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已有 1170 次阅读 2022-11-7 16:16 |个人分类:作品发表|系统分类:科研笔记

▲ Vol 22 Issue 19 | May 21, 2012

Amorphous titanate nanospheres fabricated using a contactless phase change process

Jianqiang Li, Guoqing Ba, Peng Hu, Jun Yang, Yunfa Chen, Wei Pan and  Jianding Yu 

Nanometre-sized spherical glasses without conventional network-forming oxides were fabricated for the first time using a novel contactless phase change process. The as-fabricated titanate nanomaterials possess perfect spherical shape and superior optical properties such as high refractive index and wide-banded transmittance from 250 nm to 11 μm. We believe that these unique nanospheres may find significant applications such as antireflective coatings for photovoltaic devices, and the synthesis approach can be extended to a wide range of metastable nanomaterials.


▲ Vol 41 Issue 03 | February 07, 2012

Layered nanocomposites inspired by the structure and mechanical properties of nacre

Jianfeng Wang, Qunfeng Cheng and  Zhiyong Tang

Nacre (mother-of-pearl), made of inorganic and organic constituents (95 vol% aragonite calcium carbonate (CaCO3) platelets and 5 vol% elastic biopolymers), possesses a unique combination of remarkable strength and toughness, which is compatible for conventional high performance materials. The excellent mechanical properties are related to its hierarchical structure and precisely designed organic–inorganic interface. The rational design of aragonite platelet strength, aspect ratio of aragonite platelets, and interface strength ensures that the strength of nacre is maximized under platelet pull-out failure mode. At the same time, the synergy of strain hardening mechanisms acting over multiple scales results in platelets sliding on one another, and thus maximizes the energy dissipation of viscoplastic biopolymers. The excellent integrated mechanical properties with hierarchical structure have inspired chemists and materials scientists to develop biomimetic strategies for artificial nacre materials. This critical review presents a broad overview of the state-of-the-art work on the preparation of layered organic–inorganic nanocomposites inspired by nacre, in particular, the advantages and disadvantages of various biomimetic strategies. Discussion is focused on the effect of the layered structure, interface, and component loading on strength and toughness of nacre-mimic layered nanocomposites (148 references).


▲ Vol 41 Issue 11 | June 07, 2012

Small molecule semiconductors for high-efficiency organic photovoltaics

Yuze Lin,ab  Yongfang Lia  and  Xiaowei Zhan

Organic photovoltaic cells (OPVs) are a promising cost-effective alternative to silicon-based solar cells, and possess light-weight, low-cost, and flexibility advantages. Significant progress has been achieved in the development of novel photovoltaic materials and device structures in the last decade. Nowadays small molecular semiconductors for OPVs have attracted considerable attention, due to their advantages over their polymer counterparts, including well-defined molecular structure, definite molecular weight, and high purity without batch to batch variations. The highest power conversion efficiencies of OPVs based on small molecular donor/fullerene acceptors or polymeric donor/fullerene acceptors are up to 6.7% and 8.3%, respectively, and meanwhile nonfullerene acceptors have also exhibited some promising results. In this review we summarize the developments in small molecular donors, acceptors (fullerene derivatives and nonfullerene molecules), and donor–acceptor dyad systems for high-performance multilayer, bulk heterojunction, and single-component OPVs. We focus on correlations of molecular chemical structures with properties, such as absorption, energy levels, charge mobilities, and photovoltaic performances. This structure–property relationship analysis may guide rational structural design and evaluation of photovoltaic materials (253 references).


▲ Vol 48 Issue 26 | March 28, 2012

Apoferritin–CeO2 nano-truffle that has excellent artificial redox enzyme activity

Xiangyou Liu,  Wei Wei,  Quan Yuan,  Xin Zhang,  Ning Li, Yuguang Du,  Guanghui Ma,  Chunhua Yan and  Ding Ma

4.5 nm nanoceria particles are successfully encapsulated into the apoferritin cavity via a dissociation–reconstruction route. The apoferritin coating not only improves the biocompatibility and changes the cellular uptake route of nanoceria, but also manipulates the electron localization at the surface of the nanoparticle thereby ameliorating the ROS-scavenging activity.


▲ Vol 24 Issue 41 | November 02, 2012

Organic Field-Effect Transistors: Direct Structural Mapping of Organic Field-Effect Transistors Reveals Bottlenecks to Carrier Transport (Adv. Mater. 41/2012) (page 5517)

Ruipeng Li, Jeremy W. Ward, Detlef-M. Smilgies, Marcia M. Payne, John E. Anthony, Oana D. Jurchescu and Aram Amassian

Organic thin film transistors are commonly solution-processed on pre-patterned substrates which can strongly and negatively influence the solidification and crystallization behaviors of the semiconductor causing a reduction in carrier mobility. On page 5553, Aram Amassian and co-workers demonstrate an X-ray microbeam technique capable of mapping the microstructural variations of the organic semiconductor within the channel of real devices; the insight is used to reduce bottlenecks to charge transport.


▲ Vol 05 Issue 02 | February, 2012

Studies of graphene-based nanoelectromechanical switches

Zhiwen Shi,Hongliang Lu,Lianchang Zhang,Rong Yang,Yi Wang,Donghua Liu,Haiming Guo,Dongxia Shi,Hongjun Gao,Enge Wang,Guangyu Zhang

Electromechanical switch devices employing suspended graphene as movable elements have been developed. Their on and off states can be controlled by modulating the electrostatic force applied to the graphene. The devices exhibit on-off ratios of up to 104 and lifetimes of over 500 cycles. The prototype device demonstrates the feasibility of using multilayer graphene in electromechanical systems. Measurements of the mechanical properties of the free-standing monolayer graphene gave a value of 0.96 TPa for the Young’s modulus and a van der Waals force with silicon oxide of 0.17 nN/nm2.
















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