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openSUSE15.1切换桌面环境(从Gnome至KDE Plasma)

已有 6347 次阅读 2020-5-18 15:32 |个人分类:Linux|系统分类:科研笔记| openSUSE, 切换桌面环境, Gnome, KDE, Plasma

问题:openSUSE15.1安装时使用了Gnome桌面环境,感觉非常不习惯,而且很多软件也不兼容,使用Teamviewer也是各种问题,想要切换为KDE plasma5。在网上看到的openSUSE切换桌面环境的方法很多都无效了,自己折腾了一周终于找到了在openSUSE 15及之后版本更换桌面环境(Display Manager )的方法了


    步骤1   Installing Another DM(Display Manager )

An alternative DM must be installed before it may be selected.

To install one of the below managers, type the indicated code.

Display ManagerBrief DescriptionTo Install, Type:
gdm (Gnome Display Manager) [1]Default DM for GNOME desktop installations
zypper in gdm
SDDM (Simple Desktop Display Manager) [2]QML-Based X11 and Wayland DM. Default DM for KDE Plasma 5 installations
zypper in sddm
LightDM [3]A lightweight DM; default for XFCE installations
zypper in lightdm
kdm (KDE Display Manager[4]Default DM for KDE 4 installations
zypper in kdm

    步骤2  Setting the new default

The way this is accomplished changed with the release of Leap 15.

To list all display managers the alternatives system knows about, run

update-alternatives --list default-displaymanager

To change the display manager interactively

update-alternatives --config default-displaymanager





    1)打开YaST软件管理器(software management)
    3)现在,你会看到下面的画面(通过模式查看); 勾选KDE Plasma5 Desktop Base和 KDEApplications and Plasma5,然后Accept


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