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▲ Vol 10 Issue 03 |  May, 2024

Microstructure optimization and electrochemical behavior of in-situ growth Ramsdellite-MnO2@NCA-LDH@CC for supercapacitors and oxygen evolution reaction catalysts

Xinpeng Huang, Yanli Li, Xuehua Yan, Feng Zhang, Chu Chu, Jili Wu, Jianmei Pan, Zohreh Shahnavaz, Jamile Mohammadi Moradian

Supercapacitors are electrochemical energy storage devices with great potential applications. Meanwhile, the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) determines the efficiency of some electrochemical energy conversions. This study aims at constructing, exploring, and optimizing Ramsdellite-MnO2@NiCoAl-LDH@CC (R-MNCA@CC) composites. The effect of microstructure and Al role on the performance is investigated when R-MNCA@CC was used as supercapacitor electrode material and OER catalyst. Coral-like R-MNCA@CC in-situ growth composites were synthesized by a two-step hydrothermal method. R-MNCA@CC-2 (molar ratio of Ni:Co:Al is 1:1:1) performs the best with the largest specific capacitance, 1,742 F/g at 1 A/g, increased by 797% and 1,489% compared to that of NiCoAl-LDH and Ramsdellite-MnO2. The capacitance retention rate of the R-MNCA@CC-2//AC@CC supercapacitor is 80.1% after 5,000 cycles at 0.8 A/g. The overpotential for driving an OER to reach 10 m/cm2 is only 276 mV, which is lower than that of commercial IrO2 (300 mV). Noteworthy, we propose a view that is “competing to trigger redox reaction” of electrochemical active sites in LDH during electrochemical processes derived from a discrepancy between theory and experimental results.



▲ Vol 07 Issue 03 |  May, 2024

Dual-Functional Electrode Promoting Dendrite-Free and CO2 Utilization Enabled High-Reversible Symmetric Na-CO2 Batteries

Changfan Xu, Jiajia Qiu, Yulian Dong, Yueliang Li, Yonglong Shen, Huaping Zhao, Ute Kaiser, Guosheng Shao, Yong Lei

Sodium-carbon dioxide (Na-CO2) batteries are regarded as promising energy storage technologies because of their impressive theoretical energy density and CO2 reutilization, but their practical applications are restricted by uncontrollable sodium dendrite growth and poor electrochemical kinetics of CO2 cathode. Constructing suitable multifunctional electrodes for dendrite-free anodes and kinetics-enhanced CO2 cathodes is considered one of the most important ways to advance the practical application of Na-CO2 batteries. Herein, RuO2 nanoparticles encapsulated in carbon paper (RuCP) are rationally designed and employed as both Na anode host and CO2 cathode in Na-CO2 batteries. The outstanding sodiophilicity and high catalytic activity of RuCP electrodes can simultaneously contribute to homogenous Na+ distribution and dendrite-free sodium structure at the anode, as well as strengthen discharge and charge kinetics at the cathode. The morphological evolution confirmed the uniform deposition of Na on RuCP anode with dense and flat interfaces, delivering enhanced Coulombic efficiency of 99.5% and cycling stability near 1500 cycles. Meanwhile, Na-CO2 batteries with RuCP cathode demonstrated excellent cycling stability (>350 cycles). Significantly, implementation of a dendrite-free RuCP@Na anode and catalytic-site-rich RuCP cathode allowed for the construction of a symmetric Na-CO2 battery with long-duration cyclability, offering inspiration for extensive practical uses of Na-CO2 batteries.



▲ Vol 02 Issue 02 |  01 May, 2024

Flexoelectricity in hydroxyapatite for the enhanced piezocatalytic degradation of phenanthrene in soil

Jun Han,  Wenrou Tian, Ye Miao, Najun Li, Dongyun Chen, Qingfeng Xu, Hua Lia  and  Jianmei Lu

Coupling the effects of flexoelectricity with piezoelectricity has been proved to effectively harvest mechanical energy. In this study, a composition-graded core–shell structure (HAP@FAP) was prepared by surface-gradient F-doping in hydroxyapatite, which could introduce flexoelectricity by a built-in strain gradient. A flexoelectric-boosted piezoelectric response was demonstrated by piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM) characterization, showing that the piezoelectric constant of HAP@FAP was increased by 2.25 times via a lattice strain gradient induced by chemical heterogeneities derived from the unique composition-graded core–shell structure. Thus, the piezocatalytic activity of HAP@FAP for phenanthrene (PHE) degradation in soil was enhanced. This work provides a new strategy for the modification of piezoelectric catalysts for the remediation of organics-contaminated soils on industrial land.

Keywords: Hydroxyapatite; Flexoelectricity; Piezocatalysis; Gradient doping; Soil remediation.



▲ Vol 15 Issue 17 |  07 May, 2024

High-throughput single-cell mass spectrometry enables metabolic network analysis by resolving phospholipid C[double bond, length as m-dash]C isomers

Simin Cheng, Chenxi Cao, Yao Qian, Huan Yao, Xiaoyun Gong, Xinhua Dai, Zheng Ouyang and Xiaoxiao Ma

Single-cell mass spectrometry (MS) is an essential technology for sensitive and multiplexed analysis of metabolites and lipids for cell phenotyping and pathway studies. However, the structural elucidation of lipids from single cells remains a challenge, especially in the high-throughput scenario. Technically, there is a contradiction between the inadequate sample amount (i.e. a single cell, 0.5–20 pL) for replicate or multiple analysis, on the one hand, and the high metabolite coverage and multidimensional structure analysis that needs to be performed for each single cell, on the other hand. Here, we have developed a high-throughput single-cell MS platform that can perform both lipid profiling and lipid carbon–carbon double bond (C=C) location isomer resolution analysis, aided by C=C activation in unsaturated lipids by the Paternò–Büchi (PB) reaction and tandem MS, termed single-cell structural lipidomics analysis. The method can achieve a single-cell analysis throughput of 51 cells per minute. A total of 145 lipids were structurally characterized at the subclass level, of which the relative abundance of 17 isomeric lipids differing in the location of C=C from 5 lipid precursors was determined. While cell-to-cell variations in MS1-based lipid profiling can be large, an advantage of quantifying lipid C=C location isomers is the significantly improved quantitation accuracy. For example, the relative standard deviations (RSDs) of the relative amounts of PC 34:1 C=C position isomers in MDA-MB-468 cells are half smaller than those measured for PC 34:1 as a whole by MS1 abundance profiling. Taken together, the developed method can be effectively used for in-depth structural lipid metabolism network analysis by high-throughput analysis of 142 MDA-MB-468 human breast cancer cells.

















静远嘲风(MY Scimage) 成立于2007年,嘲风取自中国传统文化中龙生九子,子子不同的传说,嘲风为守护屋脊之瑞兽,喜登高望远;静远取自成语“宁静致远”,登高莫忘初心,远观而不可务远。







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