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The Reasons for English Consultant

已有 2506 次阅读 2021-1-8 19:42 |系统分类:观点评述

I have good reasons for the job of English consultant.

When I was in my earlier twenties, I attended a English Course for engineers by a tearcher of East China Normal University. This is a full time status study and I am the youngest in this class. The attendees all had good background. The graduates from this class get good positions in their career, some young became professional interpreters or professional translators and one of them took the position of representative in HongKong.

After that I attended an English Teachers Training course also by an East China Normal University teacher. This course took many years to complete. I was very attentive, taking everything recorded, played again and forever. Although my final exam was not very good but my other exams on TOEFL and GRE were not very bad.


上一篇:Looking For Job (to E.C. Normal University)
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