“这项研究标志着用尿液的代谢组学和肠道微生物的元基因组学精细刻画人体的健康状况并深入研究其分子机理是可行的。这种以完整人体为对象的系统生物学研究策略与中医的哲学思想和方法学一脉相承,有望对中医理论的现代化阐释做出重要贡献。” 赵立平。
Study maps gut microflora
Published: Feb. 6, 2008 at 10:24 AM
The researchers from Imperial College London and
However, the relationship between different species of bacteria and different processes has previously been defined only at a broad level, the scientists said, noting that prior to their study, only five people had had their gut microflora profiled in depth, with that data being published.
"Now we have developed a new way of exploring the connections between bugs and man we can hope to find a 'Rosetta Stone' to translate the functional properties of the bugs and so improve therapies to treat disorders of the gut and related conditions," said Imperial College London Professor Jeremy Nicholson, lead author of the study.
The research, led by Professor Liping Zhao of
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