

科学家杂志Best Places to Work Industry, 2011(翻译)

已有 5449 次阅读 2011-11-25 21:49 |个人分类:科学家杂志翻译|系统分类:科普集锦| 2011






Best Places to Work Industry, 2011


By forging new relationships and finding novel uses for existing technologies, this year’s top companies are employing creative ways to advance their science.



By Hannah Waters | May 1, 2011


Like the reeds of an old Aesop fable, the companies that topped our 2011 Best Places to Work in Industry survey are bending—but not breaking—under the strain of continued economic adversity. With funding agencies still awarding grants only to the cream of the crop and 2009 stimulus funds expected to run dry as soon as next year, companies are working hard to find new funding sources that will allow them to survive despite the still-depressed economy.



Taking advantage of the growing personal-genomics boom, for example, DNA Genotek, the survey’s #8 company, expanded the market for its saliva-based DNA collection kit from population geneticists in the field to consumers in their homes by licensing its wares to genetic-testing companies. The recent uptick in the use of personalized genetic tests has boosted DNA Genotek’s income, which the company puts right back into basic research. “Personal genomics just became yet another market that we’re playing into,” says DNA Genotek product development manager Rafal Iwasiow.

  比如,本次调查中排名第八的DNA Genotek公司借助日益然繁荣的个体化基因组学研究,通过对遗传检测公司授权其产品,将唾液DNA收集试剂盒市场从这个领域的人口遗传学家扩展到了家庭消费者。最近个性化基因试剂盒使用的增加提高了DNA Genotek公司的收入,而这也得以让公司把资金回放到基础研究中。DNA Genotek的产品研发经理Rafal Iwasiow说“个体化基因组学刚成为我们涉及的另外一个市场,”。


New collaborations were also common among this year’s top companies. Epizyme, the survey’s #1 company, which specializes in developing inhibitors for epigenetic enzymes, recently signed deals potentially worth more than $800 million with pharmaceutical giants GlaxoSmithKline and Eisai to develop epigenetics-targeted therapies for cancer and other diseases. “It’s a good sign for our company’s stability in the near term,” says Epizyme research associate Christina Allain.

新的合作在今年的顶尖企业中也是很常见的。本次调查排名第一的Epizyme公司专门从事表观遗传酶的研究,目前与制药巨头GlaxoSmithKlineEisai公司签署了一份价值可能超过800万美元的协议以研究表观遗传学靶向的癌症和其他疾病的治疗方法。 Epizyme公司副研究员Christina Allain说“这对我们公司短期内的稳定发展是一个好兆头”。


Other top companies are collaborating with a different type of partner altogether—academia. Conversant Bio, a Huntsville, Alabama–based biotech that offers patient-sample and cell-based assays, formed relationships with labs at Stanford University to share samples, equipment, and information. And in Fargo, North Dakota, 3rd-ranked Aldevron is participating in a state-funded project to build a science city, involving collaborations between North Dakota State University labs and local research companies. “There’s a really neat synergy that’s forming here,” says Aldevron’s director of business development Michael Jablon.

  其他的顶级企业正在与一个完全不同类型的伙伴进行合作---学术界。Conversant Bio是一家位于亚拉巴马州汉茨维尔市提供病例样本和细胞检测的生物科技研究所,与斯坦福大学的实验室建立了共享标本、设备和信息的合作关系。在北达科他州法戈市,排名第三的 Aldevron公司正在参与一个国家资助的项目来建设一个科技城,其中包括北达科他州州立大学实验室与当地研究公司的合作。“这里正在形成一种很绝妙的协同作用,”Aldevron公司的业务发展主管Michael Jablon说。


Read on to learn more about the strengths and weaknesses of this year’s top-ranking companies, how multinational companies are using their diversity to their advantage, and the different ways companies are creatively utilizing state and federal funding to help their researchers succeed.




Epigenetic Endeavors at Epizyme



This year’s No. 1 company has grown exponentially since its founding in 2007, with a research focus on the epigenetics of cancer and developing drugs to modify variations in DNA methylation. Epizyme, the #1 company on this year’s overall list, has grown exponentially since its founding in 2007—from just two employees to its current R&D staff of 26. In the last year, the company identified two novel mechanisms linked to cancer, inked partnerships with two major pharmaceutical companies, and signed a lease on a larger office. The growth is “a tremendous validation of us as a company and how we’re executing things,” says medicinal chemist Ed Olhava.

   今年排名1号的公司自2007年成立以来发展迅猛,它重点研究癌症的表观遗传学和研发修饰DNA甲基化变异的药物。Epizyme公司, 今年整体名单上排名第一的公司,自2007年成立以来发展迅猛---从当初的两名雇员到如今的26名研发人员。在过去的一年中,公司确定了两种新型致癌机制,与两家主要制药企业签署协议,并租赁了一个大型办公室。这种发展是“我们作为一家企业和事务执行力的一个有力的证明,”药物化学家Ed Olhava说。


Christina "CJ" Allain prepares cells for measurement of histone methyl transferase inhibitor activity.

   Christina "CJ" Allain为组蛋白甲基转移酶抑制剂活性的测定准备细胞


Based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, the company researches the epigenetics of cancer and develops drugs to modify variations in DNA methylation. The company recently identified how normal and mutant histone methyltransferase EZH2 work together to regulate growth in B-cell lymphomas, and developed a small-molecule inhibitor for another methyltransferase, DOT1L, which is able to selectively kill mixed-lineage leukemia cells in vitro.



Epizyme’s research has attracted the attention of pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline, which announced its partnership with Epizyme in January, providing the company with up to $650 million to search for new epigenetic drugs. And this March, Epizyme signed a deal worth up to $200 million with the Japanese company Eisai to develop therapeutics targeting EZH2 to treat lymphoma and other cancers.



Epizyme’s newfound collaborations are a big change for the small company, and the employees are excited about what’s to come. “It’s a great morale boost,” says Christina Allain, who develops cell-based assays for the company—“a pat on the back.

  Epizyme公司与外界新建立的合作对于这个小公司来说是个巨大的改变,所有员工都对即将来临的境况满怀期待为公司研发出细胞分析方法Christina Allain说:“这太振奋人心了,这是鼓励


Despite its growth, the company has stayed in the same, small office, says Allain. This isn’t a complaint, however: “It gives us a real sense of camaraderie,” she adds. But the employees’ elbow room is about to expand. In March, Epizyme signed a lease for a space in Cambridge nearly twice the size of its current office. “We made sure to have a bar in the new conference room for happy hours,” says Allain. “We have our priorities straight!




Personal Genomics Boosts DNA Genotek

  个体化基因组学推进DNA Genotek公司的发展


Ranked No. 8 among this year’s top companies, DNA Genotek has found a surprising new source of revenue—licensing its products to genetic-testing companies. DNA Genotek, #8 among this year’s top-ranked companies, was developing easier ways for fieldworkers to collect DNA samples for research when the personal genomics craze took off, revealing an new market for its products. “The explosion in the personal-medicine area definitely opened up opportunities for DNA Genotek,” providing its employees with a novel revenue source, says Rafal Iwasiow, a former researcher who now works in development.

  位列今年顶尖公司排名第八位的DNA Genotek 公司已经找到了一个令人惊讶的新的收入来源---对基因检测公司授权自己的产品。在个体基因组学的研究热潮开始时,本年度一流企业榜排名第八的DNA Genotek 公司抓住机遇,研发出了更方便开发工作者收集DNA标本的方法,为其产品开启了一个全新的市场,。“个人医药领域的火热为DNA Genotek 公司打开了机会的大门,”并为它的员工带来了新的经济来源,一位现在开发部工作的前研究员Rafal Iwasiow说到。


Rama Panford-Walsh, Ph.D., Product Development Scientist at DNA Genotek Inc. is extracting DNA from the company’s Oragene saliva-based collection device.

  Rama Panford-Walsh博士,DNA Genotek 公司产品研发科学家,正在从公司的Oragene唾液收集装置中提取DNA


Until DNA Genotek released its saliva-based DNA collection product, Oragene, in 2004, there were only two reliable sources for routinely extracting DNA: a blood draw—a cumbersome process involving needles and a trip to the doctor—and a cheek swab or scrape, which can produce too small a sample. Because it uses saliva, Oragene allows patients to easily collect their own sample at home. The kits quickly became a widely trusted source for collecting DNA material, and are utilized by companies such as 23andMe and Navigenics.

  2004DNA Genotek 公司推出它的唾液DNA收集产品Oragene之前,市场上只有两种可靠的方法进行DNA的常规提取:一,抽血——一个繁琐的过程,涉及注射器和看医生;二,一个面颊拭子或者刮擦物,它只能产出极少的样本量。由于它只需唾液,Oragene工具包可以让病人在家中就很轻易的采样。这种工具箱迅速成为一个被广泛接受和应用的DNA收集途径,并被例如23andMeNavigenics这样的大公司所使用。


Personalized genetic tests have “been a big opportunity and business focus for us,” says Paul Payette, a business manager at DNA Genotek. But the saliva kit wasn’t developed for personal use. The technology’s original purpose was to help researchers studying the genetics of human populations around the world, using reagents to kill contaminating bacteria and stabilize the DNA for later analysis. Jane McElroy of the University of Missouri School of Medicine, who uses the Oragene kit to study genetic polymorphisms that may mediate a link between cadmium exposure and endometrial cancer, says the technology allows her to collect samples by mail and store them for years.

   个体化基因检测“对我们来说已经成为一个商机和重要业务”,DNA Genotek 公司的业务经理Paul Payette说。但是该唾液收集器不是为个人使用而研发的。这项技术最初的目的是利用试剂杀灭污染的细菌和稳定供日后分析用的DNA,来帮助研究人员研究世界各地的人口。密苏里大学医学院的Jane McElroyOragene试剂盒研究DNA多态性,它可能介导镉暴露和子宫内膜癌的联系,她说这项技术让她可以通过邮寄的方式收集标本并保存它们多年。


Now, with the money coming in from Oragene sales to personal-genomics companies, DNA Genotek has begun to develop saliva-collection kits for population genetics studies of animals, such as dogs, livestock, and endangered species. “When revenues are strong, that allows you to explore other avenues,” says Payette.

  现在,利用通过向个人基因检测公司销售Oragene产品所得的资金,DNA Genotek 公司已经开始研发针对比如狗,家畜和濒危物种等动物种群遗传学研究的唾液收集试剂盒。“当收入状况十分良好时,你就可以探索其他领域了,”Payette说。



Worldwide Collaboration



This year’s top large companies excel at maintaining communication among their far-reaching branches, sharing information across the globe to keep research running smoothly and efficiently. Maintaining regular and open communication among the worldwide branches of a multinational company is no easy task. But some of the companies that topped this year’s list of large companies have managed to overcome this obstacle, sharing information across the globe to keep international research running smoothly and efficiently.



DuPont laboratory laminator, Xavier Dubreuil

  DuPont实验室压膜机,Xavier Dubreuil


This year’s #6 large company, Novartis, the fifth largest pharmaceutical company in the world (by 2009 revenue), has nine far-flung campuses in its Institutes for BioMedical Research alone. Apart from some minor language barriers, the diversity is a boon for research, says executive director Peter Finan. “People from different countries have a different view of how they do things, the risks they take, and the processes they follow,” and these varied approaches are shared among research centers, he says.

   今年排名第六的公司,Novartis公司,是世界第五大制药公司(来源于2009年的业绩),单生物医学研究所就有9个跨国园区。除了一些轻微的语言障碍,多样性对研究来说是有益的,执行理事Peter Finan说。“这些人来自不同的国家,在做事方式,风险承担和程序进行的问题上有不同的观点,”并且这些各式各样的想法在研究中心里被分享开来,他说。


The company’s wide reach also opens doors to some unexpected collaborations, Finan says, such as the connections he’s made with companies and universities in Shanghai, despite his home base in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Without a worldwide network, “you’re unlikely to build the same level of collaboration that you can around these local science hubs,” he says. And with its high-tech communication equipment, Novartis’s long-distance chats are accompanied by a life-size video feed of the teleconferencing researchers.

  该公司的广泛影响力也打开了一些令人意想不到的合作之门,Finan说,比如,尽管他的本部在马萨诸塞州剑桥,但仍与上海的一些公司和大学有合作。没有一个全球性网络,“ 你不可能建立起围绕当地科技中心协作一样级别的合作,”他说到。在它的高科技通讯设备的帮助下,Novartis公司的远程会议随着为远程研究人员准备的真人大小视频的开启而开始了。


At Pioneer Hi-Bred: A DuPont Business, this year’s #2 large company, there isn’t just an international exchange of ideas, but of products as well. As a corn breeder and president of the company’s research center in Italy, Bruno Albrecht selects for traits suitable for a particular region’s environmental challenges. Sometimes a cultivar developed in one country will be successful in another region, such as the corn hybrids developed in North America now grown in the climatically similar Europe. Methods are also shared: the US branch recently developed a more efficient way of producing inbred lines, which is now employed in Pioneer’s research centers worldwide.

  先锋公司,DuPont子公司,本年度排名第二的公司,它的业务不仅仅是国际交流想法,也交流产品。作为意大利的公司研究中心主席的谷物培育专家,Bruno Albrecht 选择品种特性来适应特殊区域的挑战性环境。有时一个国家的培育物种在另外一个地区也可以很好的生长,比如北美培育的杂交玉米在气候相似的欧洲地区也生长良好。方法也同样共享:美国分公司目前开发了一个生产自交品系更有效的方式,而这种方式现在被全世界的Pioneer公司的研究中心所应用。


This leads to some healthy competition between branches, Albrecht adds, as each center wants to develop the best product or method. But regardless of where it comes from, it’s “good for farmers at the end if we’re better able to deliver products with very outstanding performance.”

  这在一定程度上导致了各分支机构之间的良性竞争,Albrecht 补充到,因为每个研究中心都想研发出最好的产品和方法。“不管它从那个机构来,如果我们能更好的提供优异表现的产品,终受益的是广大的农民。”



Uncle Sam Helps Small Science

  "Sam 大叔"助力小科学


While much of biotech funding comes from venture capitalists and large pharmaceutical partners, some of the biotechs that topped this year’s Best Places to Work survey have taken advantage of a different source—government-funded programs that provide specialized training and services, improving research productivity and employee morale.



Vitae Pharmaceuticals, a Pennsylvania company that develops biopharmaceuticals for disease and #6 on this year’s list, is now able to fund a larger staff thanks to the federal Qualifying Therapeutic Discovery Project Program, which funds drug discovery projects for companies with fewer than 250 employees. This same program also helped Needham, Massachusetts–based Celldex Therapeutics, this year’s #7 company overall, push products through preclinical and clinical trials. “To get a million dollars in cash might not sound like a lot of money to many companies,” says Tina Fiumenero, the CFO at Vitae, which received funding for four separate projects. “But for a company like ours, that can pay for the salaries of several employees on a regular basis.”

本年度排名第六的是位于宾夕法尼亚州的Vitae制药公司,它研发治疗疾病的生物技术药品, 得益与联邦政府为资助公司人数在250人以下的药物开发计划,Qualifying Therapeutic Discovery Project项目,它现在能养活大量员工。此项目同样帮助了今年整体排行第七位,总部设在马萨诸塞州的Celldex公司,推动了产品通过了临床前期和临床试验。“对于许多公司来说现金一百万美元并不算很多钱,”Vitae公司的CFO  Tina Fiumenero说,她获得了四个独立项目的资金,“但是对于我们这样的公司意味着几个员工的定期工资支付。”


State programs can provide more direct benefits to researchers. Pennsylvania’s Bioscience Industry Partnership program provided a grant that allowed Vitae to send company scientists Brian McKeever and Yajun Zheng to an October 2010 training program on fragment-based drug discovery, which uses libraries of small molecules to identify those that bind to a specific target—a drug-development technique the company had never explored. “It taught us another way of thinking about the way we do things,” says McKeever. “We brought the methodology home and have started implementing it already.”

  政府项目可以给研究人员带来更直接的好处。宾夕法尼亚州的生物产业合作计划提供了Vitae公司一笔资金,公司得以派出科学家Brian McKeever Yajun Zheng去参加201010月份一个基于片段的药物研发培训计划,这个计划应用计算机程序识别那些结合特异位点的小分子——公司从未涉及过的一项药物研发技术。“它教会了我们用不同的方式思考我们的所作所为,” McKeever说,“我们把这样的思考方法带回公司并且已经开始实施它了。”


Fargo, North Dakota–based Aldevron, #3 among this year’s top companies, benefits from a very different government-funded resource: the expertise of Satish Chandrasekhar, a “biotech superstar,” according to Aldevron’s CEO Michael Chambers. As the director of the brand-new North Dakota State University Center for Biopharmaceutical Research and Production, Chandrasekhar has raised over $10 million dollars in the last 10 months to advise companies, facilitate collaborations between industry and academia, and provide specialized training to students. “The ultimate goal is to increase biotech activity and jobs in the biotech space here,” says Chandrasekhar, who hopes to eventually build a “biotech city” in Fargo. “He helps companies like Aldevron jump the gap from research to clinical development,” says Chambers.

  位于北达科他州法戈市的Aldevron公司,在今年的排行榜位列第三,从一个很不同的政府基金中获益:Satish Chandrasekhar,一个“生物科技领域的超级明星”,据Aldevron公司的CEO Michael Chambers说。作为全新的北达科他州州立大学生物制药研发中心的主席,Chandrasekhar在过去的10个月中创造了超过1000万美元的价值,他当公司顾问,促进产业界与学术界之间的合作建立,为学生提供专门培训。“我的终极目标是提高这里生物科研领域中科研的活力和工作,” Chandrasekhar说,他希望最终在法戈建立一座“生物科技城”。Chambers说,“他帮助像Aldevron 这样的公司缩小实验室研究到临床试验开发之间的差距。”



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