

JAS 多名作者编委当选2023年IEEE Fellow

已有 1615 次阅读 2022-11-24 09:56 |系统分类:博客资讯

近日,国际电气和电子工程师协会(IEEE)公布2023 年 Fellow 名单。IEEE Fellow是IEEE授予成员的最高荣誉,每年由同行专家在做出突出贡献的会员中评选出,当选人数不超过IEEE会员总人数的0.1%。每年IEEE Fellow名额极少,当选者基本都是在科学与工程技术领域内取得重要成就的杰出科学家

在2023年IEEE Fellow当选名单中,有9名为JAS作者、编委。本期遴选入选学者2021年以来在JAS发表的部分论文(未包含2020年及之前发表、已录用定稿中,以及投稿在审的论文),欢迎阅览!

S. W. Wang, X. Q. Zhu, W. P. Ding, and  A. A. Yengejeh,  “Cyberbullying and cyberviolence detection: A triangular user-activity-content view,”IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 9, no. 8, pp. 1384–1405, Aug. 2022.

> A comprehensive review of computational approaches for cyberbullying and cyberviolence detection.

> A User-Activities-Content (UAC) triangle view of the key factors in cyberbullying.

> Important features and their interactions in cyberbullying detection.

> Machine learning methods for cyberbullying detection.

W. Zhang, L. Deng, L. Zhang, and D. Wu, "A survey on negative transfer," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, doi: 10.1109/JAS.2022.106004.

> First introducing the definition of NT and its causes, and reviewing over fifty representative approaches for overcoming NT, which fall into three categories: domain similarity estimation, safe transfer, and NT mitigation.

> Give guidelines on NT task construction and baseline algorithms, benchmark existing TL and NT mitigation approaches on three NT-specific datasets, and point out challenges and future research directions.

C. D. Xiang, S. Ma, S. Kuang and D. Y. Dong, "Coherent H Control for Linear Quantum Systems With Uncertainties in the Interaction Hamiltonian," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 432-440, Feb. 2021.

> Considers a class of quantum systems with uncertainties in the interaction Hamiltonian.

> A necessary and sufficient condition for the robustly strict bounded real property of this type of uncertain quantum system is proposed.

> A coherent robust controller design method via direct and indirect couplings is studied for this type of uncertain quantum system.

K. L. Liu, Z. B. Wei, C. H. Zhang, Y. L. Shang, R. Teodorescu, and Q.-L. Han, “Towards long lifetime battery: AI-based manufacturing and management,” IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 9, no. 7, pp. 1139–1165, Jul. 2022

> AI-based manufacturing and smart battery to benefit battery health are showcased.

> Advanced AI solutions for battery life diagnostic and ageing prediction are reviewed.

> Control-oriented model and health-conscious charging to enhance battery longevity are presented.

> Current research gaps in the literature and remaining challenges are analyzed.

> Potential directions to achieve more technological breakthroughs are discussed.

Q. Y. Wang, W. H. Jiao, P. Wang and Y. M. Zhang, "Digital Twin for Human-Robot Interactive Welding and Welder Behavior Analysis,"IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 334-343, Feb. 2021.

> A digital twin framework is developed for human-robot interactive welding.

> Virtual reality enhances the interactive ability of the digital twins with users.

> A data-driven method is developed for welder behaving pattern recognition.

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