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pH fluorescent probe for mitochondrial acidification

已有 3993 次阅读 2017-7-17 17:03 |系统分类:论文交流

Wide-acidity-range pH fluorescence probes for evaluation of acidi-fication in mitochondria and digestive tract mucosa    

The cells control their pH change in avery accurate range. pH plays important roles in cell autophagy and apoptosis.Evidences imply that the internal milieu of tumor is acidified. Although theacidification in cells is investigated, the biological effects from multiplestimulating factors under the complex intracellular environment have not beenthoroughly elaborated yet. Hitherto, there is few pH probe performs in wideacidity range, which needs to be urgently developed. Herein, we report two newfluorescent probes (BHNBD and CM-BHNBD) for the detection of mitochondrial and intramucosalacidification. The two probes respond to pH via an H+-driven TICT (photoinducedelectron transfer- twist intramolecular charge transfer) mechanism, and canlinearly report pH within a wide acidity units: 7.00 - 2.00 following ~148-foldfluorescence increase. The two probes also possess excellent membranepermeability, good photostability, and negligible cytotoxicity. The probes aresuccessfully applied for quantifying the acidification in HeLa cells under thesimultaneous stimulation of nutrient deprivation and oxidative stress. Ourresults demonstrate that the mitochondrial pH is in a dynamic fluctuating stateduring the acidification process, which suggests a potential cross-talk effectbetween cell autophagy and apoptosis. We also use the probes for quantifyingthe intramucosal pH variation in stomach and esophagus via manipulatingcellular proton pump. The development of our probes is potentially expected tobe used to monitor the intracellular/intramucosal acidification for biomedicalresearch.

Wide-acidity-range pH fluorescence probes for evaluation of acidi-fication in mitochondria and digestive tract mucosa
Guang Chen, Qiang Fu,Fabiao Yu*,Rui Ren, Yuxia Liu, Ziping Cao,Guoliang Li, Xianen Zhao,Lingxin Chen*, Hua Wang and Jinmao You*
Anal. Chem., Publication Date (Web): July 11, 2017, DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.7b02164



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