补上)


2. Bai X, Luo L, Yan W, Kovi Mallikarjuna R, Zhan W, Xing Y: Genetic dissection of rice grain shape using a recombinant inbred line population derived from two contrasting parents and fine mapping a pleiotropic quantitative trait locus qGL7. BMC Genet 11: 16 (2010).(通过残余杂合系的方法建立近等基因系。Based on QTL mapping results from 2006, 185 RILs were screened for heterozygotes at  the  markers  flanking  the  QTLs.  In  RIL76,  the  interval  between  RM22065  and  RM5720  exhibited  heterozygosity,  but  was  homozygous  in  other  genetic  backgrounds.  Selfing  of  RIL76  produced  progeny  segregating  for qGL7  population  in  a  near  isogenic  background.)

Genetic dissection of rice grain shape

3. Zhou L, Chen L, Jiang L, Zhang W, Liu L, Liu X, Zhao Z, Liu S, Zhang L, Wang J, Wan J: Fine mapping of the grain chalkiness QTL qPGWC-7 in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Theor Appl Genet 118: 581-90 (2009).(单片段代换系chromosome segment substitution lines,)

chalkiness QTL qPGWC-7

4.Fine mapping and candidate gene analysis of spd6, responsible for small panicle and dwarfness in wild rice (Oryza rufipogon Griff.)(CSSL,遗传分析群体:BC4F1 and BC4F2,精细定位群体24,120 BC4F3。结果:22.4 kb region that contains four annotated genes)

candidate gene analysis of spd6

5. Liu T, Mao D, Zhang S, Xu C, Xing Y: Fine mapping SPP1, a QTL controlling the number of spikelets per panicle, to a BAC clone in rice (Oryza sativa). Theor Appl Genet 118: 1509-17 (2009).

Fine mapping SPP1

6 . Xu X, Chen H, Fujimura T, Kawasaki S: Fine mapping of a strong QTL of field resistance against rice blast, Pikahei-1(t), from upland rice Kahei, utilizing a novel resistance evaluation system in the greenhouse. Theor Appl Genet 117: 997-1008 (2008).(作图群体residual heterozygosity of recombinant inbred lines (RILs))

Fine mapp blast

7. Xing YZ, Tang WJ, Xue WY, Xu CG, Zhang Q: Fine mapping of a major quantitative trait loci, qSSP7, controlling the number of spikelets per panicle as a single Mendelian factor in rice. Theor Appl Genet 116: 789-96 (2008).(a recombinant inbred line with 70% of genetic background same as the female parent of
Zhenshan 97, was selected to produce near-isogenic lines for the target region in the present study.)


8 . Wan X, Weng J, Zhai H, Wang J, Lei C, Liu X, Guo T, Jiang L, Su N, Wan J: Quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis for rice grain width and fine mapping of an identified QTL allele gw-5 in a recombination hotspot region on chromosome 5. Genetics 179: 2239-52 (2008).(该研究遇到了分离紊乱和重组热点的问题,所以有这部分Dissecting QTL qGW-5 into a single gene, gw-5,这个基因已经克隆了。不过先出来的是这篇文章 Shomura A, Izawa T, Ebana K, Ebitani T, Kanegae H, Konishi S, Yano M: Deletion in a gene associated with grain size increased yields during rice domestication. Nat Genet 40: 1023-8 (2008)associated with grain size “Fine mapping of qSW5 using F3 and F4 progeny of a F2 plant, 94BC3F2–7 (Supplementary Fig. 1b), delimited
the functional nucleotide polymorphisms (FNPs) for qSW5 within a 2,263-bp fragment of Kasalath genomic region”。)

9. Luo JJ, Hao W, Jin J, Gao JP, Lin HX: Fine mapping of Spr3, a locus for spreading panicle from African cultivated rice (Oryza glaberrima Steud.). Mol Plant 1: 830-8 (2008).(这个基因的后续研究可能会有问题,因为However, any coding regions or other meaningful sequences for the Spr3 locus were not found within this
delimited region.Spr3,有人也遇到类似的问题OsSPL14 promotes panicle branching and higher grain
productivity in riceOsSPL14“We compared the sequence of the 2.6-kb candidate region between the Nipponbare and ST-12 lines but found no difference in nucleotide sequence.”)


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