

NC文章详解 | 鼠成纤维细胞单细胞分析发现成纤维细胞在心肌细胞成熟中起关键作用

已有 5103 次阅读 2020-7-9 13:56 |个人分类:生物信息|系统分类:科研笔记

Cardiac maturation lays the foundation for postnatal heart development and disease, yet little is known about the contributions of the microenvironment to cardiomyocyte maturation. By integrating single-cell RNA-sequencing data of mouse hearts at multiple postnatal stages, we construct cellular interactomes and regulatory signaling networks. Here we report switching of fibroblast subtypes from a neonatal to adult state and this drives cardiomyocyte maturation. Molecular and functional maturation of neonatal mouse cardiomyocytes and human embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes are considerably enhanced upon co-culture with corresponding adult cardiac fibroblasts. Further, single-cell analysis of in vivo and in vitro cardiomyocyte maturation trajectories identify highly conserved signaling pathways, pharmacological targeting of which substantially delays cardiomyocyte maturation in postnatal hearts, and markedly enhances cardiomyocyte proliferation and improves cardiac function in infarcted hearts. Together, we identify cardiac fibroblasts as a key constituent in the microenvironment promoting cardiomyocyte maturation, providing insights into how the manipulation of cardiomyocyte maturity may impact on disease development and regeneration.



2020年5月22日,中国医学科学院阜外医院团队在Nature Communications上发表题为Single-cell analysis of murine fibroblasts identifies neonatal to adult switching that regulates cardiomyocyte maturation的研究内容,发现成纤维细胞在心肌细胞成熟中起到至关重要的作用,与成年成纤维细胞共培养后,新生小鼠心肌细胞和人胚胎干细胞衍生的心肌细胞的分子和功能成熟度均大大提高,该研究对心脏疾病及心肌再生提供了新见解。


  1. 心肌细胞属于终末分化细胞,缺乏增殖能力对心肌损伤进行修复,在外源性心脏重建过程中多能干细胞衍生的心肌细胞由于其尚未成熟的特质导致许多不良反应如心律不齐和畸胎瘤形成;

  2. 与胎儿心脏发育相比,产后心脏发育成熟的研究较少;

  3. 细胞微环境在物理空间和生物化学中对调节细胞命运起到重要作用,比如3D培养空间下人类胚胎干细胞衍生的心肌细胞的成熟性增强,但在生物化学方面研究较少;

  4. 产后心脏发育的研究为了解细胞微环境的变化及其对心肌细胞成熟的影响提供线索。


SampleC57BL/6 mice,出生后第(P)1、4、7、14和56天,心脏左心室细胞(其中P1、4、7、14均来自公共数据)。部分成人心肌细胞。



  1. 工具: MultiSample NanoDispenser (MSND, Wafergen Biosystems)

  2. 比对: UCSC mm10 genome

  3. 筛选: For cell filtering, the number of captured transcripts per gene was inferred based on UMIs, and all read pairs with UMIs containing Ns were excluded.Only cells with a minimally detected gene number of 500 were kept for downstream analysis. To remove background signal, only genes detected in at least ten cells were considered as passing the threshold. In addition, reads mapped to all 37 mitochondrial genes were excluded. Then, cells were filtered with genome alignment percentage over 50%, and distinct UMI number less than 1e6, and between the average distinct UMI number ±2* standard deviation across all the cells.

  4. 降维聚类: Seurat package (v2.1.0) ,PCs=10,resolution=1。

  5. 数据整合:CCA

  6. 测定batcheffect(特色分析):作者使用107个管家基因,包括37个tRNA基因、36个转录延伸因子基因、19个RNA聚合酶II亚基基因和15个核糖体基因,并通过scater(1.10.1)、SingleCellExperiment(1.4.1)和scran(1.8.4)构建了single cell experiment object,在PCA分析中发现所有组都是混合的,并且作者去除了在tsne中只在单个样本中出现的cluster,保证去除由于系统的技术问题导致的差异。

  7. 伪时序分析:Monocle2 (v2.6.0)

  8. 细胞间相互作用网络分析:通过UniProt database检索分泌蛋白基因作为配体,通过KEGG构建通路基因间的网络图。

  9. 配受体结合:STRING database 。



研究人员一共选择了5个时间点,分别为出生后第(P)1、4、7、14和56天,其中P1、4、7、14均有公共的单细胞数据,所以作者只取了P56小鼠左心室进行单细胞测序,共获得2497个细胞(包括心肌细胞(cardiomyocytes,CMs)和非心肌细胞(non-cardiomyocytes,NCMs)。图1a-c对不同时间点的数据进行整合,共发现了7类细胞,包括心肌细胞(cardiomyocytes,CMs),内皮细胞(endothelial cell,EC),成纤维细胞(fibroblast,FB),巨噬细胞(macrophage,MP),平滑肌细胞(smooth muscle cell,SMC),T细胞(TC)和粒细胞(granulocyte,GR)。

通过伪时序分析发现,在心肌细胞state 1主要由P1,P4和P7构成,P14与P56在伪时序中分成多个状态,state 2和7主要由P14构成,state 8和9主要由P56构成(图1d-f),而state 6P14与P56共同构成。图1g-1j显示在GO富集分析(GO、GSEA富集分析一网打进)中state 1主要与RNA剪接、细胞周期相变有关, States 2 和7主要与心肌发育相关,States 8和9与心脏收缩和ATP代谢过程有关。


a, b t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE) clustering of single cells from postnatal day 1 (P1), P4, P7, P14, and P56 hearts. CCA was applied to remove batch effects. Cells were colored by cell type (a) or time point (b). CM cardiomyocyte, EC endothelial cell, FB fibroblast, MP macrophage, SMC smooth muscle cell, TC T cell, GR granulocyte.c Cell populations in a were identified by the expression of established marker genes.d, e Monocle analyses showing the ordering of CMs in pseudotime. Each color indicates either a time point (d) or a cell state (e).f State proportions of CMs from P14 or P56 hearts, respectively.gj Gene ontology (GO) analysis of genes specifically expressed in a given CM state from e. Selected top categories are shown here (Supplementary Data 1(–[6]( Heatmap to display different blocks of top 1000 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) along the pseudotime trajectory (d, e). Please see Supplementary Data 7( for the full list. Right: selected top Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) terms related to corresponding DEGs in blocks significantly changed during cardiomyocyte maturation (P1–P56), Functional analysis was performed with enrichKEGG in clusterProfiler, p < 0.05 was considered significant enrichment.



ad Subtype distribution of EC (endothelial cell, a), FB (fibroblast, b), MP (macrophage, c) and SMC (smooth muscle cell, d) across different stages. The total number of cells at each time point was taken as 100%. Arrows indicate cell subtypes with significantly changed proportions in P1 versus P56 hearts (see “Methods”). Right: selected top genes in cell subtypes apparently changed in P56 vs. P1 hearts, respectively. Please see Supplementary Data 8(–11( for the full lists of genes in each cell subtype.e Ratio changes of altered cell clusters in P56 vs. P1. Dash lines indicate 10% cutoff which was used to define significantly changed cell subtypes in subsequent analyses (Supplementary Data 12( Correlation analysis to show potentially matched pairs between the significantly altered genes encoding secreted proteins in representative cell clusters and signaling pathways in CM maturation during P1–P56 heart development. Each pink diamond represents signaling pathway (Supplementary Data 13( Each circle/dot indicates a secretory protein from a given cell type. Each connecting line indicates the correlation between a given secretory protein and a specific pathway.g Heatmap displaying the expression of genes in the correlation analysis (f) across all representative cell clusters (Supplementary Data 14(, i Sum of all matched ligands (f) expressed in increased (i) or decreased (h) cell subtypes, respectively.j Bubble chart to show putative ligand–receptor pairs between differentially expressed receptors in CM clusters and corresponding ligands in significantly changed cell types (g).k Quantification of ligand–receptor pair counts (j) in each cell type.


a The expression of selected ligands potentially involved in CM maturation or housekeeping genes in FBs during maturation.b, c Immunofluorescent staining of VIM and FABP4 (b) or EGR1 (c) in neonatal (P1) or adult (P56) heart sections, respectively. White arrows indicate co-localization, purple arrows indicate VIM+ only cells. Scale bars = 10 or 4 μm.d, e Quantification of VIM+FABP4High (d) or EGR1High (e) cells in heart sections from P1 or P56 mice, Data are plotted as mean ± SEM, n = 5 biologically independent mice, p < 0.001, two-sided Student’s t-test.f, g Monocle analyses showing the ordering of FBs in pseudotime. Each color indicates either a time point (f) or a cell state (g).h Heatmap to display different blocks of top 1000 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) along the pseudotime trajectory (f, g). Please see Supplementary Data 17( for the full list.i Selected top gene ontology (GO) terms related to corresponding DEGs (Supplementary Data 18(–20( Functional analysis was performed with enrichGO in clusterProfiler, p < 0.05 was considered significant enrichment. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.


为了检验假设,作者使用了体外共培养系统,将从新生儿(P1)心脏分离的未成熟心肌细胞(imCM )与分别从新生儿心脏(NF)或成年心脏(AF)分离的成纤维细胞共培养 (图4a)。培养三天半后,NF共培养物中pH3+ -imCMs的比例(表明增殖)保持64.35%,而AF共培养中增殖的imCMs比例仅降低至5.32%(图4b,c)。同样,与NF共培养相比,AF共培养中的AURKB+MKI67+ -imCMs的百分比也显着较低。这些结果表明,AF诱导的imCMs退出细胞周期,表明成熟度增加


CMs的功能成熟还以规则的电信号为特征,电信号由其质膜上表达的一系列离子通道严格控制。因此,研究团队应用膜片钳来监测共培养中imCM的动作电位。与NF共培养相比,与AF共培养的imCMs的动作电位持续时间分别下降到50%复极(APD50)和90%复极(APD90),而搏动频率保持相似(图4g– j)。相比之下,动作电位振幅(APA)和最大舒张电位(MDP)保持不变,而动作电位的最大上升速率(dV/dtmax)却增加了(图4k–m)。此外,AF共培养显着增加了钠电流(INa)和瞬时向外钾电流(Ito),而钙电流(ICa)和延迟整流钾电流(IK)保持不变(图4n-s),这些都是细胞成熟的指标。AF共培养显着提高了imCM的钙处理能力,这也表明了成熟的电生理学功能。


a Schematic of in vitro co-culture of cardiomyocytes and cardiac fibroblasts. Freshly isolated immature CMs (imCMs) from P1 mouse hearts were immediately co-cultured with fibroblast monolayers from either neonatal (P1, NF) heart or adult (P56, AF) hearts, respectively.b Immunofluorescent staining against ACTN2 and pH3 in imCMs 3.5 days after co-culture. White arrows indicate cells with co-localization. Scale bars = 10 or 25 μm.c Quantification of ACTN2+AURKB+, ACTN2+MKI67+, and ACTN2+pH3+ cells 3.5 days after co-culture.d, e Immunostaining against ACTN2 and Phalloidin in co-cultures. Representative images to show typical class I–II (d) and class III–IV (e) CM morphology, respectively.f Quantification of d, e.g Representative action potential tracings of imCMs in Quantification of beating frequency (h), action potential duration to 50 and 90% repolarization (APD50, i; APD90, j), maximum diastolic potential (MDP, k), action potential amplitude (APA, l), and maximum rate of rise (dV/dtmax) of action potential (m) of co-cultured imCMs. n = 13 cells.n Representative INa tracings of imCMs in co-culture with voltage control.o Quantification of n. n = 12 cells in imCM-NF = 13 cells in imCM-AF.p Representative Ito tracings of imCMs in co-culture.q Quantification of Ito (p) n = 11 cells.r Representative Ik tracings of imCMs in co-culture.s Quantification of IK in r. n = 10 cells in imCM-NF = 15 cells in imCM-AF (r).t Representative images to show T-tubule structure in imCMs in co-culture. T-tubule was labeled by di-8-ANEPPS.u Quantification of T-tubule density in t. Image J was applied in quantification.v Immunofluorescent staining of ACTN2 and GJA1 in imCMs 3.5 days into co-culture. White arrows indicate co-localized cells. Scale bar = 10 or 25 μm.w Quantification of v. All data in this figure are plotted as mean ± SEM from three biologically independent experiments, **p* < 0.05, ***p* < 0.01, ****p* < 0.001, n.s. not significant, two-sided Student’s t-test. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.



a Volcano plot to show DEGs in imCMs 3.5 days after co-cultured with NFs or AFs. Red indicates upregulated genes, and blue represents downregulated genes upon AF co-culture compared to imCM-NF (Supplementary Data 25(, c Gene ontology analyses of upregulated (b) or downregulated (c) genes from a. Selected top categories are shown.d, e Heatmaps to show the expression of upregulated (d) or downregulated (e) genes during postnatal heart maturation in imCMs co-cultured with NFs vs. AFs. Please see Supplementary Data 26( for the full list.f Top: number of genes upregulated or downregulated in vitro among upregulated genes in vivo (d); bottom: Number of genes upregulated or downregulated in vitro among downregulated genes in vivo (e).g Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) showing that genes upregulated upon AF co-culture were enriched for genes that were highly expressed in P56 vs. P1 CMs.h Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) showing that genes downregulated upon AF co-culture were enriched for genes that were highly expressed in P1 vs. P56 CMs.


作者然后对共培养细胞进行单细胞分析,并描述其成熟轨迹(图6a-b)。在伪时序分析中,发现共分为5个states(图6c-d)。正如预期,两组分布沿轨迹进行, 特别是,与NFs共培养的imCMs在state 1富集,大多数与AFs共培养的imCMs定位在State 5(图6c-e)。沿轨迹进行的DEG分析(DESeq2差异基因分析和批次效应移除)显示,关键信号传导途径的激活显着富集,包括粘附、ECM-受体相互作用和趋化因子信号传导途径(图6f,g)。


a, b t-SNE clustering of cells in both imCM-NF and imCM-AF co-culture systems by cell type (a) or cell subcluster (b).c, d Monocle analyses showing the ordering of imCMs co-cultured with NFs or AFs in pseudotime, marked by input cell type (c) or cell state (d). Arrows in d indicate representative state of imCM-NF or imCM-AF.e Percentages of imCM distribution in different cell states (d).f Heatmap to display differentially expressed genes (DEGs) along the pseudotime trajectory (d) (Supplementary Data 27( Selected top Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) terms related to corresponding DEGs significantly changed during cardiomyocyte maturation in co-culture. Functional analysis was performed with enrichKEGG in clusterProfiler, p < 0.05 was considered significant enrichment.h Correlation analysis to show potentially matched pairs between the ligands secreted by representative cell clusters and signaling pathways in CM maturation (g) in the co-culture system. Each pink diamond represents signaling pathway (Supplementary Data 28( Each circle/dot indicates a secretory protein from a given cell type. Each connecting line indicates the correlation between a given secretory protein and a specific pathway.i Heatmap displaying the expression of genes indicated in correlation analysis (h) across all representative cell clusters (Supplementary Data 29( Sum of all matched ligands (i) expressed in indicated cell clusters.k Venn diagram to show overlapping signaling pathways involved in cardiomyocyte maturation between heart development in vivo and in vitro co-culture (Supplementary Data 30( Representative 2 overlapping pathways are listed.



a Immunofluorescent (IF) staining against ACTN2 and AURKB in imCMs-AF upon transfection with shNT and shDcn, respectively. Scale bars = 25 or 10 μm.b Quantification of ACTN2+AURKB+ (a), ACTN2+MKI67+ (Supplementary Fig. 5b)( or ACTN2+pH3+ (Supplementary Fig. (5c)( Data are plotted as mean ± SEM from three independent experiments, ****p* < 0.001, two-sided Student’s t-test.c Immunostaining against ACTN2 and Phalloidin in imCMs 3.5 days after co-culture with AFs upon depletion of NT (shNT) or Dcn (shDcn), respectively.d Percentages of CMs in different morphology grades in c.e Immunostaining against ACTN2 and Phalloidin in imCMs 3.5 days after co-culture with AFs in the presence of DMSO, Plerixafor or BP-1-102, respectively.f Percentage of CMs in different morphology grades in e.g Workflow of animal experiment. Neonatal (P1) mice were treated with DMSO, Plerixafor or BP-1-102 daily for 14 (Day 14) or 21 days (Day 21), respectively. Mice were sacrificed for immunostaining of heart sections at P14 or P21, respectively.h Immunofluorescent staining against ACTN2 and pH3 in heart sections from mice at P14. White arrows indicate co-localization. Scale bar = 10 or 25 μm.i Quantification of ACTN2+AURKB+, ACTN2+MKI67+, and ACTN2+pH3+ cells. Data are plotted as mean ± SEM, n = 8 biologically independent mice, ****p* < 0.001, two-sided Student’s t-test.j Immunofluorescent staining of ACTN2 and GJA1 in heart sections of mice treated with DMSO, Plerixafor or BP-1-102 for 14 days, respectively. White arrows indicate co-localization. Scale bars = 10 or 25 μm.k Quantification of ACTN2+GJA1+ cells in j, Data are plotted as mean ± SEM, n = 8 biologically independent mice, **p < 0.001, two-sided Student’s t*-test. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.


作者制造了一个心肌梗死的模型,然后马上使用抑制剂PlerixaforBP-1-102进行治疗(图8a),结果发现与DMSO对照组相比,Plerixafor和BP-1-102均显着改善了心脏功能,并增加了梗塞区域边界区域的CM增殖(AURKB+,MKI67+和pH3+ -CM)(图8b-f)。

a Workflow of animal experiment. Eight-week-old mice were subjected to myocardial infarction (MI) surgery, and corresponding inhibitors or DMSO were administered immediately afterwards. Mice were sacrificed 14 days post surgery, and hearts were removed for immunostaining. The additional set of mice was monitored for cardiac function on days 2, 14, and 21.b Quantification of ejection fraction based on echocardiogram. Data are plotted as mean ± SEM, n = 23, 18, 20 biologically independent mice in DMSO, Plerixafor and BP-1-102 group at Day 2, respectively, n = 11, 8, 10 biologically independent mice in DMSO, Plerixafor and BP-1-102 group at Day 14 and Day 21, respectively. ****p* < 0.001, n.s. not significant, two-way ANOVA.c Immunofluorescent staining against ACTN2 and AURKB in the border zones of infarcts from (a). White arrows indicate co-localized cells. Scale bars = 10 or 25 μm.d Quantification of ACTN2+AURKB+ and ACTN2+MKI67+, and ACTN2+pH3+ cells. Data are plotted as mean ± SEM, n = 11, 8, 10 biologically independent mice in DMSO, Plerixafor and BP-1-102 group, respectively. ****p* < 0.001, one-way ANOVA.e Immunofluorescent staining against PCM1 and AURKB in the border zones of infarcts from a. White arrows indicate co-localized cells. Scale bars = 10 or 25 μm.f Quantification of PCM1+AURKB+ and PCM1+MKI67+, and PCM1+pH3+ cells. Data are plotted as mean ± SEM, n = 11, 8, 10 biologically independent mice in DMSO, Plerixafor and BP-1-102 group, respectively. ****p* < 0.001, one-way ANOVA. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.



首先作者分离了人类成年心脏成纤维细胞(hAFs),并将其与人类胚胎干细胞衍生的CMs(hESC-CMs)共培养(图9a)。尽管大多数hESC-CMs高度增殖,如高表达AURKB+MKI67+-pH3+ -CM,但与hAFs共培养的CMs的增殖能力却显着下降(图9b,c)。



a Schematic of co-culture of human cells in vitro. Cardiomyocytes induced from human embryonic stem cells (hESC-CMs) were co-cultured on a monolayer of cardiac fibroblasts isolated from adult human heart (hAFs).b Immunofluorescent staining against ACTN2 and pH3 in hESC-CMs 7 days after co-culture with or without hAFs, respectively. White arrows indicate co-localized cells. Scale bars = 10 or 25 μm.c Quantification of ACTN2+AURKB+, ACTN2+MKI67+, and ACTN2+pH3+ cells.d Immunostaining against ACTN2 and Phalloidin in the co-culture system. Representative images to show typical class I and class IV hESC-CM morphology when co-cultured with or without hAF, respectively.e Percentage of CMs in different morphology grades.f Volcano plot to show DEGs in hESC-CMs only versus those co-cultured with hAF. Red indicates upregulated genes, and blue represents downregulated genes upon AF co-culture.g Gene ontology analyses of upregulated or downregulated genes (f). Selected top categories are shown.h Representative action potential tracings of hESC-CMs alone or in co-culture with hAFs, Quantification of beating frequency (i), action potential duration to 50% repolarization (APD50, j), to 90% repolarization (APD90, k), maximum diastolic potential (MDP, l), amplitude of action potential (APA, m), and maximum rate of rise (dV/dtmax) of action potential (n) in (h). n = 8 cells in hCM, = 7 cells in hCM-hAF. All data in this figure are plotted as mean ± SEM from three biologically independent experiments, **p < 0.001, n.s. not significant, two-sided Student’s t*-test. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.


嘻嘻,我当然会看作者在code availability中公布了哪一部分的代码,我们发现作者在Cell–cell interaction network analysis(中的分析思路如下:

  1. 获得小鼠分泌蛋白基因:在UniProt database中进行检索获取,locations:(location:“Secreted [SL-0243]”) AND reviewed:yes AND organism: “Mus musculus (Mouse) [10090]”. A total of 1503 genes were retrieved as secreted genes.

  2. 获取小鼠膜蛋白基因:Membrane protein keywords: annotation:(type:transmem) goa:(“plasma membrane [5886]”) AND reviewed:yes AND organism: “Mus musculus (Mouse) [10,090]”. A total of 1509 genes were retrieved as membrane genes.

  3. 使用Seurat中的FindAllMarkers function查找高变基因,选择编码分泌蛋白的基因作为可能的配体。

  4. 使用Program kg ( )获取KEGG pathways、their definitions and their related genes. 在P1-P56中CM的DEG与部分通路基因重叠,仅保留重叠的和相应的配体,并进行绘图。




Wang Y, Yao F, Wang L, et al. Single-cell analysis of murine fibroblasts identifies neonatal to adult switching that regulates cardiomyocyte maturation. Nat Commun. 2020;11(1):2585. Published 2020 May 22. doi:10.1038/s41467-020-16204-w


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