据生物学家公司(The Company Of Biologists)2024年2月12日提供的消息,科学家发现女性不孕的主要原因(Scientists Identify Key Cause of Female Infertility)。相关研究结果2023年12月13日已经生物学家公司旗下的《发育》(Development)杂志网站发表——Yuxi Ding, Zequn He, Yanwei Sha, Kehkooi Kee, Lin Li. Eif4enif1 haploinsufficiency disrupts oocyte mitochondrial dynamics and leads to subfertility. Development, 2023, 150(23): dev202151. DOI: 10.1242/dev.202151. published: 13 December 2023. 同日同期还发表了研究亮点介绍了上述研究——Research Highlight| 13 December 2023
An RNA-binding protein impacts oogenesis by affecting mitochondrial dynamics
参与上述此项研究的有来自中国清华大学医学院(School of Medicine, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China)、清华大学生命科学中心(Center for Life Sciences, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China)、中国厦门大学医学院妇幼医院(Women and Children's Hospital, School of Medicine, Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian, China)以及北京首都医科大学附属北京妇幼保健医院(Capital Medical University, Beijing Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital, Beijing, China)的研究人员。
高达3.7%的女性因这种情况而不孕,约30%的病例是由于遗传变异造成的。领导了这项研究的是来自中国清华大学的纪家葵(Kehkooi Kee)教授,他已经研究这种情况好多年了。
纪家葵教授说:“2019年,我们的合作者李琳教授(Lin Li)的团队遇到了一个卵巢功能不全的家庭,其中一个名为Eif4enif1的基因发生了变化,似乎是导致这种疾病的原因。”研究人员决定在老鼠身上重现这种基因变化,试图了解它是如何影响人类不育的。他们的研究表明,这些小鼠的卵子受到线粒体变化的影响,而线粒体则是细胞的动力源,他们在《发育》(Development)杂志网站2023年12月13日已经发表了他们的新发现。
研究人员利用CRISPR技术将这种基因变化引入老鼠体内。他们让这些老鼠长大,然后将它们的生育能力与DNA未被编辑的老鼠的生育能力进行比较。该研究论文的第一作者、医学博士生丁玉熙(Yuxi Ding音译)发现,在年龄较大和基因编辑过的小鼠中,卵泡(含有发育中的卵子的小囊)的平均总数减少了约40%(每窝幼仔的平均数量减少了33%)。重要的是,当在培养皿中培养时,大约一半的受精卵不能存活到发育的早期阶段。这表明,就像人类病人一样,这些老鼠也遇到了生育问题。
线粒体断裂与生育(Mitochondrial Disruption and Fertility)
这些行为不正常的线粒体似乎可能导致了这些小鼠的生育问题,这使得研究人员提出,恢复正常的线粒体行为可能会提高生育能力。本研究为未来人类不孕症的研究提供了方向,如确定人类卵巢功能不全患者的卵子中是否也存在线粒体缺陷,卵子受精后的胚胎中是否也存在同样的线粒体缺陷。此外,测试恢复线粒体的正常分布是否能提高生育能力可能成为一种新的治疗策略。纪家葵教授说:“我们的研究表明,挽救卵母细胞线粒体异常(oocyte mitochondria abnormality)可能是具有遗传变异的临床不孕症患者的潜在治疗靶点。”
本研究由中国国家自然科学基金(82171628 / National Natural Science Foundation of China)、中国北京首都医科大学杰出青年人才计划(B2205 / Outstanding Young Talents Program of the Capital Medical University)、中华人民共和国科技部(2022YFA0806301, 2021YFA0719301 / Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China)和北京医院管理局青年计划(QML20201401 / Beijing Hospital Authority Youth Program)资助。
Abstract(DOI: 10.1242/dev.202151)
Infertility affects couples worldwide. Premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) refers to loss of ovarian function before 40 years of age and is a contributing factor to infertility. Several case studies have reported dominant-inherited POI symptoms in families with heterozygous EIF4ENIF1 (4E-T) mutations. However, the effects of EIF4ENIF1 haploinsufficiency have rarely been studied in animal models to reveal the underlying molecular changes related to infertility. Here, we demonstrate that Eif4enif1 haploinsufficiency causes mouse subfertility, impairs oocyte maturation and partially arrests early embryonic development. Using dual-omic sequencing, we observed that Eif4enif1 haploinsufficiency significantly altered both transcriptome and translatome in mouse oocytes, by which we further revealed oocyte mitochondrial hyperfusion and mitochondria-associated ribonucleoprotein domain distribution alteration in Eif4enif1-deficient oocytes. This study provides new insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying clinical fertility failure and new avenues to pursue new therapeutic targets to address infertility.
Research Highlight| 13 December 2023
An RNA-binding protein impacts oogenesis by affecting mitochondrial dynamics
Development (2023) 150 (23): e150_e2304.
Premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) is characterised by loss of ovarian function before the age of 40. Mutations in EIF4ENIF1, an RNA-binding protein expressed in developing oocytes, have been linked with POI, and previous work has shown that Eif4enif1 knockdown promotes meiotic arrest in mouse oocytes. However, the mechanism by which EIF4ENIF1 might affect fertility is unclear. Here, Lin Li, Kehkooi Kee and colleagues generate Eif4enif1 heterozygous knockout mice to model the haploinsufficiency observed in human patients. They find that these mice produce smaller litters than wild-type mice. Young Eif4enif1-deficient mice are indistinguishable from wild-type mice in terms of ovary size and follicle number but, from 9 months of age, they exhibit a reduced number of follicles. Eif4enif1-deficient oocytes also exhibit maturation defects and dysregulated gene expression at both transcriptional and translational levels, including genes encoded by mitochondrial DNA. Transmission electron microscopy analyses suggest that mitochondrial dynamics in the Eif4enif1-deficient oocytes are disrupted. The distribution of the mitochondria-associated ribonucleoprotein domain (MARDO), a structure implicated in mRNA storage, is also aberrant in these oocytes. Overall, this work sheds new light on the molecular basis of the role of EIF4ENIF1 in oocyte development and may provide new targets for clinical studies.
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