

Cell | 小鼠内皮细胞单细胞转录组图谱(详解)

已有 15391 次阅读 2020-5-24 22:08 |个人分类:生物信息|系统分类:科研笔记

2020年2月13日,比利时Leuven癌症研究所Peter Carmeliet、中山大学李旭日和丹麦Aarhus大学的Yonglun Luo合作于Cell发表了题为Single-Cell Transcriptome Atlas of Murine Endothelial Cells的文章,研究团队利用单细胞转录组技术分析了小鼠11个组织的内皮细胞,收集得到超过32000个单细胞转录组数据集,鉴定出78个内皮细胞亚群,揭示了不同组织中内皮细胞的相似性和异质性。

Summary:The heterogeneity of endothelial cells (ECs) across tissues remains incompletely inventoried. We constructed an atlas of >32,000 single-EC transcriptomes from 11 mouse tissues and identified 78 EC subclusters, including Aqp7+ intestinal capillaries and angiogenic ECs in healthy tissues. ECs from brain/testis, liver/spleen, small intestine/colon, and skeletal muscle/heart pairwise expressed partially overlapping marker genes. Arterial, venous, and lymphatic ECs shared more markers in more tissues than did heterogeneous capillary ECs. ECs from different vascular beds (arteries, capillaries, veins, lymphatics) exhibited transcriptome similarity across tissues, but the tissue (rather than the vessel) type contributed to the EC heterogeneity. Metabolic transcriptome analysis revealed a similar tissue-grouping phenomenon of ECs and heterogeneous metabolic gene signatures in ECs between tissues and between vascular beds within a single tissue in a tissue-type-dependent pattern. The EC atlas taxonomy enabled identification of EC subclusters in public scRNA-seq datasets and provides a powerful discovery tool and resource value.


内皮细胞endothelial cell,EC)遍布血管,是氧气和营养物质输送、免疫细胞运输以及清除远组织废物的重要管道。血管系统由具有明显血管床(动脉、毛细血管、静脉)的血管组成,这些血管床对进出血液至关重要,对涉及渗出液排出的淋巴管也同样很重要。

不同组织中的EC具有异质性,可以满足每种组织的独特生理需求。例如,血脑和血视网膜屏障由紧密连接的EC组成,可以限制细胞旁扩散,而肝脏EC中的可渗透开口促进了溶质的交换。虽然bulk RNA测序(RNA-seq)揭示了组织之间的EC异质性,然而,单个组织内的ECs在单细胞水平上是否以及在何种程度上表型不同仍然未知,例如不同组织中特定血管床的ECs之间是否存在异质性。






  1. 工具: Chromium Single Cell 3′ Reagent Kits v2 ,CellRanger (10x Genomics, version 2.1.1) .

  2. 比对: mouse genome (build mm10) .

  3. 筛选:(i) genes expressed by less than 10 cells or with a row average of < 0.002 were not considered; (ii) cells that expressed fewer than 300 genes (low quality), and cells that expressed over 4,000 genes (potential doublets) were excluded from further analysis; (iii) cells in which over 10% of unique molecular identifiers (UMIs) were derived from the mitochondrial genome were removed.

  4. 降维,聚类:Seurat FindVariableGenes function (mean lower threshold = 0.0125, mean higher threshold = 8, dispersion threshold = 0.5 ),top 8 principal components (PCs) .

  5. GSVA: 利用MSigDB数据库中的血管有关数据集识别不同组织中富集的通路和细胞进程.

  6. SCENIC: SCENIC R package (version 1.1.0),进行转录因子网络的推断.

  7. 伪时序分析:SCORPIUS



作者对39,182个细胞进行了测序,平均每个细胞的测序深度为86,766 reads,测序饱和率为93%,每个细胞1,308个基因。经过滤和排除污染后,共发现32,567个EC,可以看出不同组织的EC表现出明显的转录组异质性(图1B)。

淋巴内皮细胞(Lymphatic ECs,LEC)在功能和解剖上与血管内皮细胞(称为“BEC”或“EC”)不同。利用排名前10位的marker基因表达热图分析显示,除了比目鱼肌(soleus)和趾长伸肌(EDL)骨骼肌表达重叠的标记基因外,每种组织都有不同的基因表达(图1C)。值得注意的是,部分marker基因仅在单个组织的EC表达(比如分别位于脑、睾丸和肺中的Pglyrp1,Lcn2和Tmem100),而其他EC marker(Fabp4,Aqp7,Nkx2-3)则表达在两个或多个组织中,EC量大的组织中也表达了大部分marker(图1D)。(评:其实同种细胞在不同器官中表达不同是非常正常的,部分基因也是为了适应该器官而存在,当然也包括驻留细胞maker,在肿瘤细胞中的特异性其实也是蛮明显的,并且不同个体相同肿瘤细胞在聚类时也往往会分开)


(A) Scheme of study design.(B) t-SNE plot of in silico-selected ECs, color coded for tissue type.(C) Gene-expression heatmap of the top 10 marker genes for each tissue. Color scale: red, high expression; blue, low expression.(D) Violin plots of the expression of markers, highly expressed in a substantial fraction (49% to 100%) of ECs in the indicated tissues (% indicated on the right; in case of marker gene enrichment in multiple tissues, the violin plot with the highest expression is indicated by an asterisk)



为了解释这种EC的组织分组现象,作者使用Molecular Signatures Database(MSigDB)内部生成一个有615个与血管相关的基因集的表并进行了基因集变异分析(GSVA)。对排名前10位的表达基因集的热图分析(图2B)显示,这些组织的ECs高表达的基因集参与了不同的生物学过程。大脑和睾丸ECs的高表达基因集了涉及跨膜运输,这与存在血液组织屏障相一致;肝和脾ECs的高表达基因集参与清除和免疫调节;结肠和小肠ECs的高表达的基因集参与了血管基底膜/胶原蛋白的沉积、VEGF信号传导和EC迁移,与其已知的维持肠道血管屏障作用一致;心脏EC的转录组与骨骼肌EC的相似,其中心脏的基因组富集在膜转运和氧化还原稳态通路,这与心脏的高度氧化微环境相一致,肺ECs则显示出丰富的免疫调节相关特征,表示在免疫监视中可能起作用;肾脏ECs的表达基因集与干扰素激活信号通路有关。有趣的是,这些组织的大多数EC均表现出独特的代谢基因特征。(评:代谢基因特征的不同其实也代表其生理功能的差异性,比较作为整个器官的一部分在发挥作用,而在相同肿瘤中会发现正常细胞如T,B的代谢较为相似,而在肿瘤细胞中的差异性较大。


(A) Correlation heatmap and hierarchical clustering of EC gene-expression signatures of all tissues. Color differences in the dendrogram indicate clusters that were resolved by multiscale bootstrapping.(B) Heatmap showing processes enriched in different tissues. Gene-set signatures involved in similar processes were given a common name, followed by a number (between brackets) according to their order of appearance in the heatmap. Color coding from t-SNE in 图1B is shown above the heatmap.(C) Heatmap of the inferred transcription-factor gene-regulatory networks (SCENIC). Numbers between brackets indicate the (extended) regulons for respective transcription factors.(D) Gene-expression heatmap of transcription factors in (C). Color scale: red, high expression; blue, low expression.


为了研究驱动EC表型不同的潜在分子机制,作者使用了单细胞调节网络推断和聚类(SCENIC)。该分析预测了不同组织的ECs上调不同转录因子网络的表达。例如,Foxq1Hoxd9调节子分别在大脑和睾丸的EC中上调,Foxf1网络在肺EC中富集,骨骼肌EC显示出Pparg网络的活动增加(图2C)。Gata家族成员的转录因子驱动的调节子富集在肝脏和脾脏的EC,Gata4网络在肝EC中上调,而在脾脏EC中主要检测到Gata6调节子(图2C)。脾脏也由Nr5a1Nfic驱动的网络上调(图2C)。(评:转录因子(Transcription factor,TF)是指能够结合在某基因上游特异核苷酸序列上的蛋白质,这些蛋白质能调控其基因的转录。在单细胞发育方面都会观察转录因子在基因调节中的作用。



(1)传统EC表型(动脉、毛细血管、静脉、淋巴管ECs),在不同组织中检测到的数量不同;(2)组织受限的EC人群(脑脉络丛;肠道中的Madcam1+ 静脉和Aqp7+毛细血管);(3)意料之外的EC表型,如脑、脾、肌肉和心脏中干扰素激活的EC;心脏、肌肉、睾丸和肾脏的血管生成性血管内皮细胞(angiogenic ECs);以及肝脏和脾脏中的增殖ECs。




作者检测到动脉、静脉和淋巴管中有多种保留的marker(conserved marker),毛细血管的保留marker较少,这突出了组织间毛细血管EC marker的更大异质性(图4C和4D)。并且在分析组织特异性血管床marker时候,毛细血管的组织特异性marker比淋巴中更多(图4C和4D)。这就提出了一个问题,即毛细血管ECs是否有更灵活地适应组织微环境,以满足组织的特定需要,而不是像淋巴管那样普遍地排除渗出液,而不管它们的组织微环境。


最后,作者利用公开的Muris Tabula数据集,评估非内皮细胞中保留的和组织特异性EC标记基因的表达模式,发现每个组织都可以检测到在ECs中表达水平高于其他细胞类型的基因(>0.5 log2倍变化)。


(A) Relative fraction of EC subclusters in different tissues. The relative contribution of each population was weighed by the number of cells per tissue and scaled to 100%.(B) t-SNE plots, color coded for EC subclusters from traditional vascular beds, across tissues.(C) Scheme of conserved and tissue-specific marker identification.(D) Dot plots of conserved and tissue-specific markers in ECs from the distinct vascular beds in different tissues. Red boxes, conserved markers between ECs from different tissues; blue boxes, tissue-specific markers; green box, capillary markers conserved across >65% of tissues. Dots: individual marker genes.(E) Three-dimensional PCA visualization of pairwise Jaccard similarity coefficients between ECs from distinct vascular beds in different tissues.




其他组织(心脏、骨骼肌)中的毛细血管内皮细胞普遍表达AQP7,但AQP7在肠毛细血管内皮细胞中的表达尚未见报道,可能是因为它只在这些细胞的一小部分中表达。尽管如此,Aqp7+毛细血管内皮细胞可能具有特殊的生理作用。此外,如图5A所示,作者鉴定了一小部分(4.7%-5.0%)肠静脉内皮细胞marker(EC marker Bgn)的表达,其具有丰富的高内皮微静脉marker(Madcam1、Lrg1、 Ackr1)的表达(图3中的C6和SI5;图S5A),代表一种特殊的ECs亚型,适用于从血液中招募/运输淋巴细胞到组织间质。

大脑中,作者发现了一小簇(1.4%)脉络丛毛细血管ECs(图3和S5A中的B9),其特征是已知标记基因plvap表达升高(图5b),这和先前描述有孔毛细血管参与脑脊液产生的报道一致。除了其他标记物(Plpp1、Plpp3、Cd24a、Nrp1),我们还检测到了Esm1的丰富表达(图5B),这是一种已知的脉络丛毛细血管ECs mRNA水平的标记物,但尚未在蛋白水平上进行验证。


同样出乎人意料的是,作者在心脏、骨骼肌、肾脏和睾丸ECs(K7、H7、EDL6、So7和T6)中发现有大量血管生成基因表达特征的毛细管ECs(2.1% - 11.1%)(见图3;图S5A)。对其前50个marker基因的分析显示,在4/5的血管生成ECs组织中,7个基因的子集普遍上调(图5D,蓝色条形图),有报道说明其中部分为肿瘤血管中的细胞富集marker基因(Apln、Col4a2、Trp53i11)。值得注意的是,这些不同组织中的血管生成ECs并不总是表达相同的marker,这进一步说明了EC的异质性。


研究团队还对EC marker(CD105或CD31)和这些特殊EC表型marker的双重免疫染色验证了scRNA-seq数据。


(A and B) Dot-plot heatmap of markers enriched in intestinal Aqp7+ capillary and Madcam1+ vein ECs (A) and brain Plvap+ /Esm1+ choroid plexus capillary ECs (B); these EC subclusters were named after their most specifically expressed marker(s) (respectively Aqp7, Madcam, and Plvap/Esm1). The color intensity of each dot represents the average level of marker expression, whereas the dot size reflects the percentage of ECs expressing the marker within the EC subcluster.(C and D) UpSet plot of intersections between the top 50 markers expressed by interferon-activated (C) and angiogenic (D) ECs from the indicated tissues. Blue bar: intersecting genes (listed in blue), commonly detected in all or the majority of the tissues containing respectively the interferon-activated or angiogenic ECs. Black connected dots beneath the graph indicate which tissue clusters are intersected (highly expressing these markers).(E) Venn diagram showing genes upregulated in proliferating ECs. The number of congruently upregulated genes is indicated in the middle, their gene symbols are listed at the bottom.(F–I) Representative micrographs of mouse tissue sections, stained for an EC marker (CD105 in F and H; CD31 in G and I) and AQP7 (small intestine, F), ESM1 (choroid plexus, G), ISG15 (heart, H), and MKI67 (liver, I) and counterstained with Hoechst. Lower panels represent magnifications of the respective boxed areas in the upper panels. Scale bars, 10 mm (F); 250 mm (G); 25 mm (H and I).




(A) UMAP visualization of tissue-specific in silico selected ECs. Cells are color-coded for the 78 identified EC subclusters characterized by distinct gene expression signatures. Each subcluster was numbered and labeled with the first letter(s) of the tissue name (f.i. H1 for cluster 1 in the heart UMAP).(B) Pseudotime trajectory of the indicated brain EC phenotypes.(C,D) Loess regression-smoothened gene expression of the indicated large vessel marker genes at opposite ends of the pseudotime trajectory (C) and gene expression of the indicated marker genes enriched in the different EC phenotypes along the artery-capillary-vein axis in pseudotime (D). Regression span = 0.15 (local linear regression). For visualization purposes, the clusters detected in pseudotime were smoothened using quantiles (0.25 and 0.75 for lower and upper quantiles, respectively). Clusters are ordered based on their lower quantile value; new cluster value ranges are defined by averaging together the upper quantile of the first cluster and the lower quantile of the second cluster. The newly defined cluster ranges are used for plotting.(E) Dendrogram visualizing hierarchical clustering analysis of all EC subclusters from all tissues. Colors (red = heart large vein; green = colon capillary Aqp7+) indicate EC subclusters that did not group together with the other subclusters of their respective tissues of origin.



之后作者评估了EC异质性的另一个层面,即同一组织内不同血管床的ECs是否上调了不同代谢标记基因的转录本,以及这是否以组织依赖的方式发生。作者通过举一些典型的例子来强调这种复杂的异质性。例如,在大脑中,转运蛋白(transporter)基因在动脉、毛细血管、静脉和干扰素激活的ECs中表达上调,而在脉络丛(choroid plexus)ECs中没有上调(图6H)。Alpl标记物在动脉ECs中主要表达上调,Glul在毛细血管ECs中转录水平也较高,另一种标记物(Car4)在静脉、毛细血管和干扰素激活的ECs中表达较高,而在动脉中表达较低(图6H)。肝脏中血管床(Vascular-bed)ECs与其他组织不同,该组织的每个血管床中,某一部分的显著marker表达上调了,该marker在血管床其他部分(动脉中Nt5c3,毛细血管中Aass,静脉中Ptgs1)的上调幅度却是微乎其微(图6I)。在中,静脉通过上调特定代谢标志物的表达来区别于其他血管床(图6J)。因此,ECs在单个组织的不同血管床中以组织依赖的模式显示代谢基因表达的异质性。


(A) Hierarchical clustering analysis of metabolic genes for all tissues. Color differences in the dendrogram indicate clusters that were resolved by multiscale bootstrapping.(B) Heatmap showing the expression of the top 10 metabolic genes enriched in ECs from different tissues.(C–F) Tissue-specific EC expression heatmaps of representative metabolic genes involved in transport (C), cholesterol metabolism (D), cAMP metabolism/biosynthesis (E), and lipid metabolism (F).(G) t-SNE plots showing upregulated expression of representative metabolic genes (in red) for different tissues.(H–J) Violin plots showing the expression of representative metabolic marker genes for brain (H), liver (I), and lung (J) EC phenotypes, showing the distribution of expression levels of the selected metabolic marker genes in different vascular beds.

EC Atlas分类在其他数据集中识别EC表型的有效性

作者探索了EC Atlas分类在识别其他可公开获得的scRNA-seq数据集中的EC表型的有效性。作者使用了Tabula Muris的肝脏、心脏、大脑、肾脏、后肢肌肉和肺部数据集的EC。通过使用scmap和每种EC表型的前10个标记基因,几乎所有EC都可以匹配到EC Atlas分类中检测到的一种组织特异性EC表型(图7A),并且不同性别的EC没有差异。(scamp:一种将来自scRNA-seq数据集的细胞投射到其他实验细胞类型的方法,用于自动区分细胞类型。)


(A) Sankey diagrams, showing the scmap cluster projection of the Tabula Muris ECs in different tissues to the EC Atlas taxonomy; Tabula Muris ECs are annotated according to mouse gender. Similarity scores of Tabula Muris ECs for each EC Atlas EC subcluster per tissue are shown in boxplots. Unassigned cells are indicated in gray. Soleus and EDL ECs from the EC Atlas were pooled and denoted “EC Atlas muscle.”(B)Dendrogram visualization of hierarchical clustering analysis of EC phenotypes assigned by scmap (using top 10 marker genes for each EC phenotype), derived from female (F) and male mice (M). Color differences in the dendrogram indicate subclusters, resolved by multiscale bootstrapping.(C–E) Sankey diagrams, showing the scmap cluster projections of brain ECs from Vanlandewijck et al. (2018) (C), lung ECs from He et al. (2018) (D), and cardiac ECs from Zhao et al. (2018) (E) to the EC Atlas taxonomy. Similarity scores for each EC Atlas EC subcluster per tissue are shown in boxplots.




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