水之魂 (The Soul of Water)分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/ecqsun 《价键弛豫》《计量谱学》《氢键规则》《水合反应》


应邀点评: 近期刊载于《自然》杂志有关水科学的三篇文章

已有 2774 次阅读 2021-6-21 17:35 |个人分类:水之魂|系统分类:观点评述

  1.  Review of: "Motion of water monomers reveals a kinetic barrier to ice nucleation on graphene", Tamtögl, A., et al., Nature Communications, 25/05/2021. 12: p. 3120.

    17/06 /21 - Link: https://doi.org/10.32388/FO6KAP

  2. Review of: “Asymmetric response of interfacial water to applied electric fieldsMontenegro, A., et al., Nature, 12/06/2021. 594: p. 62-65.

    20/06/21 - Link: https://doi.org/10.32388/7TVP8O

  3. Physics world: Experiments pin down conditions that make hot water freeze before cold, by Anna Demming, on Avinash Kumar & John Bechhoefer, Nature 58464–68 (05/08/2020)

    05/08/20 - Link: https://physicsworld.com/a/experiments-pin-down-conditions-that-make-hot-water-freeze-before-cold/

    ... “This work extends the Mpemba phenomenon,” says Changqing Sun, whose research at Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University focuses on properties of water that relate to the Mpemba effect. However, while Sun asserts that the work “certainly contributes to the knowledge for general situations of heat removal” he thinks further caution may be needed when applying it to water. In water, he adds, “the microscopic mechanism may differ, such as the higher thermal diffusivity and lower specific heat of water surface and the manner of hydrogen bond (O:H-O) energy exchange.”


上一篇:水系列讲座 I:探索水的奥秘 (直播回放:80/40/30分钟讲解/答疑/问题)
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