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已有 1178 次阅读 2020-2-2 17:37 |系统分类:科研笔记|文章来源:转载

本文为英国金斯顿大学(作者:Norbert Erich Buch)的博士论文,共248页。










An investigation into detection andclassification of vehicles and pedestrians from video in urban traffic scenesis presented. The final aim is to produce systems to guide surveillanceoperators and reduce human resources for observing hundreds of cameras in urbantraffic surveillance. Cameras are a well established means for traffic managersto observe traffic states and improve journey experiences. Firstly, per framevehicle detection and classification is performed using 3D models on calibratedcameras. Motion silhouettes (from background estimation) are extracted andcompared to a projected model silhouette to identify the ground plane positionand class of vehicles and pedestrians. The system has been evaluated with thereference i-LIDS data sets from the UK Home Office. Performance has beencompared for varying numbers of classes, for three different weather conditionsand for different video input filters. The full system including detection andclassification achieves a recall of 87% at a precision of 85.5% outperformingsimilar systems in the literature. To improve robustness, the use of localimage patches to incorporate object appearance is investigated for surveillanceapplications. As an example, a novel texture saliency classifier has beenproposed to detect people in a video frame by identifying salient textureregions. The image is classified into foreground and background in real- time.No temporal image information is used during the classification. The system isused for the task of detecting people entering a sterile zone, a commonscenario for visual surveillance. Testing has been performed on the i-LIDSsterile zone benchmark data set of the UK Home Office. The basic detector isextended by fusing its output with simple motion information, whichsignificantly outperforms standard motion tracking. Lower detection time can beachieved by combining texture classification with Kalman filtering. The fusionapproach running on 10 frames per second gives the highest result of F1=0.92for the 24 hour test data set. Based on the good results for local features, anovel classifier has been introduced by combining the concept of 3D models withlocal features to overcome limitations of conventional silhouette-based methodsand local features in 2D. The appearance of vehicles varies substantially withthe viewing angle and local features may often be occluded. In this thesis,full 3D models are used for the object categories to be detected and thefeature patches are defined over these models. A calibrated camera allows anaffine transformation of the observation into a normalised representation fromwhich ‗3DHOG‘ features (3D extended histogram of oriented gradients) aredefined. A variable set of interest points is used in the detection andclassification processes, depending on which points in the 3D model arevisible. The 3DHOG feature is compared with features based on FFT and simplehistograms and also to the motion silhouette baseline on the same data. Theresults demonstrate that the proposed method achieves comparable performance.In particular, an advantage of the proposed method is that it is robust againstmissshaped motion silhouettes which can be caused by variable lighting, cameraquality and occlusions from other objects. The proposed algorithms areevaluated further on a new data set from a different camera with higher resolution,which demonstrates the portability of the training data to novel camera views.Kalman filter tracking is introduced to gain trajectory information, which isused for behaviour analysis. Correctly detected tracks of 94% outperform abaseline motion tracker (OpenCV) tested under the same conditions. Ademonstrator for bus lane monitoring is introduced using the output of thedetection and classification system. The thesis concludes with a criticalanalysis of the work and the outlook for future research opportunities.







5 3DHOG分类器








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