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已有 1089 次阅读 2020-9-16 16:50 |系统分类:科研笔记|文章来源:转载

本文为英国伦敦帝国理工学院(作者:Clement S. J. Doire)的博士毕业论文,共177页。




When capturing speech signals using adistant microphone within a confined acoustic space, the recordings are oftendegraded by reverberation. This can have a detrimental impact on the qualityand intelligibility of speech, especially when combined with acoustic noise. Inrecent years, there has been increasing demand for effective ways of combatingthe damaging effects of reverberation in applications such as hands-freetelephony or hearingaids technology. However, the task of providing a blindsingle-channel dereverberation method robust to high levels of noise andsuitable for real-time processing remains a challenge. An importantprerequisite for many single-channel dereverberation algorithms is theestimation of the acoustic parameters governing reverberation. In this thesis, anovel online method of estimating these parameters jointly with the interferingsignal powers is proposed that is based on a combination of Voice ActivityDetection and Extended Kalman Filters. This method is then extended to takeinto account the spectral structure of clean speech signals and to performdereverberation by applying a time-frequency gain to the degraded speechspectrogram. The estimation of this gain is formulated as a Bayesian filteringproblem conditioned on a Hidden Markov Model. In order to evaluate the proposedalgorithm in terms of speech intelligibility, a novel algorithm for measuringPsychometric Functions efficiently in listening experiments is presented. Thealgorithms developed are evaluated on both simulated and real recordings andare compared with existing state-of-the art alternatives.

1. 引言

2. 项目背景与文献回顾

3. 混响参数的盲估计算法

4. 单通道语音增强技术

5. 有效的语音清晰度估计

6. 结论



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