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My letter to DGers

已有 7220 次阅读 2007-11-28 14:21 |个人分类:随想

Today, I send a email to the group members as a student. I really hope that some changes will happen around me. Though it was not discussed in the group meeting right after I sent it.  I  know  that  "change the world , change yourself".

Dear DGers,

I would like to share some points with our group members. There could be some grammar mistakes and real mistakes which you may disagree with. I will be glad to know your comments. I know this may look silly.

Like a company has a culture, I think our group has its own culture or style. I will express some opinions about it.

First, our group is so called “Lao Dai Xiao Zu” or “Elder Dai Group”. So I would like to call every member in this group a “DGer” here. I hope you will like this name.

Second, pressure. A very big pressure is on Dai’s shoulders, and every DGer should share this pressure. It means to do our tasks at full steam.

Third, communication. DGers learn from each other, help each other and share information. It also diminishes misunderstanding. I agree that a real scholar is lonely but reaching out. Be lonely to concentrate and think by oneself, reach out for information, help and cooperation.

Fourth, question. Always ready to question and find the truth. “ I love my teacher, but I love the truth more. “ We determine things due to the truth, not who says it, such as an authority, teacher, advisor and so on, because everyone will make mistake and have shortcomings. Sometimes, it may be wrong and look silly when you come up with a question, but don’t worry this too much. The truth is what we should care most, and you will learn from mistakes.

Fifth, equality. 在人格上, Every DGer is equal. And, every DGer should be respected. Of course, we are not equal in the aspects of knowledge, experience and status. Feeling equal helps us to communicate and know each other better.

Sixth, English. DGers use English as much as possible. We need English to write papers. Maybe there will be some mistakes when you use English, but I think we only have to make sure the others understand you. Mistakes will decrease in practice, and English will be improved.

Seventh, culture manual. We found our own DGers’ culture manual which every DGer takes seriously and into actions. Every DGer could be active to raise some culture s/he thinks it is needed for other DGers. And if most DGers agree, her/his points enter the manual.

Finally,自己和自己过不去. I write this article for this. Changes may cause pain and anxiety. We have to find ways to comfort ourselves, remembering that we just want to be better, a little step further everyday.

For group meeting, I have also some advices which I hope to be feasible and persistent.

First, long term reports is necessary, just like what we are doing now. We need to be more active to discuss.

Second, found a “help” session. A DGer could raise her/his questions and difficulties in research and learning, and ask for help during this session. Of course, we could ask for help after the meeting personally. Different DGer may have different view or solution on the same problem. Through “help” session, we will find help efficiently.

Third, found a “goal” session. Every DGer talks about the following issues about oneself every week: “what is new last week? What has been done last week? Have I finished my task? If not, why? And any help needed? How to compensate it? What is my goal of next week?” Goals could be learning goals, research goals, job goals, especially for who is about to graduate and employees, or even life goals if a DGer likes. Learning goals are not simply the courses who will take, but what one has really learned in short. For research goals, we know that science research always has “accidents”, and sometimes one may change the goals during the week. But it doesn’t matter. Every DGer has several minutes to speak out all the above stuffs in brief. For time saving and efficiency, maybe DGers could be divided into several small groups to do this. Every DGer write down what other DGers have said in the session, acting as a supervisor. So Every DGer should prepare a notebook for the “goal” session. I think it will benefit each other. Several months ago, DGers were asked to write a report every week, but it did not last long. That is why I suggest we speak out in the session. In addition, I hope that every DGer should be involved, including employer and employees.

Finally, I would like to recommend some helpful articles on research written by a bi-academician, Yu-ChiHo:


Best wishes!

Wei Shangguan



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