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已有 1624 次阅读 2020-6-4 17:33 |系统分类:科研笔记|文章来源:转载

本文为德国达姆施塔特工业大学(作者:Christoph Münker)的硕士论文,共99页。




Convolution Neural Networks (ConvNets) arespecialized Neural Networks, which are well suited for the processing of imagesand had enormously success on many machine learning problems in the last years.Therefore, we are interested in the performance of ConvNets for theclassification of vehicle pose and vehicle class on images of vehicles. Toapply ConvNets on these two tasks, we have developed our own ConvNetarchitecture, and compared this to three state-of-the-art ConvNetarchitectures. Furthermore, we study the capability of the cooperation betweenthese two tasks, because the appearance of the vehicle class is dependent onthe pose of the vehicle. Therefore, we investigate two approaches. The firstapproach is the multi-task learning, which simultaneously learns the two taskson the same model. As the second approach, we use an expert learner. It usesthe detected pose on the image to chose a specially trained model on this posefor the classification of the vehicle class. As data basis is used “TheComprehensive Cars” dataset from Yang et al. [57]. From this dataset, we use97,269 images with 967 different vehicles to train and test the ConvNet. Thelabels for the vehicle pose are manually expanded and improved. For the vehicleclass, we define a new categorization and could semi-automatically assign thelabels. At the end the vehicle pose is described by eight orientations and the vehicleclass by eight classes. The results show, that the learning of the vehicle poseis not a problem. The single-task model with default settings get an error rateof 1.12%. The vehicle class is not so good and get an error rate of 28.89% withthe default settings. But the multi-task learning increases the performance ofthe vehicle class, so that we reach an error rate of 26.04% with our bestsingle model. The ensemble learning improves the error to 24.87%.


1. 引言

2. 机器学习、神经网络与卷积神经网络基础

3. 相关工作

4. 数据集

5. 图像预处理与分割

6. 研究方法

7. 评估

8. 结论与未来工作展望



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