报告人: 谢兵永 (北京大学数学系 华东师范大学) Title: p-adic Hodge theory and p-adic Langlands correspondence Abstract: In this talk, I survey things around p-adic Langlands correspondence. First I recall some background of the global and local Langlands correspondence. Relations between Deligne-Weil representations and l-adic smooth repreresentations will be touched. Then I will go to the motivation for the p-adic Langlands: why we consider p-adic Langlands? Why p-adic Langlands say more than the classical Langlands. I may attach Breuil-Berger and Colmez’s works. I may also list some questions which, I think, are important or interesting if possible. Time: 2010 June 18 Friday, 3:10pm-4:10pm
Speaker: Derong Qiu(Capital Normal University) Title: On Shafarevich-Tate groups of elliptic curves and several applications Abstract In this talk, we will introduce some basic facts on the arithmetic of elliptic curves, and then discuss some of our recent work on Shafarevich-Tate groups of elliptic curves and applications.
Time: 2010 June 18 Friday, 4:20pm-5:20pm
Classroom: Dept. Math of CNU, Room 312 (北京西三环花园桥往南首师大校本部东门进去右手第一座楼)