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Nature杂志主编Philip Campbell博士讲座

已有 4296 次阅读 2009-4-3 14:51 |个人分类:公共管理|系统分类:观点评述


带着这些问题,清华大学中国科技政策研究中心第十九期学术沙龙特邀《Nature》杂志主编Philip Campbell博士与大家共同探讨,期待您的光临!

讲座题目:Scientific Communication and the Growth of Influential Blogging
主  讲 人:Dr. Philip Campbell
主 持 人:薛澜教授


The lecture will discuss how Nature is evolving online and, more generally, how communications about science are evolving. The speaker will put this in the broader contexts of (a) how science makes an impact and (b) how some pioneering scientists are themselves by-passing the media by using the internet to reach broad audiences.

Dr. Philip Campbell is Editor-in-Chief of Nature and Nature Publications, based in London.

He has a BSc in aeronautical engineering (University of Bristol), an MSc in astrophysics (Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London) and a PhD and postdoctoral research in upper atmospheric physics (University of Leicester).

His areas of responsibility include the editorial content and management of Nature and the long-term quality of all Nature publications.

He has worked with the UK Office of Science and Innovation, the European Commission and the US National Institutes of Health on issues relating to science and its impacts in society. He is a trustee of Cancer Research UK. He was the founding editor of Physics World.

He is a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society and a Fellow of the Institute of Physics. He was awarded an honorary DSc by Leicester University and Bristol University. He is an Associate of Clare Hall, Cambridge University.


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