文章链接: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/21501203.2022.2096144
文章引言 栾树(Koelreuteria paniculata)系无患子科栾树属落叶乔木树种,又被称为灯笼树,由于其重要的观赏、药用和经济价值而被大量栽培。枝枯病可导致寄主植物枝条无法正常生长,严重时甚至整株死亡,栾树虽然在我国广泛种植,但其生存也受到各种病原菌的威胁,其中很大程度上受到枝枯病的影响。本研究通过形态学结合多基因系统发生分析等手段,系统地开展北京栾树枝枯病相关病原菌的多样性研究,并对相关病原菌的致病性进行探索。
研究发现 病原菌的鉴定 根据形态特征并结合多基因系统发育分析,鉴定了6种栾树枝枯病相关病原真菌(图1),包含5个已知种(Allocryptovalsa castaneicola、Botryosphaeria dothidea、Dothiorella acericola、Eutypella citricola和Peroneutypa scoparia)和1个新种(Cytospora koelreutericola sp. nov.)(图2),其中首次发现了Allocryptovalsa castaneicola的无性型。 图1 不同病原菌在PDA培养基上的菌落 a. Allocryptovalsa castaneicola CFCC 56962. b. Botryosphaeria dothidea CFCC 56958. c. Cytospora koelreutericola CFCC 56961. d. Dothiorella acericola CFCC 56966. e. Eutypella citricola CFCC 56968. f. Peroneutypa scoparia CFCC 56957.
图2 Cytospora koelreutericola的形态照 a–b. Habit of conidiomata on twig. c. Transverse section of conidioma. d. Longitudinal section through conidioma. e. Conidiophores and conidiogenous cells. f. Conidia. Scale bars: b = 250 mm, c–d = 500 μm, e–f = 5 μm.
病原菌的分离率 在栾树枝枯病相关病原真菌中,Diatrypaceae真菌的种类最多,包括Allocryptovalsa castaneicola、Eutypella citricola和Peroneutypa scoparia;而Botryosphaeriaceae真菌(Botryosphaeria dothidea和Dothiorella acericola)在数量上更占优势。其中,Botryosphaeria dothidea在所有的采样点均被分离到(表1)。
表1 不同病原菌的分离率
病原菌的致病性 致病性试验结果表明,6种病原真菌均会在栾树树皮上产生不同大小的病斑(图3),其中Botryosphaeria dothidea对栾树的侵染性更强。 图3 栾树接种不同病原菌后的发病情况 a, h. Allocryptovalsa castaneicola. b, i. Botryosphaeria dothidea. c, j. Cytospora koelreutericola. d, k. Dothiorella acericola. e, l. Eutypella citricola. f, m. Peroneutypa scoparia. g, n. Negative control. Row 1: lesions on the bark; Row 2: lesions beneath the bark.
Please cite this article as 引用信息 Meng Pan, Lu Lin, Chengming Tian & Xinlei Fan (2023) Identification and pathogenicity of six fungal species causing canker and dieback disease on golden rain tree in Beijing, China, Mycology, 14: 1, 37-51, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2022.2096144
Tips This study is financed by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Project ID: 32101533) and the National Science and Technology Fundamental Resources Investigation Program of China (Project ID: 2021FY100900).
第一作者:潘萌 北京林业大学林学院森林保护学专业硕士研究生 通讯作者:范鑫磊
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