职业编辑出版人,开放存取倡导者分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/wangyk Visiting Scholar at University of Minnesota,PhD at Peking University, Bachelor & Master Degree at Northwest A&F University



已有 4238 次阅读 2008-4-9 21:26 |个人分类:OA开放存取| 开放存取, 自我存档, Self-archiving




由印度人Anup Kumar Das编著,联合国教科文组织UNESCO出版的关于开放存取(Open access)的专著《知识与信息的开放存取:学术文献与数字图书馆首倡-南亚背景》(博主拙译,请以原著为准)已经正式出版。兹提供书目信息、序言、目录如下。该书内容是关于开放存取的,其全文也是可以免费开放获取的。感兴趣的朋友可以免费下载全文。下载地址:http://openmed.nic.in/2789/.


Open Access to Knowledge and Information: Scholarly Literature and Digital Library Initiatives –The South Asian Scenario


Anup Kumar Das

Edited by: Bimal Kanti Sen and Jocelyne Josiah

© UNESCO 2008

ISBN 978-81-89218-21-8


This publication may be reproduced in any media appropriately acknowledging UNESCO and the authors.

Design, Typesetting & Graphics: Nikhil Offset Printers, New Delhi


Published by:

The United Nations Educational Scientific & Cultural Organization (UNESCO)


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New Delhi 110029


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Email: newdelhi@unesco.org



The authors are responsible for the choice and the presentation of the facts contained in this publication and for the opinions expressed therein, which are not necessarily those of UNESCO and do not commit the Organization. The designations employed and the presentation of materials throughout the publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of UNESCO concerning the legal status of any county, territory, city or area or of its frontiers or boundaries.




Universal access to information and knowledge lies UNESCO's overall mandate to promote the free flow of information by word and by image and thus to place information and knowledge at the doorsteps of communities. UNESCO strives to forge an enabling environment to facilitate and open up avenues for universal access to information and knowledge.


Open Access to information and knowledge is an innovative mode of scholarly communication within the digital environment aimed at achievement of universal access to information and knowledge. While Open Access helps digital inclusion of citizens in developing countries by bringing within easy reach full-text contents of scholarly works, documentary heritage collections and development-related literature, the Digital Library remains a knowledge repository of such citizens, indigenous people, communities and institutions. Open Access to knowledge is a model adopted by many international and intergovernmental fora, such as the World Summit on the information Society (WSIS), for disseminating full-text contents to online communities.


The South Asia sub-region is now in the forefront of the Open Access movement within developing countries in the world, with India being the most prominent partner in terms of its successful Open Access and Digital Library initiatives. Institutional and policy frameworks in India also facilitate innovative solutions for increasing international visibility and accessibility of scholarly literature and documentary heritage in this country.


This publication has its genesis in the recommendations and proceedings of UNESCO-supported international conferences and workshops including the 4th International Conference of Asian Digital Libraries (ICADL2001, Bangalore); the International Conferences on Digital Libraries (ICDL2004 & ICDL2006, New Delhi); and the International Workshop on Greenstone Digital Library software (2006, Kozhikode), where many information professionals of this sub-region demonstrated their Digital Library and Open Access Initiatives. It discusses successful activities in the South Asia subregion bringing closer to the worldwide audience, the subject of access to scholarly literature and documentary heritage. This may thus be considered an authoritative source-book on Open Access Development in this sub-region.


Jocelyne Josiah

Adviser in communication and information for Asia


New Delhi



Introduction 1

Digital Library Initiatives 7

Open Courseware Initiatives 43

Open Access Journals 56

Metadata Harvesting Services 69

National-Level Open Access Repositories 83

Institutional Repositories 96

Conclusion 128

References 129

Annexure 130

Book Chapters Index 133

Other Useful Open Access Resources and Knowledge Portals 136



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