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已有 7236 次阅读 2010-2-24 11:11 |个人分类:研研不息|系统分类:科研笔记| 科研, 合作, 基金, 矿物, 留学回国人员

     陶奇,男,2003年毕业于淮北师范大学化学应用专业;2006年获暨南大学无机化学专业硕士学位;20101月获中国科学院广州地球化学研究所博士学位。其中,2008年获中国国家留学基金委资助,公派至澳大利亚Queensland University of Technology访问留学一年。现为中国科学院广州地化所副研究员。先后参与国家杰出青年基金项目“无机-有机复合柱撑粘土的微结构及其环境净化机理(矿物学)”、国家自然科学基金项目“有机硅嫁接粘土矿物的结构表征、表面性能及其制约因素”、“粘土矿物的表面功能化及其在污染修复中的应用”等项目的研究工作。对粘土的合成与表面改性相关的合成与表征等研究工作比较熟悉。先后在LangmuirApplied Clay ScienceJournal of Materials Chemistry 等国内外知名期刊发表论文10余篇(含第一作者SCI收录论文7篇)。其中论文“Synthesis and characterization of layered double hydroxides with a high aspect ratio (Tao et al., 2006),被评为该杂志2006年度“TOP 25最受关注论文”。







1) Tao Q., Zhang YM, Zhang X, Yuan P. and He H.P., Synthesis and characterization of layered double hydroxides with a high aspect ratio. Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 2006, 179 (3), 708-715.

2) Tao Q., Reddy B.J., He H.P., Frost R.L., Yuan P. and Zhu J.X., Synthesis and infrared spectroscopic characterization of selected layered double hydroxides containing divalent Ni and Co. Materials Chemistry And Physics 2008, 112(3): 869-875.

3) Tao Q., He H.P., Frost R.L., Yuan P. and Zhu J.X., Nanomaterials based upon silylated layered double hydroxides. Applied Surface Science 2009, 255: 4334-4340.

4) Tao Q., Yuan J., Frost R.L., He H.P., Yuan P. and Zhu J.X., Effect of surfactant concentration on the stacking modes of organo-silylated layered double hydroxides. Applied Clay Science 2009, 45: 262-269.

5) Tao Q., Zhu J.X., Frost R.L., Bostrom T.E., Wellard R.M., Wei J.M., Yuan P. and He H.P., Silylation of layered double hydroxides via a calcination-rehydration route. Langmuir 2010, 26(4): 2769-2773.

6) Tao Q., He H.P., Frost R.L., Yuan P. and Zhu J.X., Thermal decomposition of silylated layered double hydroxides. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 2010,(101): 153-159 .

7) Tao Q., Zhu J.X.,  Wellard R. M.,  Bostrom T.E., Frost R.L.  and He H.P., Silylation of layered double hydroxides via an induced hydrolysis method. Journal of Materials Chemistry 2011, 21, 10711-10719.

8) Zhu J.X., Yuan P., He H.P., Frost R.L., Tao Q., Shen W. and Bostrom T.E., In situ synthesis of surfactant/silane-modified hydrotalcites. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2008, 319: 498-504.

9) Yuan P., Annabi-Bergaya F., Tao Q., Fan M.D., Liu Z.W., Zhu J.X., He H.P. and Chen T.H., A combined study by XRD, MR, TG and HRTEM on the structure of delaminated Fe-intercalated/pillared clay. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2008, 324: 142-149.

10) 袁鹏,杨丹,陶奇,Faïza B.,何宏平,朱建喜,周琴, 铁盐水解法制备铁层柱蒙脱石及其结构特性研究. 矿物岩石地球化学通报 2007, 26(2): 111-117.







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