健康工作 快乐生活—麦立强—纳米 ...分享麦立强 博士,教授,博导,哈佛大学访问学者:结友,交流,进步



已有 7273 次阅读 2010-1-15 10:37 |个人分类:学术快讯|系统分类:生活其它| 高性能, 半导体纳米线, 光学性质, 纳电子器件, Nanowires

熊启华博士任职于新加坡南洋理工大学南洋助理教授,同时也是该校电气电子工程学院兼职教授。他获得第二批新加坡国家研究基金研究员( Singapore National Research Foundation Research Fellowship)资助,于2009 6 月加盟南洋理工大学。熊启华博士 1997 年从武汉大学物理系毕业,同年保送中科院上海应用物理研究所硕士研究生,师从李民乾教授。2000 年硕士毕业后去美国留学,师从宾夕法尼亚州立大学著名教授Peter C. Eklund, 从事半导体纳米材料基本物理性质研究。他于 2006 年获得博士学位后加入哈佛大学纳米科学的先驱Charles M. Lieber 教授研究组从事博士后研究。博士后期间,熊启华博士主要从事半导体纳米线异质结材料合成以及在高电子迁移率、高性能纳电子学中的应用,还开展了纳电子器件在生物检测方面的研究。其研究工作主要发表在PNAS, Nano Letters, Applied Physics Letters, Physical Review B等杂志上,被引用超过450 次。
熊启华博士获得过一系列奖励,包括 Singapore National Research Foundation Fellow award (2009), Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute (PASI) fellowship (DOE and NSF, 2006), Graduate Award for Academic Excellence (The Pennsylvania State University, 2006), 优秀研究生教育奖 (1998 and 1999, CAS), 汇凯奖学金 (Wuhan University, 1996), 桂质廷-许海兰奖学金 (Wuhan University, 1995) 以及人民奖学金 (Wuhan University, 1994).
报告摘要 Abstract
Semiconductor Nanowires Heterostructures for High Performance Nanoelectronic Devices

      Semiconductor nanowires have been demonstrated as building blocks for nanoelectronics, nanophotonics and bio/chem sensors. Of particular interest are heterostructures, either axial or radial (core-shell or core-multishell), in which functionalities can be encoded during chemical synthesis stage. Here, we demonstrate a high mobility one-dimensional electron gas systems based on InAs/InP nanowire heterostructures and their applications in complementary metaloxide-semiconductor (CMOS) nanoelectronic circuits. We obtained the highest electron mobility and largest scaled ON-current in those field effect transistors (FETs), which represents a significant improvement over other 1D nanostructures (including carbon nanotubes) and planar metal-oxide-semiconductor FETs. Using a contact printing technique and combined with hole gas Ge/Si core-shell heterostructures, 3-dimensional (3D) integrated multi-layer nanowire CMOS circuits have been achieved, which exhibit increased circuit complexity, low static power consumption and faster device switching speed. As an example, CMOS ring oscillator constructed with three CMOS inverter logic gates showed oscillation frequency of 108 MHz, which is the highest switching speed reported up to date utilizing nanomaterials.
 In the end of the talk, Dr. Qihua Xiong will briefly introduce his current research in NTU, and the research strength in NTU physics and applied physics.

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