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已有 1632 次阅读 2020-8-3 16:27 |系统分类:科研笔记|文章来源:转载

本文为澳大利亚邦德大学(作者:Clarence Nyap Watt Tan)的博士论文,共220页。




Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), whichfall under the Artificial Intelligence (AI) methodology, have enjoyed a recentrevival in interest associated with advances in computer technology. While ANNswere originally developed to model the biological behavior of brain cells callneurons, recent years have seen them applied in such diverse areas as detectingbombs in airports, cancer cells in pap smears, fraud in credit cardtransactions, schizophrenia in mental patients, heart attacks, and foreignexchange forecasting. This thesis examines the viability of applying ANNs toproblems in the finance domain using Australian financial data. The researchfocuses on two particular areas: predicting distress in credit unions of NewSouth Wales and modeling the Australian/US dollar foreign exchange tradingsystems. The thesis examines the methodologies involved in applying ANNs tothese problems as well as comparing their results with those of moreconventional econometric methods. The chapter outline is as follows: 1:Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Neural Networks 1: AnArtificial Neural Networks’ Primer 1: The Technical and Statistical Aspects ofArtificial Neural Networks 1: Using Artificial Neural Networks to Develop AnEarly Warning Predictor for Credit Union Financial Distress 1: ApplyingArtificial Neural Networks in Finance: A Foreign Exchange Market Trading SystemExample with Transactions Costs 1: Conclusion


1. 人工智能与人工神经网络简介

2. 人工神经网络入门

3. 人工神经网络技术和统计方法

4. 利用人工神经网络建立信用社财务困境的预警预报器

5. 人工神经网络在金融中的应用:一个具有交易代价的外汇市场交易系统

6. 结论



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