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已有 938 次阅读 2020-8-25 16:06 |系统分类:科研笔记|文章来源:转载

本文为美国明尼苏达大学(作者:MONISHA KODI SHIVANNA)的硕士论文,共55页。






Cells are the basic structural, functionaland biological functional unit in living organisms. Cells are usually called“fundamental building blocks of life” due to their ability to replicateindependently. The study of cells and cell processes is imperative in the studyof living organisms. Particle detection and tracking plays a vital role inunderstanding the processes that occur in living cells. Biological processesinvolve complex and dynamic machinery which makes it very difficult to analyzeand draw conclusions from the observations. Technological advancements havesignificantly improved the quality and quantity of data that can be collected:particles with nanometer resolution can now be imaged with intricate detailsover a significant interval of time, thus providing us access to informationabout the biological processes at a cellular and molecular level. The extensiveuse of fluorescent probes sheds light on the different particles and theirroles in the various processes. However, there are a lot of factors whichaffect the processes that are not under our control thereby inhibiting us fromsuccessfully detecting and tacking particles. The presence of a plethora ofparticles which vary in size, nature, density of occurrence, fluorescence,nature of motion etc. makes it impossible to have a unified detection andtracking algorithm that can provide us with the most accurate results. Thepresence of a wide number of independent parameters some of which are mentionedabove makes it hard to simulate a process and hinders the understanding ofprocesses and drawing conclusions from them. This study mainly focuses onsummarizing some of the most popular detection and tracking algorithms. Towardsthe end, the developed detection and tracking algorithm is applied to studybidirectional axonal cargo transport. A video containing the result of thetracking algorithm has been submitted as Supplementary Video 1.



1. 引言

2. 研究动机

3. 通用方法

4. 检测算法

5. 跟踪算法

6. 结果

7. 验证

8. 结论



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