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Current Biology:植物界“达尔文之雀”~树菊属的岛屿辐射演化

已有 2347 次阅读 2020-10-13 09:00 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

The Radiation of Darwin’s Giant Daisies in the Galápagos Islands

第一作者Mario Fernández-Mazuecos


通讯作者Gonzalo Rivas-Torres


背景回顾Evolutionary radiations on oceanic islands have fascinated biologists since Darwin’s exploration of the Galápagos archipelago. Island radiations can provide key insights for understanding rapid speciation, including evolutionary patterns and the processes behind them.

提出问题:However, lack of resolution of species relationships has historically hindered their investigation, particularly in the plant kingdom.

主要研究:Here, we report a time-calibrated phylogenomic analysis based on genotyping-by-sequencing data of the 15 species of Scalesia (Darwin’s giant daisies), an iconic and understudied plant radiation endemic to the Galápagos Islands and considered the plant counterpart to Darwin’s finches.

结果1-属间与属内分化:Results support a Pliocene to early Pleistocene divergence between Scalesiaand the closest South American relatives, and rapid diversification of extant Scalesia species from a common ancestor dated to the Middle Pleistocene

结果2-演化模式:Major evolutionary patterns in Scalesia include the following: 

    (1) lack of compliance with the “progression rule” hypothesis, in which earlier diverging lineages are expected to occupy older islands; 

    (2) a predominance of within-island speciation over between-island speciation; and

    (3) repeated convergent evolution of potentially adaptive traits and habitat preferences on different islands during the course of diversification.

结论:Massive sequencing provided the essential framework for investigating evolutionary and ecological processes in the complex natural laboratory of the Galápagos, thereby advancing our understanding of island plant radiations.

 摘  要 



**Gonzalo Rivas-Torres**






doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2020.09.019

Journal: Current Biology

Published date: Oct 01, 2020


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