以笔者所在的新加坡南洋理工大学黄金辉传播与信息学院为例 (Wee Kim Wee School of Communication & Information, WKWSCI),学院每一学年度都会向科研序列的教职工们发送一份学院推荐的期刊投稿目录 (简称 WKWSCI Journal List)。该目录综合了学院两大专业——传播学 (Communication Studies)和信息学(Information Studies)的有影响力的国际英文期刊,从中再进行“优中选优”,萃取出推荐的投稿期刊。以最新的2018-2019学年度的期刊目录为例,一共收录了72本杂志,并针对每本杂志,给出了当年度的影响因子 (JCR impact factor);五年综合影响因子(JCR 5 year impact factor);Scopus期刊分区(SJR Q1/Q2);QS世界大学学科排名收录期刊 (是/否);学院奖励等级(共三个等级,从高到低依次为:1A,1B,Included)。
然而遗憾是,据笔者有限的了解,目前缺乏专门针对信息管理领域的较为完备的国际期刊投稿目录。造成这种情况的原因主要是信息管理领域本身具有跨学科的属性。根据笔者的观察,活跃在信息管理领域的研究者的学术背景主要来自于图书情报学(Library and Information Science/Studies),信息系统学(Information Systems Science),计算机科学(Computer Science),传播学(Communication Science/Studies)和其他商科 (如营销学、组织行为学等)。每个学科往往有自己的专属投稿目录,但彼此缺乏兼容。
针对上述问题,在最近一段时间里,笔者制作整理了一份适合信息管理领域学者投稿的国际期刊目录 (Journal list for Scholars in Information Management List, 以下简称 IM list)。这份目录综合参考了目前商科领域的广为认可的两大推荐目录列表——ABDC list (Australian Business Deans Council)和ABS ranking list (Academic Business Schools of Chartered)中与信息管理研究相关的期刊;WKWSCI Journal List中与信息管理研究相关的期刊;SSCI收录的信息管理类的期刊,以及笔者自身信息管理领域文献阅读和投稿的经验。其中,ABDC List中的期刊分为四个等级,由高到低依次为A+,A, B, C。ABS list中的期刊分为五个等级,依次为4+,4,3,2,1。SSCI综合考虑了当年度影响因子(JCR IF)和5年累计影响因子(JCR 5-year IF)。
需要指出的是,笔者制作的IM List并不是一种排名,而是一份参考,目的是为了方便信息管理领域的学者在选择投稿国际期刊时,可以多一个信息源以帮助自己的决策。此目录一共收录了98本杂志,排名按照首字母顺序排列。针对每本期刊,我们给出了它在ABS、ABDC、WKWSCI、和SSCI上的指标参数。如果数据无法获得,则记录为N.A. 。在制作这份IM List过程中,笔者要特别感谢其在武大的师弟——付少雄同学和师妹——赵海平同学,他们利用平时休息的时间,抽空帮助笔者复查和审核期刊的指标参数和名称是否准确。然而,由于大家彼此科研任务繁忙,这份IM List难免有疏忽或错误的地方。因此,若读者朋友们发现IM List中相关指标参数或期刊名称不准确的地方,烦请不吝赐教,向笔者指出谬误的地方。谢谢您的支持!
附录-Journal List for Scholars in Information Management(IM Journal List)
No. | Journal Title | ABS Rating 2018 | ABDC Rating 2018 | WKWSCI Rating 2018 | JCR IF 2018 | JCR 5-year IF 2018 |
1 | ACM Transactions on Computing Education | N.A. | C | N.A. | 1.356 | 1.925 |
2 | ACM Transactions on Information Systems | N.A. | C | N.A. | 2.627 | 2.654 |
3 | AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction | 2 | A+ | N.A. | N.A. | N.A. |
4 | Aslib Journal of Information Management | N.A. | N.A. | N.A. | 1.702 | 1.818 |
5 | Australasian Journal of Information Systems | 1 | A | N.A. | N.A. | N.A. |
6 | Behaviour and Information Technology | 2 | A | 1B | 1.429 | 1.872 |
7 | British Journal of Educational Technology | 2 | A | N.A. | 2.588 | 3.028 |
8 | Business & Information Systems Engineering | 2 | A | N.A. | 3.6 | 5.281 |
9 | Communication Monographs | N.A. | A | 1B | 2.365 | 2.782 |
10 | Communications of the ACM | 2 | A | N.A. | 5.41 | 5.75 |
11 | Communications of the Association for Information Systems | 2 | A | N.A. | N.A. | N.A. |
12 | Communication Research | N.A. | A | 1B | 3.087 | 4.144 |
13 | Computer Journal | 2 | C | N.A. | 0.98 | 0.915 |
14 | Computer Supported Cooperative Work | 2 | B | N.A. | 1.479 | 2.39 |
15 | Computers & Education | N.A. | N.A. | 1A | 5.627 | 5.902 |
16 | Computers in Human Behavior (CHB) | 3 | B | 1B | 4.306 | 4.964 |
17 | Cyberpsychology Behavior and Social Networking | N.A. | N.A. | 1B | 2.65 | 3.987 |
18 | Database | 2 | N.A. | N.A. | 3.683 | 3.793 |
19 | Decision Support Systems (DSS) | 3 | A+ | N.A. | 3.847 | 4.903 |
20 | Electronic Commerce Research | N.A. | A | N.A. | 1.94 | 2.536 |
21 | Electronic Commerce Research and Applications | 2 | C | N.A. | 2.911 | 3.661 |
22 | Electronic Markets | 2 | A | N.A. | 3.553 | 3.487 |
23 | Enterprise Information Systems | 2 | A | N.A. | 2.122 | 2.363 |
24 | Ethics and Information Technology | 1 | C | N.A. | 2.34 | 2.214 |
25 | European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS) | 3 | A+ | N.A. | 2.603 | 4.756 |
26 | Expert Systems with Application | 3 | C | N.A. | 4.292 | 4.577 |
27 | Expert Systems: the Journal of Knowledge Engineering | 2 | N.A. | N.A. | 1.505 | 1.523 |
28 | Government Information Quarterly (GIQ) | 3 | N.A. | 1A | 4.311 | 5.595 |
29 | Group & Organization Management | 3 | A | Included | 3.104 | 4.079 |
30 | Health Communication | N.A. | B | 1B | 1.846 | 2.162 |
31 | Health Informatics Journal | N.A. | C | N.A. | 2.297 | 2.307 |
32 | Health Information and Libraries Journal | 2 | N.A. | N.A. | 1.179 | 1.203 |
33 | Industrial Management and Data Systems | 2 | N.A. | N.A. | 3.727 | 3.418 |
34 | Information & Management (I&M) | 3 | A+ | 1B | 4.12 | 5.346 |
35 | Information and Organization | 3 | A+ | N.A. | 2.269 | 3.441 |
36 | Information Processing and Management (IPM) | 2 | B | 1B | 3.892 | 3.295 |
37 | Information Research | 1 | N.A. | N.A. | 0.799 | 0.839 |
38 | Information Society | 3 | A | Included | 1.86 | 2.414 |
39 | Information Systems and e-business Management | 2 | B | N.A. | 1.621 | 1.739 |
40 | Information Systems Frontiers | 3 | A | N.A. | 2.539 | 3.152 |
41 | Information Systems Journal (ISJ) | 3 | A+ | N.A. | 3.286 | 4.879 |
42 | Information Systems Management | 2 | B | N.A. | 2.042 | 2.118 |
43 | Information Systems Research (ISR) | 4+ | A+ | N.A. | 2.457 | 6.069 |
44 | Information Technology and Libraries | N.A. | C | N.A. | 0.8 | 1.092 |
45 | Information Technology and People | 3 | A | N.A. | 1.263 | 2.477 |
46 | Information Technology for Development | N.A. | B | N.A. | 1.493 | 1.944 |
47 | Information Development | N.A. | N.A. | N.A. | 1.265 | 1.252 |
48 | Information, Communication and Society (ICS) | 2 | A | 1A | 4.124 | 4.974 |
49 | Interacting with Computers | 2 | C | N.A. | 0.863 | 1.062 |
50 | International Journal of Business and Systems Research | 1 | N.A. | N.A. | N.A. | N.A. |
51 | International Journal of Business Information Systems | 1 | C | N.A. | N.A. | N.A. |
52 | International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management | 1 | C | N.A. | N.A. | N.A. |
53 | International Journal of E-Business Research | 1 | N.A. | N.A. | N.A. | N.A. |
54 | International Journal of Electronic Commerce | 3 | A | N.A. | 3.439 | 4.733 |
55 | International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems | 1 | C | N.A. | 2.122 | 2.363 |
56 | International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction | N.A. | B | N.A. | 1.354 | 1.905 |
57 | International Journal of Human-Computer Studies | 3 | B | 1B | 2.006 | 2.517 |
58 | International Journal of Information Management (IJIM) | 2 | A | 1A | 5.063 | 6.327 |
59 | Internet Research | 2 | A | 1A | 4.109 | 4.835 |
60 | Journal of Advertising | 3 | A | 1B | 3.518 | 4.279 |
61 | Journal of Advertising Research | 3 | A | 1B | 1.969 | 2.34 |
62 | Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media | N.A. | N.A. | Included | 1.917 | 2.811 |
63 | Journal of Communication | N.A. | A | 1A | 3.753 | 6.718 |
64 | Journal of Computer Information Systems | 2 | A | N.A. | 1.1 | 2.044 |
65 | Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication (JCMC) | 3 | N.A. | 1A | 4.896 | 7.04 |
66 | Journal of Consumer Psychology | 4+ | A | 1A | 2.466 | 4 |
67 | Journal of Consumer Research | 4+ | A+ | 1A | 4.701 | 6.467 |
68 | Journal of Database Management | 1 | B | N.A. | 0.577 | 0.615 |
69 | Journal of Documentation | N.A. | N.A. | 1B | 1.573 | 1.601 |
70 | Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations | 1 | B | N.A. | N.A. | N.A. |
71 | Journal of Electronic Commerce Research | 1 | B | N.A. | 1.786 | 2.807 |
72 | Journal of Enterprise Information Management | 2 | B | N.A. | 2.126 | N.A. |
73 | Journal of Global Information Management | 2 | A | N.A. | 1.098 | 1.079 |
74 | Journal of Global Information Technology Management (JGITM) | 2 | B | N.A. | 0.923 | 1.145 |
75 | Journal of Health Communication | N.A. | N.A. | 1B | 1.773 | 2.596 |
76 | Journal of Information Science | 2 | N.A. | Included | 2.327 | 2.155 |
77 | Journal of Information Technology (JIT) | 3 | A+ | 1A | 3.125 | 4.721 |
78 | Journal of Informetrics | 1 | N.A. | N.A. | 3.879 | 3.479 |
79 | Journal of Knowledge Management (JKM) | 2 | A | 1B | 4.604 | 4.488 |
80 | Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS) | 4 | A+ | 1A | 3.013 | 4.56 |
81 | Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting | 1 | N.A. | N.A. | N.A. | N.A. |
82 | Journal of Strategic Information Systems (JSIS) | 3 | A+ | N.A. | 4 | 4.851 |
83 | Journal of Systems and Information Technology | 1 | C | N.A. | N.A. | N.A. |
84 | Journal of Systems and Software | 2 | B | N.A. | 2.559 | 2.774 |
85 | Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST) | 3 | A+ | 1A | 2.738 | 3.101 |
86 | Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS) | 4 | A+ | N.A. | 3.103 | 3.48 |
87 | Knowledge Management Research and Practice | 1 | A | N.A. | 1.485 | 1.479 |
88 | Knowledge-Based Systems | N.A. | A | 1B | 5.101 | 5.358 |
89 | Library & Information Science Research | N.A. | N.A. | 1B | 1.425 | 1.839 |
90 | MIS Quarterly (MISQ) | 4+ | A+ | N.A. | 4.373 | 9.608 |
91 | MIS Quarterly Executive (MISQ-E) | 2 | A | N.A. | 2.206 | 2.718 |
92 | Online Information Review | 1 | B | 1B | 1.928 | 2.529 |
93 | Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems | 2 | B | N.A. | N.A. | N.A. |
94 | Requirements Engineering | 2 | N.A. | N.A. | 2.761 | 2.467 |
95 | Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems | 2 | A | N.A. | N.A. | N.A. |
96 | Scientometrics | 2 | A | 1B | 2.77 | 2.71 |
97 | The Data Base for Advances in Information Systems | 2 | A | N.A. | 1.103 | 1.026 |
98 | The Electronic Library | N.A. | B | N.A. | 0.886 | 1.119 |
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