


已有 2931 次阅读 2017-2-25 07:51 |个人分类:Linux|系统分类:科研笔记

How to install .deb packages:


1.Every Linux distribution based on Debian will be using Debian packages as a method for installing and uninstalling software.

  Debian packages are identified by the file extension .deb

2.Most of the time you will use a package manager such as the Ubuntu Software Centre, Synaptic or Muon to install software within Debian based distributions.

  If you prefer to use the command line you are likely to use apt-get.


  Some applications aren't available within the repositories and have to be downloaded from the vendor's websites.

  You should be careful about downloading and installing Debian packages from sources that don't exist in the distributions repositories.

Install .deb Packages

3.The tool used to install and uninstall Debian packages is called dpkg. It is a command line tool and through the use of switches you can do many different things.

   The first thing you will want to do is install the package.

sudo dpkg -i <packagename>

   For example to install the QR Code Creator the command would be as follows:

sudo dpkg -i ~/Downloads/qr-code-creator_1.0_all.deb   (~/Downloads/表示.deb所在路径, ~表示home directory, e.g. "/home/gll")

    If you would prefer to (not sure why) you can also use --install instead of -i as follows:

sudo dpkg --install qr-code-creator_1.0_all.deb


   PS: .deb包的安装除了利用命令行之外,还可以双击.deb包,进入Ubuntu Software Center进行安装

Remove .deb Packages

You can remove a Debian package using the following command:

sudo dpkg -r <packagename>

If you want to remove the configuration files as well you will need to use the following command:

sudo dpkg -P <packagename


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