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已有 3633 次阅读 2010-1-12 18:05 |个人分类:相关论文|系统分类:生活其它| TOEFL, confidence, ticket

For a long time, after i finish the TOEFL iBT on Dec.5th, I want to wright something of my life. I am too lazy these days that i do not know what i'm really want to do. Every day i come to the learning room, the first thing i do is to open the computer and suffer on the internet. I will spend much time on the things that really waste of the time. I'm changing. I'm lost on my way to the US. Last month, the day 20th, I received the socre report of TOEFL. I only got 13 points in the listening part and the total is not as satisfactory as I though before the test. The drean was broken, not because others but myself. Firestly the attitude of mine to hold this test is not on the right way. I'm too pround of myself, yes,  CONCEIT- what a terrible word! I considered the test as an gamble, in which if I win, I would get everything especially the honor; whereas if I lose, nothing but ridicule. Finally I got the latter one. Now, I'm pushed to the edge of the cliff. It's the last chance for me to own the ticket to US. Or if I lose this chance I would feel regretful the rest of my life. For that dream, I have dropped so much. I've given up the opportunity to go to Tokyo University to study forestry genetics which is ranked front of the world' I've given up the chance to get a doctoral degree in NWAFU as the status of master-doctor candidate in Ecology.  If I can not sucsessfully fly, then it's really a tragedy, isn't it?

Time is limited, the time for my struggle is not as much as before. Standing in front of the junction, I choose the way for myself.  Hold on! You'll make it. Never be lazy and never think about the result. Just do it!

Big challenge, Feb. 27th, 2010. I'll knock it down and to be the real winner of my future!

God bless me !


上一篇:在SPSS软件相关分析中,pearson(皮尔逊), kendall(肯德尔) 和spearman(斯伯曼/斯皮尔曼)三种相关分析方法有什么异同(转)
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