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TiO2/HS-CH2-COOH/Cu3Se2 Composite Film

已有 3559 次阅读 2012-4-5 14:25 |个人分类:科学|系统分类:论文交流| 纳米材料


In this paper, the TiO2/HS-CH2-COOH/Cu3Se2 composite film photoanodes were fabricated on conducting glass plates. Cu3Se2 nanoparticles were used as the sensitizer and the bi-functional modifier HS-CH2-COOH was used at the interface between Cu3Se2 and TiO2 films to improve the properties of film photoanode. The characterization results show that the sol-sel prepared anatase TiO2 film has a compact and uniform surface while the tetragonal Cu3Se2 film has a coarse surface which is made up of uniform elongated particles. The photoelectrochemical experimental results indicate that the TiO2/HS-CH2-COOH/Cu3Se2 composite film photoanodes has a good photovoltaic property.

Keywords: TiO2 film; Sensitizer; Cu3Se2; Photoelectrochemical; Solar cell


1. Introduction

The increasing demand for energy motivates the search for new and clean energy resources. As a renewable energy, solar radiation is a most promising energy source. Therefore, solar cells for harvesting solar energy have received great attention and considerable progress has been made in this field. In 1991, Grätzel and co-workers made an important discovery in the design of solar cell by using nanocrystalline TiO2 to replace conventional crystalline silicon [1]. However, since TiO2 is a wide band gap semiconductor (band gap around 3.2 eV),only the UV light in solar radiation can be adsorbed and used. To increase the photoactivity of TiO2 in the visible range,a complex dye, cis-di (thiocyanato)-N,N-bis (2,2’-bipyridyl di-carboxylate) Ru(II), has been added as sensitizer in solar cells. Since then, other complex dyes, such as bis (tetrabutylammonium) cis-di (thiocyanato) bis (2,2’- bipyridine-4,4’carb-oxylic acid) Ru(II) and tri (cyanato)-2,2',2''-terpyridyl-4,4',4''- tricarboxylate) Ru(II) were synthesized and used as sensitizers in TiO2 solar cells [2-3]. Recently, some inorganic sensitizers were used to replace the complex dye in TiO2 solar cells. Among inorganic sensitizers, the semiconductors attracted much attention and various semiconductors, such as CdS [4], PbS [5-6], Bi2S3 [7], CdSe [8-9], InP [10], CuInSe2 and In2Se3[11], have been used to sensitize TiO2.

As a type of special semiconductors, copper selenides have diverse phases and structural forms [12-17], and have extensively been studied due to their potential applications in solar cells [18-20]. Our group have synthesized CuSe, Cu2Se, Cu3Se2 and Cu2-xSe, and studied their photoelectric properties, such as electrochemical property and electrogenerated chemiluminescence [21-22]. In this paper, as-synthesized Cu3Se2 nanoparticles were used as the sensitizer for a TiO2 film photoanode. In addition, thioglyclic acid (HS-CH2-COOH) was used as a ligand (L) at the interface between Cu3Se2 and TiO2 thin films for improving the properties of film photoanode. The photoelectrochemical experimental results show that the as-fabricated TiO2/L/Cu3Se2 photoanode has a good photovoltaic property.


2. Experimental Section

Preparation of TiO2 Film The reagents are of analytical grade and were used in experiments without further purification. The preparation for TiO2 film was typically carried out as follows. First, the solution A was prepared by adding 1 ml glacial acetic into the mixture solution containing 4 ml Ti(OC4H9)4, 12 ml absolute ethanol and 0.05 g polyvinylpyrrolidone. The solution B (pH 2.3) was prepared by mixing 6 ml absolute ethanol with 2 ml distilled water and 0.5 ml 10 mol/L HCl. Then, the reaction solution was prepared by dropwise adding the solution B into the solution A under stirring. The TiO2 sol was formed after gelling this reaction solution for 12 h at room temperature. Finally, the TiO2 film based on the conducting glass plate (CGP, a tin oxide-coated glass plate, Bengbu Co. China), was prepared as follows. First, a piece of the CGP was dipped in the TiO2 sol for 1 min and lifted up at a rate of 5.0 cm/min. Then, after dried at 100 , the CGP covered with TiO2 layer was calcined in a furnace at 450 for 30 min.

Preparation of Cu3Se2 Nanoparticles  First, the 24 ml CuSO4 solution containing 5 mmol Cu2+ and 0.353 g tri-sodium citrate, was mixed with 8 ml Na2SeSO3 solution containing 5 mmol Se2-. A dark brown precipitate was formed after keeping the mixture solution at 60 for 30 min. Then, the Cu3Se2 nanoparticles, for further use as sensitizer for TiO2 were obtained by separating and washing the precipitate.

Preparation of TiO2/L/Cu3Se2 Composite Film First, the CGP covered with TiO2 film as-obtained was immerged in an acetonitrile solution containing HS-CH2-COOH (L) at 80 for 12 h. Then, the CGP covered with TiO2 film that adsorbed L was taken out, washed with acetonitrile and immerged in the toluene solution containing Cu3Se2 nanoparticles for 12 h. Finally, the TiO2/L/Cu3Se2 composite film based on the surface of CGP, was obtained by washing and drying (at room temperature) processes. Meanwhile, the TiO2/Cu3Se2 composite film was prepared with the same way, except for the introduction of L. The preparation course of the TiO2/L/Cu3Se2 composite film is illustrated in scheme 1.


Scheme 1. Preparation course of the Cu3Se2/L/TiO2 composite film


Characterization. The as-prepared films were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM, X650, Hitachi, 10 kV) and X-ray diffractometry (XRD, Rigaku D/max-RA, graphite monochromatized CuKα1 radiation, λ = 0.15406 nm). The UV-Vis absorption and emission spectra of the products were recorded on a UV spectrometer (UV-3600, Japan) and a spectrofluorimeter (PL, F-2500, Japan), respectively. The thickness of the films was determined by the surface profile meter (Ambios XP-1).

Photoelectrochemical Measurement The measurements were performed on an electrochemistry work station (LK2005, Tian’jing, China). The electrochemical cell was made up of a KI (0.1 mol/L) electrolyte solution and a three-electrode system: a platinum sheet as counter electrode, a saturated calomel electrode (SCE) as reference electrode against which all potentials were recorded, and a CGP covered with given film as working electrode. A Xe lamp (250 W) was used as light resource.


3. Results and discussion


Figure 1. Characterization results: SEM images of TiO2 layer (a) and Cu3Se2 layer (b); XRD patterns of TiO2 layer (c) and Cu3Se2 layer (d).


The SEM images and XRD patterns of the as-prepared films are shown in Figure 1. From Figure 1a, it can be seen that the TiO2 film has a compact and uniformity surface. As shown in Figure 1b, the Cu3Se2 film has a coarse surface which is made up of uniform grain-like particles about 40 nm in diameter and 150 nm in length. The thickness measurements show that the TiO2 and Cu3Se2 films are about 110 and  40 nm thick, respectively.

The phase structure of the nanoparticles that constituted films was examined by XRD and the results are shown in Figure 1c and 1d. Figure 1c indicates that the TiO2 layer has a pure anatase structure, since all the peaks in XRD pattern can be attributed to the anatase phase (JCPDS 83-2243), and no peak for other types was observed [23]. Moreover, the TiO2 layer is made up of small size particles with good crystallinity, which is confirmed by the strong and wide features of the XRD peaks. Figure 1d shows that the Cu3Se2 layer has a tetragonal structure, as reported [21], since the peaks in the XRD pattern correspond well with the standard XRD pattern of Cu3Se2 in JCPDS 47-1745 file[24].

The UV–vis absorption spectra of the films are shown in Figure 2a. As reported [25], the UV region absorption of the films can be assigned to the absorption caused by the excitation of electrons from the band-to-band or band-defect transitions. From curve 1 in Figure 2a, it can be seen that the pure TiO2 film shows a weak absorption in UV-visible region, and an absorption onset 380 nm from which the band energy gap (Eg) for TiO2 film was calculated to be 3.26 eV. By coupling with the Cu3Se2 nanoparticles, the TiO2/Cu3Se2 composite film as-formed shows an intense absorption in UV-visible region and has a large red-shift for absorbance onset comparing with pure TiO2 film, which is clearly shown in Figure 2a. From curve 2 in Figure 2a, the Eg of the TiO2/Cu3Se2 composite film is 2.30 eV. In order to study the effect of Cu3Se2 on the absorption of the TiO2/Cu3Se2 composite film, the absorption and emission spectra of Cu3Se2 nanoparticles themselves were determined and the results are shown in Figure 2b. From the spectra, it can be seen that the strong absorption is located in visible region and the emission peak is at 530 nm from which the Eg of the Cu3Se2 nanoparticles was calculated to be 2.34 eV. Clearly, the Cu3Se2 is a semiconductor with narrow Eg as reported [13], and the presence of Cu3Se2 helps to improve the optical performance of TiO2/Cu3Se2 composite film.

For the TiO2/L/Cu3Se2 composite film, as shown in Figure 2a (curve 3), the absorption and the red-shift of the absorbance onset were further enhanced due to the introduction of interface modifier L. It had been proved that the thiol group can bind CdSe [26], and the carboxylate group can connect the TiO2 [27]. Recently, this binding model was used in binding CdSe or CdS to TiO2 [28-29]. Here, as a bi-functional linker molecule bearing carboxylate and thiol functional groups, the L could bind Cu3Se2 nanoparticles with TiO2, as illustrated in scheme 1. Therefore, the optical property of the TiO2/L/Cu3Se2 composite film was improved, in virtue of the introduction of L.


Figure 2. (a) UV–vis spectra of the films: (1) TiO2 film; (2) TiO2/Cu3Se2 composite film; (3) TiO2/L/Cu3Se2 composite film; (b) absorbance and emission spectra of Cu3Se2 nanoparticles in toluene (Emission spectrum was recorded using 440 nm excitation).


As above, the photoresponse of TiO2 in visible region can be enhanced by binding with narrow Eg Cu3Se2. Here, in order to study the photo-electron transfer between Cu3Se2 and TiO2 under illumination, the photoelectrochemical behavior of the films as-obtained was determined and the results are shown in Figure 3. It has been demonstrated that the semiconductors such as CdS and CdSe with narrow Eg, are capable of injecting electrons into TiO2 film [29-30]. For our TiO2/Cu3Se2 (or TiO2/L/Cu3Se2) composite film, the photo-excited electrons in Cu3Se2 film could be injected into TiO2 film under illumination with visible light. This charge transfer enhanced the separation of photo-induced electron-hole pairs in system, as a result, a larger short circuit current was generated comparing pure TiO2 film (shown in Figure 3a). The process of charge transfer could be expressed as follows: 

2 Cu3Se2 + hν →Cu3Se2 (e-) + Cu3Se2 (h+)    (1)

Cu3Se2 (e-) + TiO2 →Cu3Se2 + TiO2 (e-)        (2)

Cu3Se2 (h+) + I- →Cu3Se2 + 1/2 I2                      (3)

Based on the equation (2), the electrons shifted into TiO2 film, accumulated on the surface of the CGP and formed current in circuit.


Figure 3. Photocurrent as a function of (a) time and (b) voltage. Curves 1, 2, 3 correspond to the TiO2 film, TiO2/Cu3Se2 composite film, and TiO2/L/Cu3Se2 composite film, respectively.


It has been confirmed that the electron transfer could be facilitated by applying a positive bias to the semiconductor film electrode [29]. Here, the photocurrents generated at different potentials applied to the TiO2, TiO2/Cu3Se2 and TiO2/L/Cu3Se2 films respectively, are shown in Figure 3b. From the curves in Figure 3b, it can be seen that when the potential was swept toward positive direction, the generated photocurrents all increased for three films. As known, the zero potential at which no current is produced, reflects the maximum attainable open-circuit voltage and is a measure of the flat band potential as well. From Figure 3b, it can be observed that the zero potentials are -0.58, -0.88 and -0.97 V for TiO2, TiO2/Cu3Se2 and TiO2/L/Cu3Se2 films, respectively. Comparing with TiO2 film, clearly, the open-circuit voltage for the TiO2/L/Cu3Se2 film increases by 0.39 V. The phenomenon may result from the improvement in energetics, and the rapid and efficient separation of photogenerated charges.


4. Conclusion

In the interest of improving the photoelectric property of TiO2 film, the sensitizer Cu3Se2 nanoparticles and the bi-functional modifier L (HS-CH2-COOH) were introduced to TiO2 film by dip-coating and calcining technique. The morphology and crystallization of various films as-obtained were characterized by SEM and XRD, and the photoelectric property was studied by a series of photoelectrochemical experiments. The spectral analysis results indicated that the TiO2/L/Cu3Se2 composite film had a good optical performance in visible and ultraviolet region. Importantly, due to its efficient charge separation for the photo-induced electron-hole pairs, the TiO2/L/Cu3Se2 composite film photoanode can generate larger short-circuit current and open-circuit voltage, comparing pure TiO2 film, which is significant in solar energy conversion and optoelectronics devices.



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