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Nature Plants:拟南芥下一世代可遗传母本的“低温记忆”

已有 2129 次阅读 2020-9-23 09:29 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

Maternal transmission of the epigenetic ‘memory of winter cold’ in Arabidopsis

第一作者Xiao Luo


通讯作者Yuehui He


大背景Some plants can ‘remember’ past environmental experience to become adapted to a given environment. For instance, after experiencing prolonged low-temperature exposure in winter (winter cold), vernalization-responsive plants remember past cold experience when temperature rises in spring, to acquire competence to flower at a later season favourable for seed production.

小背景:In Arabidopsis thalianaprolonged cold induces silencing of the potent floral repressor FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC) by Polycomb group (PcG) chromatin modifiers. This Polycomb-repressed chromatin state is epigenetically maintained and thus ‘memorized’ in subsequent growth and development upon return to warmth.

主观看法:‘Memory of winter cold’ has been viewed as being mitotically stable but meiotically unstable, and thus not to be transmitted intergenerationally.

提出问题:In general, whether and how chromatin-mediated environmental memories are transmitted across generations are unknown in plants.

主要发现:Here, we show that the cold-induced Polycomb-repressed chromatin state at FLC or memory of winter cold is maintained in the egg cell, that is meiotically stable in the process of female gamete formation, and provide evidence that this Polycomb-mediated memory is not maintained in the sperm cell. Moreover, we show that this cold memory is inherited maternally but not paternally to the zygote and early embryos.

结论:Our study demonstrates and further provides mechanistic insights into intergenerational transmission of chromatin state-mediated environmental memories in plants.

 摘  要 









doi: 10.1038/s41477-020-00774-0

Journal: Nature Plants

Published date: September 21, 2020


上一篇:Genome Biology:染色质调控siRNAs的表达,有助于维持转座子的甲基化稳态
下一篇:Plant Communications:三七基因组
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