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Nature Communications:TFL1-FD复合物靶基因以及与FT的拮抗作用

已有 5105 次阅读 2020-10-16 09:10 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

TERMINAL FLOWER 1-FD complex target genes and competition with FLOWERING LOCUS T

第一作者Yang Zhu


通讯作者Doris Wagner


背景回顾Plants monitor seasonal cues to optimize reproductive success by tuning onset of reproduction and inflorescence architecture.

提出问题TERMINAL FLOWER 1 (TFL1) and FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) and their orthologs antagonistically regulate these life history traits, yet their mechanism of action, antagonism and targets remain poorly understood.

结果1-TFL1被FD招募:Here, we show that TFL1 is recruited to thousands of loci by the bZIP transcription factor FD.

结果2-TFL1与FT共同的靶基因LFY:We identify the master regulator of floral fate, LEAFY (LFY) as a target under dual opposite regulation by TFL1 and FT and uncover a pivotal role of FT in promoting flower fate via LFY upregulation.

结果3-FT与TFL1拮抗基础:We provide evidence that the antagonism between FT and TFL1 relies on competition for chromatin-bound FD at shared target loci.

结果4-TFL1-FD复合物:Direct TFL1-FD regulated target genes identify this complex as a hub for repressing both master regulators of reproductive development and endogenous signalling pathways.

结论:Our data provide mechanistic insight into how TFL1-FD sculpt inflorescence architecture, a trait important for reproductive success, plant architecture and yield.

 摘  要 



**Doris Wagner**




doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-18782-1

Journal: Nature Communications

Published date: Oct 12, 2020


上一篇:Current Biology:蚜虫的一种唾液蛋白激活植物的韧皮部防御
下一篇:ISME J:羽纹硅藻响应于性诱导信息素的交配类型特异转录响应
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