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已有 4063 次阅读 2020-4-11 14:40 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

A plant genetic network for preventing dysbiosis in the phyllosphere

First author: Tao Chen; Affiliations: Michigan State University (密西根州立大学): East Lansing, USA

Corresponding author: Sheng Yang He

The aboveground parts of terrestrial plants, collectively called the phyllosphere, have a key role in the global balance of atmospheric carbon dioxide and oxygen. The phyllosphere represents one of the most abundant habitats for microbiota colonization. Whether and how plants control phyllosphere microbiota to ensure plant health is not well understood. Here we show that the Arabidopsis quadruple mutant (min7 fls2 efr cerk1; hereafter, mfec), simultaneously defective in pattern-triggered immunity and the MIN7 vesicle-trafficking pathway, or a constitutively activated cell death1 (cad1) mutant, carrying a S205F mutation in a membrane-attack-complex/perforin (MACPF)-domain protein, harbour altered endophytic phyllosphere microbiota and display leaf-tissue damage associated with dysbiosis. The Shannon diversity index and the relative abundance of Firmicutes were markedly reduced, whereas Proteobacteria were enriched in the mfec and cad1S205F mutants, bearing cross-kingdom resemblance to some aspects of the dysbiosis that occurs in human inflammatory bowel disease. Bacterial community transplantation experiments demonstrated a causal role of a properly assembled leaf bacterial community in phyllosphere health. Pattern-triggered immune signalling, MIN7 and CAD1 are found in major land plant lineages and are probably key components of a genetic network through which terrestrial plants control the level and nurture the diversity of endophytic phyllosphere microbiota for survival and health in a microorganism-rich environment.

陆地植物地上部分的组织统称叶际(phyllosphere),其对于大气中二氧化碳与氧气间的整体平衡具有非常重要的作用。叶际是微生物群落最为丰富的生存环境之一。然而,目前我们对于植物是否以及如何通过控制叶际微生物群落来确保植株自身的健康生长还不清楚。本文中,作者的研究显示拟南芥的四突植株mfecmin7 fls2 efr cerk1)会同时在模式触发型免疫(pattern-triggered immunity)以及MIN7囊泡运输通路存在缺陷;或是在一个含膜攻击复合物/穿孔素(MACPF)结构域蛋白上存在S205F突变的cad1突变体中,内生的叶际微生物群落发生改变,并且表现出与营养不良(dysbiosis)相关的叶组织损伤。香农多样性指数以及厚壁菌的相对丰度显著降低,而变形菌(Proteobacteria)则在mfeccad1S205F 突变体中富集,与人类发炎性肠道疾病所引起的营养不良在某些方面存在跨界的相似之处。细菌群落的移植试验说明了一个适当的叶片细菌群落组成对于叶际健康具有非常重要的作用。模式触发型免疫信号,MIN7和CAD1广泛存在于陆地植物主要支系中,并且可能是陆地植物控制内生叶际微生物群落水平和组成的遗传网络关键组分,这对于植物在富含微生物环境下的生存和健康尤为重要。

p.s. MIN7蛋白属于腺苷二磷酸核糖基化因子鸟嘌呤核苷酸交换因子(ARF-GEF)蛋白家族,其参与囊泡运输(vesicle trafficking)。拟南芥中,丁香假单胞菌毒力蛋白HopM1会靶向MIN7,并借助寄主的蛋白酶体降解MIN7蛋白,从而确保侵染成功。参考:Nomura, et al. (2006). A Bacterial Virulence Protein Suppresses Host Innate Immunity to Cause Plant Disease. Science, 313(5784), 220-223.

通讯:Sheng Yang He (https://prl.natsci.msu.edu/people/faculty/sheng-yang-he/)



doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-020-2185-0

Journal: Nature

Published date: April 08, 2020

p.s. 林木心材微生物:

New Phytologist:甲烷菌占美洲黑杨心材微生物群落主要组成部分


Nature Communications:柑橘根际微生物群落宏基因组

Nature Ecology & Evolution:植物区域适应和根部微生物群落变异的驱动因素

The ISME Journal:土地种植历史影响根际微生物而作用于植物性状

Nature Biotechnology:NRT1.1B作用于籼、粳稻大田条件下的根际微生物组成与氮利用效率差异


上一篇:Current Biology:拟南芥STM基因的自激活回路维持腋分生组织活性
下一篇:Nature Genetics:大豆驯化过程中控制开花时间变异基因受到的选择
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