Safemetrics分享 以勤奋、谦虚、严谨、规范、持久的习惯和态度做安全科学研究。 'Wonder en is gheen Wonder'


Journal of Integrated Security and safety Science

已有 4258 次阅读 2020-7-18 16:27 |个人分类:安全科学|系统分类:论文交流

Journal of Integrated Security and safety Science


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Journal of Integrated Security and Safety Science

Editors-in-Chief (per area)

  • Karolien van Nunen, TUDelft, The Netherlands (Europe)

  • Genserik Reniers, TUDelft, The Netherlands (Europe)

  • Pieter van Gelder, TUDelft, The Netherlands (Europe)

  • Jie Li, Liaoning Technical University, China (Asia)

  • Floris Goerlandt, Dalhousie University, Canada (Americas)


The Journal of Integrated Security and Safety Science (JISSS) publishes innovative papers that make a significant contribution – conceptual, theoretical, methodological, or empirical – to all areas of physical security and safety in industries and infrastructures. The broad spectrum of security areas - such as terrorism, piracy, theft (e.g. of chemical products), sabotage - and the broad spectrum of safety areas - such as process safety, occupational safety, transportation safety - can be a topic of publication.

Of particular interest are articles that combine science, technology, management strategies and regulations to invent scientifically substantiated yet practical solutions for securing and safeguarding assets in various domains including: the chemical and process industry, oil and gas industry, transportation systems including HAZMAT transportation, power plants (nuclear, LNG, etc.), pipelines, drinking water and water treatment systems, commercial facilities, and government facilities.

The scope of the journal includes but is not limited to:

  • Emergency management and decision-making

  • Safety and security behaviours and perceptions

  • New emerging safety and security technologies (e.g. AI)

  • Safety and security culture

  • Safety and security concepts, models and theories

  • Methods and frameworks for integrating safety and security

  • Public and societal security and safety related to hazardous industries and critical infrastructures

  • Security and safety risk assessment and management in hazardous industries and critical infrastructures

  • Innovative approaches for threat likelihood assessment

  • Attractiveness analysis

  • Vulnerability assessment under intentional events

  • Consequence analysis with an emphasis on cascading effects in interdependent and adjacent infrastructures

  • Security-informed and safety-informed decision making and design

  • Privacy issues and concerns linked to safety and security

  • Optimization of security and safety risk management strategies

  • Case studies on security and safety issues

To limit the scope of the journal, the following areas are excluded: information and cyber security if not integrated into physical security and/or safety, legal security (social security, security of legal systems), criminology (law enforcement, criminal justice system), international security (warfare, homeland security, international law, diplomacy), infrastructural safety and external safety if not integrated into physical security and/or safety, and product safety.

Both submissions related to fundamental questions (concepts, theories, methods) and/or applied problems (problem domains and empirical results) are within the scope of the journal.

The journal will contain contributions in the form of original research papers, review articles, industrial case studies, security and safety recommendations, book reviews, and short communications. Opinion and discussion papers are engouraged. Also, Registered Reports (prior to data collection) can be submitted (more information:


JISSS is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence. The license means that anyone is free to share (to copy, distribute, and transmit the work), to remix (to adapt the work) under the following conditions:

  • The original authors must be given credit

  • For any reuse or distribution, it must be made clear to others what the license terms of this work are

  • Any of these conditions can be waived if the copyright holders give permission

  • Nothing in this license impairs or restricts the author's moral rights


This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. More...


JISSS grants you the right to publish the metadata of the series, issues and articles under the terms of the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0).


Editors, authors and publisher adopt the guidelines developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).


Any submitted manuscripts will briefly be reviewed by the journal Editor-in-Chief (EIC) to ensure the compliance with the journal criteria in terms of domain relevance, basic science, and format standards. The manuscripts accepted for peer-review will then be assigned to an Associate Editor (AE), a member of the editorial board with the closest research area as to the topic of the manuscript. The AE will send the paper to at least two reviewers who are an expert in the domain. The reviewers are supposed to provide the AE with their comments in no more than six weeks. In special cases, the AE can ask for the opinion of an additional reviewer.

Reviewers will always be selected from a different university than the affiliations of the authors of the submitted manuscript. Although the authors can suggest their desired reviewers, it is up to the AE whether to send the manuscript to the suggested reviewers. The review process is double-blinded.


2468-4546 online


TU Delft Open

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