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Molecular Plant:水淹通过乙烯信号转导途径,促进生长素诱导的愈伤形成

已有 1936 次阅读 2022-11-8 23:11 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

Submergence promotes auxin-induced callus formation through ethylene-mediated post-transcriptional control of auxin receptors

第一作者Seung Yong Shin


通讯作者Hyo-Jun Lee


背景回顾:Plant cells in damaged tissue can be reprogrammed to acquire pluripotency and induce callus formation

提出问题However, in the aboveground organs of many species, somatic cells that are distal to the wound site become less sensitive to auxin-induced callus formation, suggesting the existence of repressive regulatory mechanisms that are largely unknown. 

主要发现Here, we reveal that submergence-induced ethylene signals promote callus formation by releasing post-transcriptional silencing of auxin receptor transcripts in non-wounded regions. 

结果1-水淹促进非创伤处的愈伤形成We determined that short-term submergence of intact seedlings induces auxin-mediated cell dedifferentiation across the entirety of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) explants. 

结果2-乙烯作用于愈伤形成The constitutive triple response 1-1 (ctr1-1) mutation induced callus formation in explants without submergence, suggesting that ethylene facilitates cell dedifferentiation 

结果3-乙烯信号转录后调控生长素受体基因Furthermore, we show that ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE 2 (EIN2) post-transcriptionally regulates the abundance of transcripts for auxin receptor genes by facilitating microRNA393 (miR393) degradation. 

结果4-愈伤的再生能力Submergence-induced calli in non-wounded regions were suitable for shoot regeneration, similar to those near the wound site.

结果5-该机制的保守性We also observed submergence-promoted callus formation in Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa), indicating that our findings may also be applicable in other species. 

结论Our study identifies previously unknown regulatory mechanisms by which ethylene promotes cell dedifferentiation and provides a new approach for boosting callus induction efficiency in shoot explants.


 摘 要 


doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molp.2022.11.001

Journal: Molecular Plant

Published date: November 04, 2022

Seung Yong Shin, Yuri Choi, Sang-Gyu Kim, Su-Jin Park, Ji-Sun Park, Ki-Beom Moon, Hyun-Soon Kim, Jae Heung Jeon, Hye Sun Cho, Hyo-Jun Lee. Submergence promotes auxin-induced callus formation through ethylene-mediated post-transcriptional control of auxin receptors. Molecular Plant, 2022. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molp.2022.11.001


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