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逆源图灵的思想看人机关系-解读图灵论文“智能机器,一种异端理论” 精选

已有 5396 次阅读 2017-5-1 21:13 |个人分类:图灵论著专研与精译工作群|系统分类:论文交流| 模仿游戏, 人、机关系, 智能机器

图灵的所有工作都是建立在实时性the actual time)基础上的,这是一种天才的直觉,这个基础构成了他全部工作内在的逻辑一致性,从图灵机对希尔伯特问题的拒绝式回答到模仿游戏的开放式模型,其思想的一致性是图灵最深刻的秘密。图灵机毫无怀疑地成为现代科学技术的基础,图灵的1936年论文成为了技术理论中的圣经,而模仿游戏却一直未得到正确的解读,这是因为图灵机机械步骤这种性质直接表达了隐含在算法中的实时性,而模仿游戏包含了对人自身本质中的实时性的揭示,但技术和技术理论中包含的还原论思想总是在不自觉地妨碍人们去领会和接受图灵的深刻思想。


下面以图灵1951年的论文“智能机器,一种异端理论”(Intelligentmachinery, a heretical theory)[1]中几段翻译为例,窥豹一斑。据the essential Turing [2]一书介绍,此文章来源于1951年图灵在BBCThe'51 Society电台节目中为大众做的报告,这是继图灵1950年提出模仿游戏开启人工智能标志性文章后,又一篇进一步阐释智能机器的文章。

"You cannot make a machine to think for you". This is a commonplace that is usually accepted without question. It will be the purpose of this paper to question it.


解读:但这里的“for you”对图灵有确定性的意义,强调了你不能按你的任意目的制造一台思考机器,这是通常的观点,但图灵质疑这种观点,这与下文中的复杂的意义转折的论述是一致的。

Most machinery developed for commercial purposes is intended to carry out some very specific job, and to carry it out with certainly and considerable speed. Very often it does the same series of operations over and over again without any variety. This fact about the actual machinery available is a powerful argument to many in favor of the slogan quoted above.



To a mathematical logician this argument is not available, for it has been shown that there are machines theoretically possible which will do something very close to thinking. They will, for instance, test the validity of a formula proof in the system of Principia Mathematica, or even tell of a formula of that system whether it is provable or disprovable. In this case that the formula is neither provable nor disprovable such a machine certainly does not behave in a very satisfactory manner, for it continues to work indefinitely without producing any result atall, but this cannot be regarded as very different from the reaction of the mathematicians, who have for instance worked for hundreds of years on the questions as to whether Fermant's last theorem is true or not. For the case of machines of this kind a more subtle kind of argument is necessary.

译文:然而,对于一个数理逻辑学家来说,这个论据是站不住脚的,因为已经表明有机器在理论上可以做某些非常接近人的思考的事情。例如,它们会在Principia Mathematica(罗素、怀特海的“数学原理”)体系中验证公式证明的有效性,甚至可以得到这个体系中的某个公式可证明或可证否的结论。在公式既不可证明也不可证否这种情况下,这样的机器肯定不会以令人满意的方式运行,因为它会持续无限期地运行,而不产生任何结果,但是这不能被认为与数学家相应的行为就完全不同,比如数学家过去数百年间就在证明费马大定律是否成立。对于这种情况的机器,需要一种更微妙的论证。

解读:注意,图灵在这里对机器的行为(behave)或工作(work) 与数学家的对应行为(reaction)用词是一种对应性,是意义严格的,即只在这种对应性上进行比较。


By Godel's famous theorem, or some similar argument, one can show that however the machine is constructed there are bound to be case where the machine fails to give an answer, but a mathematician would be able to. On the other hand, the machine has certain advantages over the mathematician. Whatever it does can be relied upon, assuming no mechanical 'breakdown', whereas the mathematician makes a certain proportion of mistakes. I believe that this danger of the mathematician making mistakes is an unavoidable corollary of his power of sometimes hitting upon an entirely new method. This seems to be confirmed by the well known fact that the most reliable people will not usually hit upon really new methods.

译文:由哥德尔著名的定律或者一些类似的论证,可以看出,无论机器如何构造,机器必定有无法给出答案的时候,但是数学家总可以得到(他们努力想找到的答案)。另一方面,机器在某些方面比数学家有优势。假设机器的机械部分不发生崩溃,机器总是可靠的,而数学家总会犯一些错误。 我相信,数学家犯错误的危险恰恰是他们具有偶然能发现全新的方法的能力的必然结果,这似乎得到了众所周知的事实支持:最可靠的人通常很少会发现真正的新方法。

解读:图灵完全区分了,机器与人在可比较的行为上相同,但两者在本质上不同;而且,人能接受犯错误的能力是有区别的, 这正是图灵对人性的洞察。

My contention is that machines can be constructed which will simulate the behavior of the humanmind very closely. They will make mistakes at times, and at times they may makenew and very interesting statements, and on the whole the output of them willbe worth attention to the same sort of extent as the output of a human mind. The content of this statement lies in the greater frequency expected for the true statements, and it cannot, I think, be given an exact statement. It would not, for instance, be sufficient to say simply that the machine will make any true statement sooner or later, for an example of such a machine would be one which makes all possible statements sooner or later. We know how to construct these, and as they would (probably) produce true and false statements about equally frequently, their verdicts would be quite worthless. It would be the actual reaction of the machine to circumstances that would prove my contention, if indeed it can be proved at all.



文章的最后一段 :

Let us now assume, for the sake of argument, that these machines are a genuine possibility, andlook at the consequences of constructing them. To do so would of course meet with great opposition, unless we have advanced greatly in religious toleration from the days of Galileo. There would be great opposition from the intellectuals who were afraid of being put out of a job. It is probable though that the intellectuals would be mistaken about this. There would be plenty to do, [trying to understand what the machines were trying to say,]2 i.e. in trying to keep one’s intelligence up to the standard set by the machines, for it seems probable that once the machine thinking method had started, it would not take long to outstrip our feeble powers. There would be no question of the machines dying, and they would be able to converse with each other to sharpen their wits. At some stage therefore we should have to expect the machines to take control, in the way that is mentioned in SamuelButler’s ‘Erewhon’.


解读:在这里可更明确地看到,图灵一方面将当时认为机器不能思维的人看成是中世纪教会式的顽固,另一方面,又为那些担心机器的工作能力可以超过人的知识份子解难,希望他们能够努力地去理解机器的工作而达到更高的工作能力。图灵相信机器很快就能达到具有管理控制能力的水平,这也就是今天我们所能看到的人工智能,尽管已经取得了很大的成果,但是,我们今天仍然不能理解当前主流的人工神经网络(Artificial Neural NetworkANN)的工作原理。


[1]Alan Turing, Intelligentmachinery, a heretical theory1951http://viola.informatik.uni-bremen.de/typo/fileadmin/media/lernen/Turing-_Intelligent_Machinery.pdf

[2]B. Jack. Copeland, The EssentialTuring, 2004


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