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已有 1075 次阅读 2020-9-28 16:13 |系统分类:科研笔记|文章来源:转载

本文为加沙伊斯兰大学(作者:Mahmoud A. eltatar)的硕士论文,共57页。




Ensuring the security of the senetive datafrom being accessed by unauthorized user is very important issue, especiallywhile being transmitted or stored for the companies and end users. Multipleways are used to do this job; one of the most famous is to use cryptography.Cryptography is used to transfer the data in a form that is not understood byanyone apart from the intended recipient. The advance standard encryptionalgorithm (AES) is one of the most secure encryption algorithms, but AESsuffers from consumption of unnecessary time to achieve the necessarycomplexity needed to meet the security level, especially for real timeapplication. In this research, a modified scheme is developed for theencryption/decryption algorithm by modifying the MixColumns stage. The aim ofnew scheme is to increase the speed of the encryption/ decryption process whilemaintaining the complexity of the design by using IV vectors depends on truerandom number generator. Such a schem will keep the security level for theproposed scheme as complex as possible . The result verifies that the modifiedscheme of encryption and decryption (MAES) is twice faster than the advancestandard encryption algorithm (AES). The complexity of the modified scheme ofencryption and decryption algorithm (MAES) is high achive the security level asthe advance standard encryption algorithm AES algorithm as verified by tests.


1. 引言

2. 密码学理论

3. 改进的AES算法设计

4. 评估

5. 结论与展望



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