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New Phytologist:陆地植物特异MYB亚家族作用于角质层的早期演化和陆地殖民

已有 2898 次阅读 2020-11-12 10:58 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

The land plant‐specific MIXTA‐MYB lineage is implicated in the early evolution of the plant cuticle and the colonization of land

第一作者Bo Xu


通讯作者Samuel F. Brockington


背景回顾The evolution of a lipid‐based cuticle on aerial plant surfaces that protects against dehydration is considered a fundamental innovation in the colonization of the land by the green plants.

提出问题:However, key evolutionary steps in the early regulation of cuticle synthesis are still poorly understood, owing to limited studies in early‐diverging land plant lineages.

主要发现:Here, we characterize a land plant specific subgroup 9 R2R3 MYB transcription factor MpSBG9, in the early‐diverging land plant model Marchantia polymorpha, that is homologous to MIXTA proteins in vascular plants.

结果1-SBG9特异功能:The MpSBG9 functions as a key regulator of cuticle biosynthesis by preferentially regulating expression of orthologous genes for cutin formation, but not wax biosynthesis genes.

结果2-SBG9经典功能The MpSBG9 also promotes the formation of papillate cells on the adaxial surface of M. polymorpha, which is consisitent with its canonical role in vascular plants.

结论:Our observations imply conserved MYB transcriptional regulation in the control of the cutin biosynthesis pathway as a core genetic network in the common ancestor of all land plants, implicating the land plant‐specific MIXTA MYB lineage in the early origin and evolution of the cuticle.

 摘  要 

植物的地上部分体表存在一层由油脂构成的角质层,能够防止脱水,被认为是绿色植物殖民陆地的一个基础创新。但是,由于缺乏对早期分化形成的植物支系的深入研究,有关角质层合成早期调控的关键演化步骤仍然不清楚。本文中,作者在早期分化形成的陆地植物模式物种地钱中,发现了一个陆地植物特异性的R2R3 MYB转录因子亚家族MpSBG9,是维管植物中MIXTA蛋白的同源分枝。MpSBG9优先调节角质形成的基因表达,而不是蜡的生物合成基因,从而作用于角质层生物合成的关键调控。MpSBG9还能够促进地钱近轴面乳突细胞的形成,这与其在维管植物中经典的作用是一致的。本文的发现揭示了保守的MYB转录调控作为一个核心的遗传网络,在所有陆地植物共同的祖先中,作用于角质的生物合成通路调控,暗示了陆地植物特异的MIXTA MYB支系在角质层早期起源和演化中的关键作用。


**Samuel F. Brockington**





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doi: 10.1111/nph.16997

Journal: New Phytologist

Published online: Nov 08, 2020


下一篇:Current Biology:拟南芥根中由PHB控制的遗传网络调控基本组织的模式建成
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