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Quantum Theory Is Pseudo Science

已有 2246 次阅读 2016-8-17 10:37 |系统分类:观点评述| Religion

The project of Quantum Communucation is a 'religion project'. The photons so claimed, emitted, used for quantum entanglement, are not existential.

This is ingnorance.

The basic concepts and formulae are all wrong, guaranteed.

This is not advanced technology, but 'DJH' projects.

All quantum sort of things can be implemented more efficiently using conventional techology.

There is an old saying: 'no pay, no gain'. In quantum practice, you payed too much, get low efficiency. This is 100% pay more and get less. Here, more is not refer to money, it refer to the low standard technology.

As for the security, no technology is absolutely secure. You can invent something, someone else can easily follow next.

This only serve as a reminder that it is not quantum technology, it's a second hand project that can easily break technically. Only unqualified people will make such project.

I can not come, if I can, I will tell you what is what easily, quantum, photon, entangement, relativity, high or low, no problem whatsoever. Actually, knowledge has no high or low standard, the so-called higher level knowledge is really much more easier.

Almost all so-called professors are not even qualified as ..........

After all, it's no use to tell what qualification can do something, qualifications can be given to anyone, but ability is different thing. if you are the boss, you need people who can do the right job.

Only if you run business like your own, then it is possible that you can do the right things.

The standard for right or wrong is not by how many people believing sth and how long they have believed it. It depend on sth itself, again, quantum theory is pseudo science and this is the fact.

See these pictures, high rank officials, it's really discusting.

Public security department should have technical devision to have these considered. I considered this long time ago.

Other projects like LIGOs are similar in the nature.

Where do you want lead your people and future?

I can not help any more than just telling the truth and it's not my ability and or duty to do any more than this. It's your own bussiness.

Again, this is only a reminder.

Have good dreams, and happy everyone.


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