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已有 3822 次阅读 2018-4-22 20:49 |系统分类:科研笔记| 计量学, 国内引文数据库

题目:National and International Scientific Elites

主讲人简介:舒非,武汉大学新闻学学士、暨南大学法学硕士、加拿大康考迪亚大学教育学硕士、麦吉尔大学信息学博士,研究兴趣包括信息计量、科学交流和科研评价等,在SCI/SSCI期刊Journal of Informetrics(Elsevier)、Scientometrics(Springer)、Aslib Journal of Information Management(Emerald)等发表学术论文6篇,在ASIS&T、ISSI、iConference等知名国际会议和其它同行评议期刊发表学术论文30多篇。
【讲座内容详见: http://prezi.com/omkico_hud1o/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy 】


(1)In a given discipline ,are the researchers who represent the scientific elite(in terms of numbers of papers)the same in the WOS and in a Chinese database?

(2)In a given discipline,are the institutional affiliations of the group of Chinese scientific elites in WOS different from the institutional affiliations of the group in a Chinese database?

(3)How is the overlap between the scientific elites different in the various discipline?

针对这三个问题,苏博士分析了五个国内数据库:CSCD(与WOS具有类似的结构,但是limited coverage)、Chinese Science and Technology Paper and Citation database(official database covering more journal,缺陷Selection criteria for source journals)、CSSCI(仅仅具有人文学科的)、China academic journal Full-text database(Full-text search function但是limited citation data)、VIP(chinese science and technology periodical citation database,highest coverage).最终选择了VIp作为主要数据库,分析了:232(WOS categories)和 35fields 457 subfields(二者重合的115 one-to-one matches中发现的TOP100 schloars in terms of the number of publications between 2008 and 2015 in each discipline,经过8月的消歧(作者,作者机构),最终发现:

(1)在social science and humanities,中国学者发表了few wos papers (compared to the large number of publications in national journals),因此,wos 并不能代表中国作者的学术活动,研究学者research performance应该使用国内引文数据库的研究;

(2)Natural science,包括(science and biomedicine,physical science and technology)中国学者diffuse their research results both internatioal journals and national journals,学者的研究performance应该同时使用wos与国内引文数据库(chinese blbliometric database);


为什么会有这样情况?为此他进一步做了这样‘所以然’的探索,(另外一篇的工作) a comparison of the classification system of science between journal-level and paper-level,他分析了书的分类目录:library congress classification()LCC),Library of congress subject headings (LCSH),dewey decimal classification(DCC) ,medical subject headings(MeSH),与期刊目录CSCD。。


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