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已有 9115 次阅读 2010-3-17 13:35 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:图片百科| Cu2O, microcrystal

Jiasheng Xu, Dongfeng Xue. Five branching growth patterns in the cubic crystal system: a direct observation of cuprous oxide microcrystals. Acta Mater., 2007, 55 (7): 2397–2406. (Citations: 30)


Cuprous oxide (Cu2O) is selected in this paper to elucidate the shape evolution in the cubic crystal system. A wide range of novel cuprous oxide microcrystals (based on the five branching growth patterns) has been prepared through an EDTA reduction route by employing the EDTA molecule as both chelating reagent and reductant. Hereafter, EDTA is the abbreviation for ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid tetrasodium salt dihydrate (C10H12N2Na4O8·2H2O). The morphology of these microcrystals has a strong dependence on the reaction conditions, which implies vast possibilities of designing new crystal morphologies and may result in the development of powerful and economical design strategies to enable future progress.



Keywords: Crystal morphology; Branching Growth; Cubic crystal system; Cuprous oxide



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