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[算是科普吧?] 商博良,从罗塞塔到菲莱方尖碑和纸莎草纸

已有 5257 次阅读 2022-7-6 14:57 |个人分类:奇闻异事的大千世界|系统分类:人文社科

[算是科普吧?] 商博良,从罗塞塔到菲莱方尖碑纸莎草纸


商博良: Jean-Francois Champollion,  Jean-François Champollion

罗塞塔: Rosetta Stone

菲莱方尖碑:  Philae Obelisk,  The 'Bankes obelisk' from Philae

卡萨蒂纸莎草纸: Casati papyrus



   商博良破译古埃及文字时,除了罗塞塔石碑,商博良还用了“菲莱方尖碑,Philae Obelisk”和“卡萨蒂纸莎草纸,Casati papyrus”。





   在托马斯·杨(Thomas Young)在罗塞塔石碑上认出了圣书体中的“托勒密(Ptolmes)”一词之后,商博良(Champollion)根据 the Obelisk from Philae (菲莱方尖碑)认出了克里欧帕特拉(Cleopatra)和托勒密(Ptolmes)。很快商博良就拟构出表音象形文的字母表,并且发现埃及圣书体中不仅用拼音文字表记希腊人的名字(就像我们用史密斯来表记铁匠一样),而且也用拼音系统表记本土的埃及人名。于是便认出拉姆西斯(Rameses)、图特摩斯(Thothmes, Thutmosis),以及 Amenophis, Sethosis 等人名。

ean-Fran ois Champollion 11.jpg

图1  商博良,Jean-François Champollion,1790-12-23 ~ 1832-03-04



Rosetta Stone 11 The British Museum  Room 4   裁剪.jpg

图2  罗塞塔石碑, Rosetta Stone,The British Museum

Rosetta Stone 11 The British Museum  originally looked_缩小.jpg

图3  罗塞塔石碑 Rosetta Stone 及其想象复原图,The British Museum



Philae Obelisk 11 National Trust.jpg

图4  菲莱方尖碑, Philae Obelisk

Philae Obelisk 22 Hiroyuki Nagase South Side  kingstonlacy_south02_小.jpg

图5  菲莱方尖碑, Philae Obelisk, 位于 Kingston Lacy House & Park, Wimborne, Dorset, England. 英格兰多塞特郡温伯恩金斯顿花边住宅和公园



The 'Bankes obelisk' -its base with Greek inscriptions-, the Casati pa.jpg

The 'Bankes obelisk' -its base with Greek inscriptions-, the Casati papyrus, Bibliothèque Nationale.


图6  'Bankes 方尖碑' - 其底部带有希腊铭文 - 卡萨蒂纸莎草纸


Thomas Young 11.jpg

图7  托马斯·杨, Thomas Young, 1773-06-13 ~ 1829-05-10




[1] 知乎, 2019-04-14, 拿出小本本一起来翻译古埃及圣书体~~


[2] 知乎, 2019-04-11, 这块神秘石头,打开了古老的埃及圣书体之谜


[3] 网易,2021-03-17,商博良:破解古埃及罗塞塔石碑象形文字,于中国古文字中获得启发


[4] 知乎, 2015-04-21, 商博良是如何破译古埃及的罗塞塔石碑的?


[5] Everything you ever wanted to know about the Rosetta Stone, The British Museum


   里面有罗塞塔石碑的 3D 形式图像。

[6] Hiroyuki Nagase, 2016-05-06, Philae Obelisk


   Importance: This obelisk is extremely important, because this played a decisive role in the decipherment of the hieroglyphs. Although it's well known that the Rosetta Stone and Champollion played key roles for the decipherment of hieroglyphics, but the decipherment was not be able to without this Philae Obelisk.

Many books say, Champollion referred to the Hieroglyph, Demotic, Greek Language, inscribed on the Rosetta Stone, and he successfully identified the phonogram for p, t, l, o, etc. with comparing the cartouches of Ptolemy and Cleopatra. However, the name of Cleopatra doesn't appear on the Rosetta Stone, but only the king name of Ptolemy is repeated.

In addition to the hieroglyphs on the obelisk, the Greek was inscribed on the pedestal. Although this was not accurately transcripted the hieroglyph inscription into Greek, but the similar contents were written. And, the names of Ptolemy and Cleopatra were here. John Bankes copied the hieroglyphs and Greek of them, and distributed it to many Egyptologists in various countries. Champollion who saw it, was able to compare with the hieroglyph of Cleopatra.




[7] Rodney Ast, 2021-10-12, Jean-François Champollion, Rediscovering Egyptian


   Champollion is rightly famous for ‘rediscovering’ Egyptian, even if others, such as the Englishman Thomas Young, made contributions along the way. Drawing on Coptic and with the help of trilingual texts with Hieroglyphs, Demotic and Greek, such as the famous Rosetta Stone and the “Bankes obelisk” from Philae, Champollion managed to demonstrate the mixed phonetic and symbolic system of ancient Egyptian. This was first established through close comparison of the names Ptolemaios and Cleopatra in the Greek texts with the corresponding names in Demotic and Hieroglyphic, and then extended to other names and words. In effect, Champollion unlocked the Egyptian language and thus Egyptian culture for subsequent generations.

   商博良以“重新发现”埃及人而闻名,即使其他人,如英国人 Thomas Young,在此过程中也做出了贡献。 借鉴科普特语并借助象形文字、通俗文字和希腊文字的三语文本,例如著名的罗塞塔石碑和菲莱的“班克斯方尖碑”,商博良成功地展示了古埃及的混合语音和符号系统。 这首先是通过将希腊文本中的托勒密和克娄巴特拉名称与通俗和象形文字中的相应名称进行仔细比较来确定的,然后扩展到其他名称和单词。 实际上,商博良为后代解锁了埃及语言和埃及文化。

[8] UPDATED 29 JULY, 2017 - 18:50 CALEB STROM, The Philae Obelisk, Hieroglyphs and Understanding a Vanished Culture


   Champollion eventually examined the Philae Obelisk. When he did, he saw a correlation between the hieroglyphic symbols used on the obelisk and the hieroglyphs used on the Rosetta Stone. He realized that the symbols used to represent the names of Cleopatra and Ptolemy on the obelisk were very similar to symbols used on the Rosetta Stone and concluded that the symbols represented the names of Cleopatra and Ptolemy on both the Rosetta Stone and the Philae Obelisk. This discovery was made simultaneously by the British polymath Thomas Young. Most Egyptologists had already come to believe that hieroglyphic characters inside of cartouches were phonetic, but this was further confirmation that the hieroglyphic symbols were phonetic just like the Demotic symbols.

   商博良最终检查了菲莱方尖碑。 当他这样做时,他看到了方尖碑上使用的象形文字符号和罗塞塔石碑上使用的象形文字之间的相关性。 他意识到方尖碑上用于表示克娄巴特拉和托勒密名字的符号与罗塞塔石碑上使用的符号非常相似,并得出结论认为这些符号在罗塞塔石碑和菲莱方尖碑上都代表了克娄巴特拉和托勒密的名字。 这一发现是由英国博学家托马斯·杨同时做出的。 大多数埃及古物学家已经开始相信,漩涡内的象形文字是语音的,但这进一步证实了象形文字和通俗符号一样是语音的。

[9] Nicole B. Hansen, 2020-03-10, Jean Francois Champollion & The Rosetta Stone (Things You Didn’t Know) 让·弗朗索瓦·商博良和罗塞塔石碑(你不知道的事)


[10] Decoding Egyptian Hieroglyphs: the Rosetta Stone, Champollion, and Young


   Luckily, by 1822 he now had access to copies of many more inscriptions than were previously available to researchers.  In these inscriptions – most notably on the so-called Bankes Obelisk – he had access to a variety of new Greek and Roman names.  The Bankes Obelisk had a text in Greek on its base that he could use to compare to the names of Ptolemy and Cleopatra in the hieroglyphs. 

   幸运的是,到 1822 年,他现在可以获得比研究人员以前获得的更多铭文的副本。 在这些铭文中——最著名的是所谓的班克斯方尖碑——他可以使用各种新的希腊和罗马名字。 班克斯方尖碑的底部有一段希腊文字,他可以用它来与象形文字中的托勒密和克娄巴特拉的名字进行比较。

   Champollion had also gained access to a papyrus with texts in Greek and demotic, which allowed him to figure out the demotic spelling of the name Cleopatra.  This breakthrough in demotic allowed Champollion to hypothesize how Cleopatra would be spelled in hieroglyphs because he had already recognized the equivalencies between many demotic and hieroglyphic signs.  Between this and the hieroglyphs that he already knew from the name of Ptolemy on the Rosetta Stone – those for “L,” “E,” “O,” and “P” – he was able to identify the name of Cleopatra on the Bankes Obelisk.

   商博良还获得了一张纸莎草纸,上面有希腊语和通俗的文字,这使他能够弄清楚埃及艳后这个名字的通俗拼写。 通俗符号的这一突破使商博良能够推测埃及艳后在象形文字中的拼写方式,因为他已经认识到许多通俗符号和象形文字之间的等价性。 在这和他从罗塞塔石碑上托勒密的名字中已经知道的象形文字之间——那些代表“L”、“E”、“O”和“P”的象形文字——他能够在班克斯河上识别出克娄巴特拉的名字 方尖碑。

[11] Art Jourey Stores, 2022-02-28, How Champollion Deciphered Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs


   Three Bilingual Texts Were Used To Crack Hieroglyphs

   The Rosetta Stone is lauded as a groundbreaking artifact, the single document allowing the decipherment of hieroglyphs. But it wasn't the only Greek-Egyptian bilingual document used. Two new documents helped Champollion:

   The 'Bankes obelisk' from Philae, with hieroglyphic and Greek inscriptions.

   The Casati Papyrus, written in demotic and Greek. Both documents allowed Champollion to read 'Cleopatra'.

While the ancient Egyptians carved hieroglyphs on their monuments from floor to ceiling, the key to unlocking the memory of an entire civilization rested on three documents. Found by chance, a broken stele granting tax privileges to priests, the Rosetta Stone. An obelisk, also about tax exemption for priests. Some of its Greek text was painted and quickly lost to erosion. A papyrus sale contract found inside a clay pot.

   Using his ability to read the names Cleopatra and Ptolemy, Champollion started to decipher the names of the Greek and Roman Pharaohs. Yet a bigger hurdle remained, reading proper Egyptian names, in the Egyptian language. This was the moment when fifteen years of daydreaming in Coptic were about to pay off.




Casati Papyrus,用通俗和希腊文写成。这两份文件都允许商博良阅读“埃及艳后”。



[12] Jean-François Champollion, French historian and linguist, britannica


[13] Thomas Young, British physician and physicist, britannica


   Thomas Young, (born June 13, 1773, Milverton, Somerset, England—died May 10, 1829, London), English physician and physicist who established the principle of interference of light and thus resurrected the century-old wave theory of light. He was also an Egyptologist who helped decipher the Rosetta Stone.


[1] 2022-06-18,[小资料,图片] 关公蟹(武士蟹,平家蟹,Heikeopsis japonica)


[2] 2022-06-14,[小结] 近期关于引力、电磁力统一的思考


[3] 2018-09-23,《宇宙》,又想起卡尔·萨根:五味杂陈








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