我们数十年来一直在随机共振理论与应用的领域开拓,自2003年至今共在《Physical Review E》期刊上发表
1. David Rousseau, Fabing Duan, and Francois Chapeau-Blondeau.Suprathreshold stochastic resonance and noise-enhanced Fisher information in arrays of threshold devices, Phys. Rev. E 68, 031107 (2003) 52 citations.
2. Bohou Xu, Fabing Duan, and Francois Chapeau-Blondeau. Comparison of aperiodic stochastic resonance in a bistable system realized by adding noise and by tuning system parameters, Phys. Rev. E 69, 061110 (2004) 57 citations.
3. Fabing Duan, David Rousseau, and Francois Chapeau-Blondeau. Residual aperiodic stochastic resonance in a bistable dynamic system transmitting a suprathreshold binary signal, Phys. Rev. E 69, 011109 (2004) 44 citations.
4. Francois Chapeau-Blondeau, Fabing Duan, and Derek Abbott. Synaptic signal transduction aided by noise in a dynamical saturating model,Phys. Rev. E 81, 021124 (2010) 11 citations.
5. Fabing Duan, François Chapeau-Blondeau, and Derek Abbott. Fisher-information condition for enhanced signal detection via stochastic resonance.Phys. Rev. E 84, 051107 (2011) 22 citations.
6. Fabing Duan, Francois Chapeau-Blondeau, and Derek Abbott. Double-maximum enhancement of signal-to-noise ratio gain via stochastic resonance and vibrational resonance. Phys. Rev. E 90, 022134 (2014) 14 citations.
7. Yuhao Ren, Yan Pan, Fabing Duan, Francois Chapeau-Blondeau, and Derek Abbott. Exploiting vibrational resonance in weak-signal detection. Phys. Rev. E 96, 022141 (2017) 28 citations.
8. Fei Li, Fabing Duan, Francois Chapeau-Blondeau, and Derek Abbott. Signal estimation and filtering from quantized observations via adaptive stochastic resonance. Phys. Rev. E 103, 052108 (2021) 13 citations.
9. Saiya Bai, Fabing Duan, Francois Chapeau-Blondeau, and Derek Abbott. Generalization of stochastic-resonance-based threshold networks with Tikhonov regularization. Phys. Rev. E 106, L012101 (2022) 9 citations.
10. Yuhao Ren, Fabing Duan, Francois Chapeau-Blondeau, and Derek Abbott. Self-gating stochastic-resonance-based autoencoder for unsupervised learning. Phys. Rev. E 110, 014107 (2024).
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