%% Main information
% Developed by Decai@hfut 2014/11/14
% read file names of the folder with the specified extension
% default extension: AT2
%% Description of input & output variables
% input variables
% direc: folder name
% output variables
% filenames: file names of the folder with the specified extension (format: cell array)
%% Format to use
% filenames=dirFolder(direc) % default: *.AT2 file names ca be recognized
% or filenames=dirFolder(direc,'xls')
% or filenames=dirFolder(direc,'dat') %any extension can be used
%% Example
% direc='D:recordsall';
% ext='txt';
% filenames = dirFolder(direc,ext);
% if only recognize *.AT2 file names
% direc='D:recordsall';
% filenames = dirFolder(direc);
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