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ANNOUNCEMENT: Insect Systematics & Evolution Forum

已有 3873 次阅读 2017-2-26 11:28 |系统分类:科研笔记| Symposium, taxonomy, fauna


The 15th Taxonomy and Faunistics Symposium of the Entomological Society of China


1st Insect Systematics and Evolution Forum

To discuss the development strategy of insect systematics and evolutionary biology, to enhance academic communications and interactions between researchers and to promote capacity building of young scholars and students, the 15th Taxonomy and Faunistics Symposium of the Entomological Society of China and the 1st Insect Systematics Evolutionary Biology Forum will be held in July 2017, Beijing, China. The conference is co-organizedby by the Special Committee on Taxonomy and Faunistics, the Special Committee on Fossil Entomology, Young Entomologists Working Committee,the Entomological Society of China and Youth Innovation Promotion Association, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and hosted by CAS Key Laboratory of Zoological and Systematics and Evolution.

1. Content

Academic talks: Recent research advance of subjects on insect systematics and evolution, including morphology, taxonomy, paleoentomology, insect diversity and other relevant topics.

Discussion: development strategy of insect systematics and evolutionary biology, academic communications and interactions between researchers and capacity building of young scholars and students.


Training course: 26th-28th, July, 2017

Registration: 29th, July, 2017

Plenary and symposia: 30-31th, July 2017

Departure: 1st August 2017

3. Working Language

The official language for the workshop and training course is English. English presentations with Chinese PPT or vice versa are acceptable.

4. Venue

Beijing,China (Avenue will be announcedlater)

To simplify the procedure and save costs, we advise attendees to arrange hotels and transportations by yourself.

5. Registration

The registration fee is 1500 RMB for regular attendees and 1000 RMB for students. Invoices will be issued by the Entomological Society of China.

Payment: You can pay your registration at the Registration Desk or through bank transfer. The information on bank transfer appears as below. Please remember to add the note that the registeration is for the ISEBF or taxonomy symposium:

Name of thebank account: The Entomological Society of China (中国昆虫学会)

Bank name: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Beijing West Haidian DistrictSub-Branch (中国工商银行北京海淀西区支行)

Bankaccount number: 0200004509089163471

As there might not be POS machine while you are registering on desk, please pay yourregistration fee at the Registration Desk by cash.

6. Organizing Commitee

Prof. DongREN, Prof. Ge-Xia QIAO, Prof. Wen-Jun BU, Prof. Chao-Dong Zhu, Prof. Xing-Yue Liu,Prof. Qiang XIE, Assoc. Prof. Ming BAI

7. Training Course

Location: Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Organizer: Dr. Bai Mingbaim@ioz.ac.cn

Specialists: To be announced soon.

8. Contact persons

ZhouQing-Song: zhouqingsong@ioz.ac.cn (E-mail), 13269366765(Tel)

DaiQing-Yan: daiqy@ioz.ac.cn (E-mail), 15210841962 (Tel)

Address:Institute of Zoology, CAS, 1 Beichen West Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing100101

Fax: 08610-64807099

Organizers: The Special Committee on Taxonomy and Faunistics, the Entomological Society of China

The Special Committee on Fossil Insects, the EntomologicalSociety of China

The Special Committee on PollinatorInsects, the Entomological Society of China

The Young Entomologists Committee, the Entomological Society of China

The Youth Innovation Promotion Association, CAS

Host: Key Laboratory of Zoological and Systematics and Evolution, CAS


Participant information for the Insect Systematics Evolution Forum




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