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已有 4406 次阅读 2020-2-21 18:39 |系统分类:科研笔记


李翀  中国科学院生物物理研究所






伊马替尼(Imatinib)是一种小分子抑制剂,以其阻断c-AblPDGFRc-KITATPase活性而闻名,同时也阻断ARG的活性。其中,c-Abl最著名的是其作为原癌基因的作用机制Bcrc-Abl基因的融合,产生具有组成性活化的Abl酪氨酸激酶活性的嵌合Bcr-Abl蛋白[1] 虽然目前伊马替尼的适应症是Brc-Abl阳性白血病和恶性胃肠道间质肿瘤(GIST[2,3],但是越来越多的证据表明,伊马替尼能够通过阻滞ARG减少炎性状态下的细胞膜通透性,这为伊马替尼治疗新型冠状病毒肺炎引起的急性呼吸窘迫综合征提供了理论基础。









研究人员报道,伊马替尼不仅可以降低人肺微血管内皮细胞(HPMVEC)和其他内皮系统中凝血酶诱导的高通透性,还可以减弱内皮连接的解离。类似,在体外使用ARG siRNA抑制ARG,可以显着降低凝血酶诱导的通透性。ARG基因敲除小鼠能够免受VEGF诱导的血管通透性过高的影响,进一步证明ARG是血管渗漏发展中的关键介质[14]。这些数据表明,伊马替尼能够通过抑制ARG减弱凝血酶诱导的通透性。伊马替尼在炎症过程中有效地保护了人微血管肺内皮细胞以及肺血管渗漏和肺内皮屏障(表1, 2)。




Effect of   imatinib


Rat aortic   endothelial cells

Protects   endothelial barrier

Kurimoto,   Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 2004[15]

Human   umbilical vein endothelial cells

Protects   endothelial barrier

Aman, Circ   2012[16]

Improves   cell-matrix adhesion

Human lung   microvascular endothelial cells

Protects   endothelial barrier

Aman, Circ   2012[16]

Immortalized   endothelial cells

Protects   endothelial barrier

Chislock,   PLoS One 2013[17]

Human   umbilical vein endothelial cells

Protects   endothelial barrier

Kim, ATVB   2014[18]

Mouse lung   microvascular endothelial cells

Protects   endothelial barrier

Stephens,   ATS 2014[19]




Effect of   imatinib


Isolated   perfused lung model (mouse)

Inhibits   lung vascular leak

Aman, Circ   2012[16]

Miles   assay (mouse)

Attenuates   vascular leak in skin

Aman, Circ   2012[16]

Cecal   Ligation & Puncture (Sepsis) (mouse)

Attenuates   vascular leak in lungs, kidneys

Aman, Circ   2012[16]

Intratracheal   LPS (mouse)

Attenuates   pulmonary oedema

Kim, Crit   Care 2013[20]

Intravenous   LPS (mouse)

Attenuates   lung vascular leak

Stephens,   ATS abstract 2014[19]

Improves   survival

Intratracheal   LPS (mouse)

Attenuates   lung vascular leak

Rizzo, ATS   abstract 2014[21]

Miles   assay (mouse)

Attenuates   vascular leak in skin

Kim, ATVB   2014[18]






Effect of   imatinib


Pulmonary Veno-Occlusive   Disease

Resolution   of pulmonary oedema

Overbeek,   Eur Respir J 2008[10]

Improvement   of oxygenation (<24h)

Bleomycin-induced   pneumonitis / lung injury

Resolution   of pulmonary oedema

Carnevale-Schianca, J Clin Oncol 2011[22]

Idiopathic   Pulmonary Vascular Leak

Resolution   of pulmonary oedema

Aman, Am J   Respir Crit Care 2013[23]





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