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已有 7314 次阅读 2010-9-28 08:51 |个人分类:QTL精细定位|系统分类:科研笔记| 基因组, 文章

         High-throughput genotyping by whole-genome resequencingHigh-throughput genotyping by whole-genome reseque。用重组自交系来进行精细定位,放在几年前估计会让人笑话。精度不够。但当和全基因组重测序结合后结果就不一样了。这篇文章显示150个系的RIL群体有精细定位的能力。we located a quantitative trait locus of large effect on plant height in a 100-kb region containing the rice ‘‘green revolution’’ gene。100kb当然是个精细定位的区间。实际上RIL群体里包含非常多的重组事件,在徐博士的新书中也提到过:“”RILs have undergone several cycles of meiosis、before fixation, which differs from F2 or BC populations where only one cycle of meiosis occurs. As a result, linked genes have more opportunities to recombine in RIL populations.This property was discovered by Haldane and Waddington (1931) by studying inbreeding populations. For tightly linked loci, the number of recombinants observed in RILs is twice that observed in the populations with only one cycle of meiosis. At the beginning stage of genetic mapping,this multiple recombination in RILs makes it difficult to detect linkage. Once linkage relationships are roughly established among loci, the greater frequency of recombination makes it easy to detect non-allelism among loci. It also makes the estimation of genetic distances more accurate because the confidence interval for an estimated genetic distance is a function of recombination frequency‘’。这是该书的目录.Molecular Plant Breeding 订购信息订购信息 Crop Science上对该书的评论book review  .在我原来的博客中,专门介绍过他的新书。当然我不敢妄加评论,记得有名言:别人捧我的时候,我就感到害怕,怕捧得不够。




SEG-Map: A Novel Software for Genotype Calling and Genetic Map Construction from Next-generation Sequencing



Mapping 49 quantitative trait loci at high resolution through sequencing-based genotyping of rice recombinant inbred lines

Mapping 49 quantitative trait loci at high resolution through.pdf


Parent-independent genotyping for constructing an ultrahigh-density linkage map based on population sequencing

Parent-independent genotyping for constructing anultrahigh-density linkage map b.pdf

Gains in QTL Detection Using an Ultra-High Density SNP Map Based on Population Sequencing Relative to
Traditional RFLP/SSR Markers



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